Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

Got beaten again by HRH on the court this morning...

Evod and Subtank Mini doing service ;-)

Lol, perfect weather for mid winter -

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BB and skyline taking there place for the 13 hour flight. Let's see if the Skyline will leak with a full tank.


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BB and skyline taking there place for the 13 hour flight. Let's see if the Skyline will leak with a full tank.

Keep us posted on the leaking. My skyline making it's first trip sometime next week

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I avoid chicken if there are lamb chops involved. ;-)

By the way, on that note,
We are avoiding chicken for the meantime because of the Avian flu issue



Some home cooked goodness at mums house.

Skyline being put through the paces.

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@Amir - that home cooked food above looks scrumptious
Quite difficult seeing that now, we ate a few hours ago and now I am hungry again!
@Amir - that home cooked food above looks scrumptious
Quite difficult seeing that now, we ate a few hours ago and now I am hungry again!

That's how I felt looking at this thread while fasting so I just had to get involved here. I'm glad I inspired your tummy lol

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Out to Mundo Vida in Umdloti for my daughters birthday... this is a mighty fine restaurant and I would give them 10 out of 10 for everything today! What an outstanding meal! :h: Two BB's went with!
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Out to Mundo Vida in Umdloti for my daughters birthday... this is a mighty fine restaurant and I would give them 10 out of 10 for everything today! What an outstanding meal! :h: Two BB's went with!
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Nice basic simple white table cloths and good lighting inside the restaurant. Proper high end vibe to the place. Let the menu do the talking. I like it.

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And so the journey begins... in style

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Best Buffalo wings I've ever had at the Cheesecake Factory at Dubai mall. Only thing is, I was a bit too slow to take a pic.





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Dessert at Tim Hortons


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SABAA prize giving evening... matchy matcherson vape equipment to match the Protea jacket! Green Phantom with Skyline and BB Green! :b1:
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@Amir you have to try Eately at the Dubai mall. One of the best Arabiatta pastas I've ever had