Out And About With Your Reo!

It was the 27th and there was ppl that congratulated me on the forum in the happy birthday thread :)

I hope I did, can't think I would miss it - will have to look.
@kimbo, your Reo looks amazing in those pics!
@johan ogh that Hornet looks nice how is the flavour compared to the RM2 in your experience ?
Went out last night to a wine tasting and pairing evening at the 1000 Hill Chef School for a 6 course meal... Yes I know I should have taken Avril or Camila with me...

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And here is the menu in case any of you foodies are interested! And yes that was real bunny in the bunny chow... my first time I have had real bunny... a lot like chicken but I kept thinking of Thumper... Kesley could not bring herself to eat bunny!

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@johan ogh that Hornet looks nice how is the flavour compared to the RM2 in your experience ?

Currently run with a macro coil; 8 wraps 24G, ID 2.5mm and Rayon, flavor similar than RM2. I can't really say its better than the RM2 at this stage. I will try next week to fit my favorite 0.9 x 0.1mm ribbon ugly coil with Ekowool (if possible) and then only I will be able to accurately give a verdict.
And here is the menu in case any of you foodies are interested! And yes that was real bunny in the bunny chow... my first time I have had real bunny... a lot like chicken but I kept thinking of Thumper... Kesley could not bring herself to eat bunny!

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Lol Rob
Glad you thought of thumper!
Real high class outing on Camila's first trip out. Spur baby! We have our pseudo grand kids for the night and day and it was thier choice.


Sent from Avril the REO filled with VM Tropical Ice!
Looking great Rob!!
Lil smurf


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