Out And About With Your Reo!

I promise the next follow up won't be a satellite picture from outer space.
Follow up again if I may.
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REO win despite the lunch fail...


I had precisely 11 minutes for lunch today - this was the sad result. A vape for dessert made the tears fade.
REO win despite the lunch fail...

View attachment 49095

I had precisely 11 minutes for lunch today - this was the sad result. A vape for dessert made the tears fade.
That looks like a superb lunch. The fact that you took time off for lunch is puzzling.
I eat with one hand and code with the other :gaydude:
P.s these new smiles are making the forum a circus.
@Rob Fisher, it is 12 at night, and I read all the stories of your daughter Mandy. I saluut you and your family. You are a good example of a perfect team. Your daughter is a real go getter.
Makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with people.
People with no physical disabilities that are down and out and victims of their own circumstances always blaming everybody else.

And then you get the real leaders and real people who despite their circumstances rise above it all and set examples to be followed.
Okay - a rebound win lunch at a pub local to work. The reo sparkled throughout, catching the server's eye (she vapes, it turns out, but had "never seen such an adorable mod" before).

Out and About with the P67... for a change it was a Prawn Pasta!
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Actually that was a starter I shared with my wife... I had ribs for the main course. :D
Not yet out and about but once the girls are ready we are heading into the midlands for lunch and to visit all the little craft shops!

Penny (P67) and Avril (Grand) - Avril back up.
Snow Wolf with Avocado to blow clouds while I'm waiting when the girls are cocking around in the shops and I'm outside waiting patiently!
Spare Juice for the Avo and Spare Battery for the Snow WOlf.

Catch ya all later!
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What the heck is that? It looks like a deep fried human heart?

It's a ymmuy German dish. Schweinshaxe (aka Eisbein) German cuisine, is a roasted ham hock (or "pork knuckle"), this way of preparation is especially popular in Bavaria.
It's a ymmuy German dish. Schweinshaxe (aka Eisbein) German cuisine, is a roasted ham hock (or "pork knuckle"), this way of preparation is especially popular in Bavaria.

Pork knuckle you say. It wasn't dry like Rip Trippers was complaining about was it?
Pork knuckle you say. It wasn't dry like Rip Trippers was complaining about was it?

Hehehe no... it was cooked perfectly... Crispy on the outside and succulent inside! It's always a gamble ordering an Eisbein because not too many restaurants cook it to my liking... but this is a genuine German outfit along with German beers and they always seems to get it spot on.
A very difficult piece of meat to cook just right. Needs indirect heat. I present a 2.7kg piece of rump still cooking. That's about 1.5 kg of rump for me and 1.2 for my wife.
More like 1kg for me today and another kg for me tomorrow.
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Out and About at Quo restaurant but forgot to take pics of the starter and main course... this was dessert. Amaretto Don Pedro!

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I live at the base of a ski hill and my wife and I went up for what's likely to be the last of the spring snow shoeing season

Brrrrrrr! It's Springtime down here....and that means warm weather with NO snow.

Yeah, this is at elevation. Down at sea level, it's shorts weather. Vancouver's springs are like that - skiing and sailing in the same day.
Wow that's amazing.

We joke about having "all seasons in one day" in some of our coastal towns. But not from snow to shorts.

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Couple of shots to set the context. The first is looking at a couple of the ski hills (I live at the base of the one covered in cloud). The second is looking down at an uninteresting part of the city from one of the hills.

About 20 mins from skiing parking lot to a beach of some kind.

