Reo P 67

Hi Guys, I also got the notification yesterday for the black wrinkle and when I checked it was sold out. I asked Rob from Reosmods and he said they were already sold out. He will have more end of July. It really sucks. Because I have been checking the site daily.

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Gz that really does suck.
Maybe the only way to ensure we get a few more in SA is through a group buy and advanced payment (if, of course, the mod-master is game). So end of July, a few have our names on them before they ever hit the website. Kind of worrying that we may not get a chance even if we are "on-the-ball" after reading your post
I asked for a special ZA order. The answer was the mod master was retired and he would let us know when he was willing and able to assist.

Patience guys. All in good time.
Yes. I think I will rather spend my money on something else.

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@Petrus why the dislike of my post?
@SAVapeGear , so sorry, must have been a slip of the finger on the cell. I read the post early this morning during my routine loo drill...hehe. You must try to join Uk Squonker Sales and Trade on FB, there is wonderful squonkers up for sale daily for very good prizes. I bought a brand new Tmod for a third of the actual price. You can also get hold of beautiful BF attys. Sorry for the dislike accident:(
@SAVapeGear , so sorry, must have been a slip of the finger on the cell. I read the post early this morning during my routine loo drill...hehe. You must try to join Uk Squonker Sales and Trade on FB, there is wonderful squonkers up for sale daily for very good prizes. I bought a brand new Tmod for a third of the actual price. You can also get hold of beautiful BF attys. Sorry for the dislike accident:(

Thanks.Will have a look.

I thought it was a mistake.Just wanted to make sure.
Good morning guys. A new batch of P67 will be available from the 15th of August. Don't miss out for Reonauts wanting one. I believe the guys from UKS will be all over the show.
@Spydro, other than the side fire button and the flat top - what are the potential advantages of the P67 over the conventional SL Reo?
@Spydro, other than the side fire button and the flat top - what are the potential advantages of the P67 over the conventional SL Reo?

With the rounded profile to me they are far more comfortable in the hand than the standard Reo Grands (plus note 1 below).
I personally like the internal on/off system better... it'll never be a problem like the original top fire bottons that do wear/get burrs from the lock pin, easily gets dirty.
If your Grands don't have it, the adjustable positive in the 510 to align atty's as you want them is very easy with them.

Some of the best features are the besides...
1. The "throw" of the side button is micro short compared to the top fire of the Grand. I have mine so the lightest touch fires them. They are far more natural to fire in hand than the top fire button IMO. No need to worry about "mashing" the side fire button. It's also easier to maintain, adjust, etc. I much prefer the side fire button to the top button. The P67's side button is a much better design than those on the 2015 Woodvil's as well.
2. You can use up to a 24mm atty on the P67's flat deck with almost no overhang compared to the considerable overhang on a LP Grand deck with just a 22mm atty. With a 24mm on a P67 you do have to slide the door down instead of up to access the internals same as you have to with a 22mm on a LP.
Thanks very much @Spydro
Very informative indeed
I like the sound of the soft touch side fire button
Thanks very much @Spydro
Very informative indeed
I like the sound of the soft touch side fire button

Some folks like to orient the Reo atty's away from them, some prefer towards them. So another thing that makes their side button nice is that they can be fired either with a finger when the atty is away from you, or the web between the thumb and fingers when it is towards you. So another option... when held in hand either way with a relaxed grip you can also just lightly squeeze the P67 to fire it.
Thanks @Spydro

I have gotten so used to this grip on my REOs


'Claw grip' holding from behind and firing with index finger. Airhole pointing to back. It's weird. With all other mods I like the side fire button but with the REO I am so used to the top fire. Took a while to get used to it but now like second nature. I still wouldn't mind to feel the side fire but then I may not like my current REOs. Eek.
Oh no @Rob Fisher - that P67 is now haunting me...
Not again....
This is quite painful...

I dont need more mods
I dont need more mods
I dont need more mods

I have my eye on a few things at VapeCon

I dont need more mods

I want them...

Guys, to be honest, if you want one, pull the triger. Don't wait for the rand, then you will never own one. I know it is expensive, but it is worth every penny. I enjoy mine every day. @Silver, a p67 and your new OL16 is a superb combo.
DSC_0180.JPG The Raw Aluminium is dedicated to pipe tobacco's and the Green one for my Looper in the morning's.
Thanks @Petrus - you really know how to make the haunting worse...

Lol, only kidding - its a great device and if its not available one day - it will be great to have one.
Will last a while...
I finally pulled the trigger,received my Origen OL16 today.IMG-20160826-WA0019.jpg And just as the clock struck 23:00 :campeon:Screenshot_20160827-011340.png The wife decided to let me choose my birthday gift :banana: and saved on shipping as she'll be in New York so my reo will be delivered to her hotel. The joys of marrying a flight attendant
@Moey_Ismail, that is some serious Vape Mail my brother. You won't regret it.
Thank you sir. I built up my wishlist based on @Andre post Reo-the basics. I actually wanted the all black wrinkled sl but literally in the time it took the page to load it was out of stock already so I went with the black wrinkled with red metallic sl