Reo P 67

Glad you finally got it and that it is working so well for you.

That's one big/tall atty though. Not my style, so your picture helps save me the cost of ever trying one. ;)
@Spydro, yes the atty is a bit big, but this will be my setup when vaping some Metador and drinking coffee at home. My Grand and O16 is the out and about Reo.

Got the package from Reosmods with P67#4 in it (plus another very special Reo :D).

But I'm too busy drooling and vaping them to bother with even basic pictures right now though. So you're going to have to wait.

I'll get some made later to post, I promise.
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Got the package from Reosmods with P67#4 in it (plus another very special Reo :D).

But I'm too busy drooling and vaping them to bother with even basic pictures right now. So you're going to have to wait.

I'll get some made later to post, I promise.

Oh, man. Now I've gotta stay online all night to see the new shinies. Not even a little sneak peek?
Quickie picture of the P67 that came from Reosmods today (Friday).

Black Wrinkle/White (but I put a Black Ano door on it) with the all black Nuppin' V2 it's running.

Oh ho - the widow queen!

I actually have something else in mind, never even thought about your idea that is spot on too. I robbed the Blk Nup off a Woodie, so the Widow is still intact. Can't break up that combo that is used so often.
Quickie picture of the P67 that came from Reosmods today (Friday).

Black Wrinkle/White (but I put a Black Ano door on it) with the all black Nuppin' V2 it's running.


Mean machine @Spydro !
Two new beauties joined the family today...


They got here in 5 days - new personal best (usually they get hung up in NY City for the better part of a week before moving on).

The Pancake, I repurposed from another grand and the Nuppin' was pulled out of cold storage.
Two new beauties joined the family today...

View attachment 48834

They got here in 5 days - new personal best (usually they get hung up in NY City for the better part of a week before moving on).

The Pancake, I repurposed from another grand and the Nuppin' was pulled out of cold storage.

Another lost soul has added more to his flock. Birds of a feather pard, birds of a feather. :applaudit:
I've told Papa several times that I have enough Reos, don't need any more. He doesn't listen at all.

So a new tactic.... I have enough Reos, don't need or want any more @rogue zombie. :)
LOL - heard it two dozen times before, brother. Two. Dozen.

True. But this is a new beginning for both of us, with a new mighty force of enablers, so new vista's to explore. I, for one, am exploring some of them. :nod:
True. But this is a new beginning for both of us, with a new mighty force of enablers, so new vista's to explore. I, for one, am exploring some of them. :nod:

So this is your way of saying you want to swing outside the marriage? :)
So this is your way of saying you want to swing outside the marriage? :)

I've already swung, a little, into something new I never thought I would with packages incoming. But then this is Reoville, so not the place to further mention this back alley dirty deed that I have committed. :watchout:
I've already swung, a little, into something new I never thought I would with packages incoming. But then this is Reoville, so not the place to further mention this back alley dirty deed that I have committed. :watchout:

:eek: I shall PM at once. Scandalous.
Great news @Rob Fisher. :sun_smiley: Will be a nice shot in the arm for Robert, maybe get a few more of them made sooner. Hopefully all the talk here helped.
You mean to say I ordered the last three!?

Heh - that reminds me of a joke my dad used to tell all the time.....

There we were at the boarding house sat down to dinner. A dozen full grown adults... and only ten pork chops. Oh, you've never seen such rudeness - forks & knives flying, sharp words, elbows thrown.

Mind you... the two I had were delicious.
I see it's like old times! ALL the P67's are sold out! :D

I watched that last one (a green/SL green) all day yesterday, just sitting there all alone, then I BOUGHT it! Couldn't resist. I really do like the P67 and I'm afraid he won't be making more for a long time, if ever.

I also bought a bright yellow SL door for it. It's going to look like a springtime bouquet.....and it's gonna match my little car.
