Reo P 67

And I was quite proud of myself not going for the P67 when it was launched
I was thinking - i already have enough Reos to keep me busy and i love every one of them
I dont NEED another one.

But this talk above has pushed me over the edge. And now I NEED a P67. You guys and gal are convincing.
If @Papa_Lazarou says its the culmination of improvements over the past two years, then that makes it needworthy. Lol
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And I was quite proud of myself not goiny for the P67 when it was launched
I was thinking - i already have enough Reos to keep me busy and i love every one of them
I dont NEED another one.

But this talk above has pushed me over the edge. And now I NEED a P67. You guys and gal are convincing.
If @Papa_Lazarou says its the culmination of improvements over the past two years, then that makes it needworthy. Lol
EXACTLY. And they're going fast. If you guys wait for too much longer you're gonna have to get the one with the hot pink door.....just sayin'
EXACTLY. And they're going fast. If you guys wait for too much longer you're gonna have to get the one with the hot pink door.....just sayin'

White with pink SL door? Mmmm that would look quite good! :D
And I was quite proud of myself not goiny for the P67 when it was launched
I was thinking - i already have enough Reos to keep me busy and i love every one of them
I dont NEED another one.

But this talk above has pushed me over the edge. And now I NEED a P67. You guys and gal are convincing.
If @Papa_Lazarou says its the culmination of improvements over the past two years, then that makes it needworthy. Lol
@Silver, you know I also own a couple of Reo's, and I must confess.....the vape /hit IS better on the P67 than on the Grand, in such a way that I am considering ordering another P67, my only obstacle in HRH. Honestly, after my last purchase, I had to send her on a shopping spree, just to calm her and worst of all....I am still waiting for my Good luck and let me know when you are going to order, maybe I will join.
Can @Oupa respond here when the next pre order will be?
I'm in no rush but I got certain anxieties revolving around the reo I want not being available if it isn't sold out already.
Can @Oupa respond here when the next pre order will be?
I'm in no rush but I got certain anxieties revolving around the reo I want not being available if it isn't sold out already.

Yes @Oupa if you don't respond real soon they will be sold out! :eek:
Guys, @Oupa is not allowed to respond here because we are in the general threads of the forum.
He is a vendor

Lets start a thread inside Vapour Mountain's subforum. I am fairly sure he wont mind
@Andre, will you be so kind to do that for us?
I am off to bed
Guys, @Oupa is not allowed to respond here because we are in the general threads of the forum.
He is a vendor

Lets start a thread inside Vapour Mountain's subforum. I am fairly sure he wont mind
@Andre, will you be so kind to do that for us?
I am off to bed
I am sure @Oupa will pick up on these hints and start a thread in his forum himself. If not, I shall press that button;)
Ooooo... I just hadda do it. Just ordered 2 more P67's.

I went to close down the browser tab I had open on Rob's site, thought "well, one last look see couldn't hurt", and BLAMMO - muscle memory took over and before I could consciously stop myself, I was getting an order confirmation email. These things attack fast and hard (and in multiples, apparently). Watch yourself.
Ooooo... I just hadda do it. Just ordered 2 more P67's.

I went to close down the browser tab I had open on Rob's site, thought "well, one last look see couldn't hurt", and BLAMMO - muscle memory took over and before I could consciously stop myself, I was getting an order confirmation email. These things attack fast and hard (and in multiples, apparently). Watch yourself.

:DREVIL:One can never have too many Reo's lol
Ooooo... I just hadda do it. Just ordered 2 more P67's.

I went to close down the browser tab I had open on Rob's site, thought "well, one last look see couldn't hurt", and BLAMMO - muscle memory took over and before I could consciously stop myself, I was getting an order confirmation email. These things attack fast and hard (and in multiples, apparently). Watch yourself.

I can relate. I reached another milestone today, so visited Reosmods as well (at least I have a good excuse). ;-)

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White on Black for this one (already have a Black on White)... but I have lots of extra doors to play with. All black might be how I'll go. But that would mean putting the Freakshow Mini on it that I really, really hate. Only other option currently available would be a Black Aeornaut (too tall), or to rob an all black Nuppin' V2 off another Reo. I don't want to take the one off The Widow, but I don't really use the 2015 Woodvil's much anymore. Hmmm.
White on Black for this one (already have a Black on White)... but I have lots of extra doors to play with. All black might be how I'll go. But that would mean putting the Freakshow Mini on it that I really, really hate. Only other option currently available would be a Black Aeornaut (too tall), or to rob an all black Nuppin' V2 off another Reo. I don't want to take the one off The Widow, but I don't really use the 2015 Woodvil's much anymore. Hmmm.

You CAN'T break up the widow setup. It's too cool.

I agree with you on the FSMini. Leaky little things - worse if you so much as make eye contact with them. The Nup' would be far superior.

Although... try a O-16. G'head, try it - black on black with a O-16 w/black dt would be nice. A little punch of ss for accent.
You CAN'T break up the widow setup. It's too cool.

I agree with you on the FSMini. Leaky little things - worse if you so much as make eye contact with them. The Nup' would be far superior.

Although... try a O-16. G'head, try it - black on black with a O-16 w/black dt would be nice. A little punch of ss for accent.

No can do an O-16 unless I buy another one. The 4 I have are all resident on Mini 1.0's, and that's where those 4 are staying. :)

I fessed up... is your newest P67 additions a secret (like you tend to keep most of your mods)? :rolleyes: :D
No can do an O-16 unless I buy another one. The 4 I have are all resident on Mini 1.0's, and that's where those 4 are staying. :)

I fessed up... is your newest P67 additions a secret (like you tend to keep most of your mods)? :rolleyes: :D

Oh no - this is the new and improved share-sy me. I got a white w/solid black door and a kawa green w/SL black door. The green was an impulse as I was giddy from locking in the white. I don't mind the neon-esque colours (I have green and orange grands), and I've got a spearmint DIY that I'll run in it.

Other than TRA, which appears to be sold out, I think I got all the body finishes.
Oh no - this is the new and improved share-sy me. I got a white w/solid black door and a kawa green w/SL black door. The green was an impulse as I was giddy from locking in the white. I don't mind the neon-esque colours (I have green and orange grands), and I've got a spearmint DIY that I'll run in it.

Other than TRA, which appears to be sold out, I think I got all the body finishes.

TRA anything was the finish of the larger number of a finish in the run that sold out first I think. Was the first one I pulled the trigger on as a serious TRA finish kind of person

So another Magpie or Orca or... a definite winner. Not a fan of the Kawa myself, but I can sure see it being the vehicle for Spearmint (as you know I DIY a Spearmint Ice).

I actually don't like the Black Wrinkle finish just bought, but sans any black ano bodies the only choice for basic black. Dig score 2 black ano doors though for 2 of the P67's.
Might get another O-16 as you suggested for the latest P67... I have a sliver vein door I could put on the black wrinkle to add some balance to the basic black with SS atty/black DT.
Might get another O-16 as you suggested for the latest P67... I have a sliver vein door I could put on the black wrinkle to add some balance to the basic black with SS atty/black DT.

Well, not to steal your thunder (I know you'll make the setup in your own vision), but the O-16 does look nice...

Well, not to steal your thunder (I know you'll make the setup in your own vision), but the O-16 does look nice...

View attachment 48316

Steal my thunder... :rofl: I don't thunder much anymore. ;-)

You know I like compact better than big and gawdy bling or 22mm atty's, so the little 16 wouldn't look out of place on a P67 at all in these old eyes. I have since also thought about putting the NoName NoGain on it... even have it out as we type to roll new mesh for it just in case.