Reo P 67

Reading up on all this, I have come up with a public service.

Anyone wanting to buy a P 67, but realising they have no space left on the vape desk can forward their unwanted devices taking up space. As a launch special, I will waive my regular service fees, but delivery will be at your expense.

"Make room for your new Reo, get rid of another mod today."
I'm interested why so many seem to favour a P67 ahead of a Leprechaun,is it form factor,price,desirability,availability,reliability ? A combination of all or something else.
BTW I don't have either!
Well which one would u guys that one one or both go for first? I'm only going on advice I've had. And one thing I worry about the position of the fire button on the Lep compared to the p67
Well which one would u guys that one one or both go for first? I'm only going on advice I've had. And one thing I worry about the position of the fire button on the Lep compared to the p67
My first squonker was a Grand, and I love it. If I go out I always take my Reo Grand with me or the Leprechaun. The P67 is a great device, I have two, but definitely not one of my workhorses. If I must choose a everyday squonker, a raw Leprechaun, that is my opinion.
I've been analysing this P67 vs Leprechaun since last night & I can't justify going to all the trouble to get my hands on a P67 when we have such an awesome option right under our noses! I have 2 Leprechauns & can fault them in anyway,. I only hear the words - "Support local".:)

We just need to get a constant reliable source of squonk bottles.
An old pre model P67 era picture of approximately 25 of the 33 Reos I bought (that includes 4 P67's)...


Current picture of all the Leprechauns I've bought...

... with no plans to buy any of them because I don't have a need for any of them.

The Reos have got it done for me in spades for over two and half years. For my uses no other mech squonker can replace them.

If i didnt have a leprechaun i wouldnt be looking at a P67. :)
My Leprechaun is still sealed in bubble wrap.
I just havent opened the leprechaun up yet cause its part of my Birthday present from the wife this month :)
All will be revealed on the 25th when i step out my 20's into my 30's :confused: :-D
Well which one would u guys that one one or both go for first? I'm only going on advice I've had. And one thing I worry about the position of the fire button on the Lep compared to the p67

I went for a Leprechaun first. @Justin Pattrick even bottom fed my Petri for me.
It's an incredible piece of hardware. It's solid, works perfectly every time, looks and feels amazing. The whole mod feels very natural to hold, squonk and fire. It also locks very easily.

I only have a Reo Mini and I love it. I think having the mod maker in your country makes a big difference. If anything goes wrong with your Leprechaun, Justin will sort it out in no time. If you have a problem with your Reo, you need to source replacement parts, pay for shipping and learn how to change them/find someone who can do the fix.

If I stayed in the US like @Spydro , I'd probably lean heavily towards the Reo, or a T-Mod, or CC Custom mod over a Leprechaun. Being able to call the mod maker is incredible.

That being said, I would not say no to a P67.
If i didnt have a leprechaun i wouldnt be looking at a P67. :)
My Leprechaun is still sealed in bubblrap.
I just havent opened the leprechaun up yet cause its part of my Birthday present from the wife this month :)
All will be revealed on the 25th when i step out my 20's into my 30's :confused: :-D
If i didnt have a leprechaun i wouldnt be looking at a P67. :)
My Leprechaun is still sealed in bubble wrap.
I just havent opened the leprechaun up yet cause its part of my Birthday present from the wife this month :)
All will be revealed on the 25th when i step out my 20's into my 30's :confused: :-D
@Clouds4Days, you are a good man. :campeon:
If i didnt have a leprechaun i wouldnt be looking at a P67. :)
My Leprechaun is still sealed in bubble wrap.
I just havent opened the leprechaun up yet cause its part of my Birthday present from the wife this month :)
All will be revealed on the 25th when i step out my 20's into my 30's :confused: :-D
Yo @Clouds4Days i jumped into the 30's last week and I didn't get no leprechaun!!! I'll buy it for myself haha
My wife bought it for me but where do you think the funds came from :-D

Does she know she bought it for you? Or were you really helpful and ordered it yourself too?

Thats how I got the Pico Squeeze as an gift from HRH for our 15th anniversary - I did the gentlemanly thing and did all the work of ordering it for her to save her the effort :)
Does she know she bought it for you? Or were you really helpful and ordered it yourself too?

Thats how I got the Pico Squeeze as an gift from HRH for our 15th anniversary - I did the gentlemanly thing and did all the work of ordering it for her to save her the effort :)

Exactly like that :-D:-D:-D
Cause she doesnt know where to find what i want.
@spiv, country didn't matter to me as much as it might to some folks. Less than half of my mods were made in the USA. The atty's are similar. Most are from several European countries, the Philippines and China.

I take care of my gear, so in near four years only two mods have been sent back to their makers for repairs that I didn't cause the need for... one from the US and one from Greece. With one exception I have never needed to send any authentic atty's back for corrections (this exception from the Philippines). I know how to do most repairs on my gear myself if they were needed.

Tag line is that quality gear made by quality people is always a win, but even the best can ship flawed gear.

No doubt being personal friends with many of the makers of my mods and some of the atty's is a bonus, especially those that I can reach with a phone call. But even those I email or PM almost always get right back to me.

I have no doubt that the Leprechaun is a solid device. Some swear by the CC, and I have one lady friend who has a bunch of T-Mods. But I like staying with the squonkers that successfully started it all and is by far the most commercially successful mech squonkers ever made...the Reos. A"HE" regulated squonker is sort of on my bucket list though. But at this late date I can easily get by just fine without one as well. Just as well, the one or two I think I'd want are way hard to get.
A"HE" regulated squonker is sort of on my bucket list though. But at this late date I can easily get by just fine without one as well. Just as well, the one or two I think I'd want are way hard to get.

Would you share what the "one or two" you'd want are?
Would you share what the "one or two" you'd want are?

There was a time when I was torn between getting either a wood Gepetto Elite V2 Squonker (or Gepetto Elite V2... both regulated, from Poland), or a wood Caduceus BF mech from Finland. But the only one I ever got a shot at was a limited edition Caduceus BF with extremely nice wood. I tried to buy it for well over what it cost him, but the seller backed out. Turned out that he was just fishing to see what someone was willing to pay for it.

I was also on "lists" for custom wood BF squonkers made from my own exhibition grade woods several times. The woods were not to be shipped to them until they were ready for it luckily as it turned out. The start of none of them ever materialized when promised, nor months after and with one not a year after. So I gave up on their makers. I'm not waiting 2+ years for anything.

Last interest was when Rob convinced me to rethink the error of my first impressions of the Hellfire Shadow (mainly because I wanted a high grade wood regulated squonker). But I'd never find a HS available because I don't run in the elitist groups. So I am not even looking for one.