Show Us Your Working Wick And Coil Setup

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That is one good looking coil there man, and at 1ohm it must vape like a beast.
That is one good looking coil there man, and at 1ohm it must vape like a beast.

Thanks @BhavZ. Yeah I'm absolutely loving this setup! The plumes are quite extraordinary.

Ps. The entire setup took me about 45min but over time I'm sure it will go quicker.
Definitely, I noticed that on my first coil I spent a fare bit of time tweaking etc to get the decided TH, Vapor and Flavour but once you find it every coil after that gets easier and easier as you now know what to look for and how the coil roughly should be positioned.
How did you get the SVD to fire at 1Ohm? Mine fires at 1.3Ohms and gives me the red blink at 1.2Ohms.

I thought this question might pop up. I have no idea Hein. I've been vaping this setup full time from this morning. Not sure how old mine is but it's the version with the "+" button on the left of the screen. I remember reading somewhere when I was researching SVD's that some of them have different protection tolerances. Guess I just got lucky, will try for 0.9 ohm next time. Here's a pic.DSC_0026.jpg
This is one of the busiest threads and I don't normally pay much attention to it because it's all a little beyond me... but as soon as Vape Mail arrives I may just be paying a little more attention because I finally cracked and ordered an RBA!

This is one of the busiest threads and I don't normally pay much attention to it because it's all a little beyond me... but as soon as Vape Mail arrives I may just be paying a little more attention because I finally cracked and ordered an RBA!

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Awesome @Rob Fisher ! That is one awesome RBA! You're going to love it!
Nice coiling - that is on the dark side of the moon, must hit like a train.
Ja for sure, tried 12mg in this and coughed for like 2mins straight, couldn't handle that TH! flavour flavour flavour! so vaping zero in it now, major vapour with 1 second vapes! Fires instantly! Oh and its 26g kanthal and that always takes ages to heat up! But this thing fires instant!
Congrats @Rob Fisher you wont regret it.. Ever since I started rebuilding I haven't looked back. A lot more affordable than buying pre-built coils and the customisation building your own coils just makes everything that much better.
This is one of the busiest threads and I don't normally pay much attention to it because it's all a little beyond me... but as soon as Vape Mail arrives I may just be paying a little more attention because I finally cracked and ordered an RBA!
You won't be sorry that is a brilliant RBA

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This is one of the busiest threads and I don't normally pay much attention to it because it's all a little beyond me... but as soon as Vape Mail arrives I may just be paying a little more attention because I finally cracked and ordered an RBA!

View attachment 2134
rob you know you gona throw your nautilus in the bin when the kayfun is setup properly right!

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rob you know you gona throw your nautilus in the bin when the kayfun is setup properly right!

Now that I doubt...but you maybe right... time will tell... I just find the Nautilus so easy and so very satisfying! But I know fiddling with coils etc is going to bring a whole new era... I just feel that maybe the massive difference maybe overkill. I played with the REO and it was amazing but switching back to the Nautilus when Mark took his REO with him didn't make me feel like the end of the world...

I've been vaping huge clouds with the Nautilus tonight thinking just how perfect a setup it is... no fuss, no hassle just pure vaping pleasure...

Looking forward to Vape Mail... I will have a few new atomisers to play with as well! Oh and my Legends range is on it's way too! :D:p
Welcome to the dark side Rob.. :) If you need any help please be sure to let us know.. :)
Super coils @Reinvanhardt and @Hein510 !

@Reinvanhardt - those photos are brilliant - I can even count the wraps easily.
I was going to also ask on the SVD firing at 1 ohm. Interesting that yours does. Mine fires superbly at 1.3. I haven't tried building lower resistance though
Now that I doubt...but you maybe right... time will tell... I just find the Nautilus so easy and so very satisfying! But I know fiddling with coils etc is going to bring a whole new era... I just feel that maybe the massive difference maybe overkill. I played with the REO and it was amazing but switching back to the Nautilus when Mark took his REO with him didn't make me feel like the end of the world...

I've been vaping huge clouds with the Nautilus tonight thinking just how perfect a setup it is... no fuss, no hassle just pure vaping pleasure...

Looking forward to Vape Mail... I will have a few new atomisers to play with as well! Oh and my Legends range is on it's way too! :D:p

Hi @Rob Fisher - all the best with the Kayfun!

I hear what you are saying regarding the difference perhaps being a bit of an overkill.

I don't have the Nautilus, but my "no fuss workhorse" is the mPT2, which you know well. When I got my IGO-L dripper set up properly (after a few coil builds) - the flavour and throat hit is awesome. But since dripping is not convenient, I have both mPT2s always loaded and I vape them during the day. After a dripping session, taking a drag on the mPT2 with VM Choc Mint is not so bad at all. In fact, for mindless vaping, I find it better. A bit more mellow and not so intense.

Something I have grappled with for some time is whether I would enjoy the intensity of my dripper all day. I am still really not sure. I do like the occasional intense throat hit dripping session, but I don't think I would enjoy that all day. What I find useful on the dripper is being able to test juices. Superb flavour and so easy to change juice - you just put in a new piece of cotton - no hectic cleaning procedure. So for that purpose I think I will always keep a top dripper setup at hand.

Just my thoughts...
Super coils @Reinvanhardt and @Hein510 !

@Reinvanhardt - those photos are brilliant - I can even count the wraps easily.
I was going to also ask on the SVD firing at 1 ohm. Interesting that yours does. Mine fires superbly at 1.3. I haven't tried building lower resistance though

Ja mine cuts out at 1.2 so I always build 1.4 in case it fluctuates down to 1.3 and then at least it still works, built a 1.3 that went down to 1.2 and had to do it over again.
good thinking there Hein

On my last coil I was aiming for 1.4 as well. But it came out at 1.3
When juiced up it sometimes says 1.4 on the SVD's ohm checker

Will keep that in mind
Mine also tends to fluxuate from time to time. Also I noticed with my dripper the wetter the cotton the more accurate read I get ito ohms.

For me right now my sweet spot is 1.5ohms, 1.3ohms gets a bit much for me.
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