Silvers ESG Skyline Experience

I do need to use it! Could i come after work today!?

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Any time. I should be here most of the day. Will just step out to Randburg this afternoon. I'll PM you my contact details and adress so you can come past.
I hear you @Christos and hear Robs words in that quote

When i first replaced the glass and took it apart to do my first build, i lubricated all the visible o rings.

I recall trying to turn the juice flow controller thing and it was very tight and wouldnt budge so i thought maybe its not supposed to turn when the tank is open. So i just proceeded. There is no way i could have lubed that inner chimney thread / oring - because it was all assembled. I didnt even know that part could come out.
Same thing happened here. I did however see a long screw thread and recall saying "my skyline doesn't have that". Intrigued by this piece I disassembled again and found it.
Guess what!

The freezer worked and I managed to loosen the juice flow control. But thanks to @RayDeny I ran the outside over hot water, then put on the hex top piece and it was still quite tight but started screwing down quite easily with firm finger pressure.


Thanks to @Christos I was screwing in the correct direction and then at the end I did the pinkie on the other side and it came out easily.

I am so very relieved. I had to go out for a meeting so it was in the freezer for a good 7 hours or so. Thanks @RayDeny - your trick of running the outside with hot water I think did it.

Now for some hectic lubing!
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Guess what!

The freezer worked and I managed to loosen the juice flow control. But thanks to @Ray deny I ran the outside over hot water, then put on the hex top piece and it was still quite tight but started screwing down quite easily with firm finger pressure.

View attachment 96571

Thanks to @Christos I was screwing in the correct direction and then at the end I did the pinkie on the other side and it came out easily.

I am so very relieved. I had to go out for a meeting so it was in the freezer for a good 7 hours or so. Thanks @Ray deny your trick of running the outside with hot water I think did it.

Now for some hectic lubing!

Now your menthols will be extra crispy and cool after 7hrs in the ice box
Guess what!

The freezer worked and I managed to loosen the juice flow control. But thanks to @Ray deny I ran the outside over hot water, then put on the hex top piece and it was still quite tight but started screwing down quite easily with firm finger pressure.

View attachment 96571

Thanks to @Christos I was screwing in the correct direction and then at the end I did the pinkie on the other side and it came out easily.

I am so very relieved. I had to go out for a meeting so it was in the freezer for a good 7 hours or so. Thanks @Ray deny your trick of running the outside with hot water I think did it.

Now for some hectic lubing!
Now we just need to hopefully get @Cobrali sorted and it's crisis averted!
Lube the thread too from now on!
I don't lube the thread all the way around, only the o-rings. The thread gets a line from top to bottom. I test by screwing in all the way up and turn down with just my finger.
Now we just need to hopefully get @Cobrali sorted and it's crisis averted!
Lube the thread too from now on!
I don't lube the thread all the way around, only the o-rings. The thread gets a line from top to bottom. I test by screwing in all the way up and turn down with just my finger.

So lube the o-ring then screw with finger hmm?
So lube the o-ring then screw with finger hmm?
Or lube the fingers and turn screw in :D

Just jokes.
Lube o-ring. Lube thread as well and then insert and screw with fingers to see how smooth it is and the is no catching or friction etc.
Its scary how much effort goes into operating this tank. With the price tag would of hoped for something a bit more efficient. :( I hope all the stuck bits come loose for the okes that dropped some hard earned cash on these. How many tanks are still affected?
Well, I have 3 Skylines and all work 100%. But Yes some PG first which we should have mentioned, goes a long way in making sure it works properly. Like your car, it needs to be maintained.
Its scary how much effort goes into operating this tank. With the price tag would of hoped for something a bit more efficient. :( I hope all the stuck bits come loose for the okes that dropped some hard earned cash on these. How many tanks are still affected?
Not a lot of effort at all actually. Precision engineering has its benefits ;)
Will be able to comment once ive had one in hand i suppose. Still really hope they all come loose. Id be super pissed.
Anything might happen let's se what next week's vape mail has in store.
Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like clean the leaking of a Kylin :D
I grabbed a Aromamizer Supreme V2 this week, What a tank. A beaut, no leaking, no lubing and flavour is immense. I think its the dual coil big build version of the skyline honestly (Made in china after they fixed all the engineering problems)
I will try it when i get home!

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My suggestion is as follows (this is what I did and it worked, so hopefully it can work for you)
  • put it in the freezer for a while. I did 7 hours - but I dont think it needed that much - i went out and didnt have time to try earlier - so it just sat there for long
  • when you are ready - run a hot water tap - and make sure the water is hot
  • take the skyline out out the freezer and quickly put the knurled hex top cap thing on and just try close it quickly - clockwise - use some tissue paper to grip it properly. (just to test if that will work - mine didn't - it was still too tight - so i had to do the hot water thing)
  • run the hot water stream - not full blast - but just a little stream over the outside of the device - not in the tube in the middle - but just on the outside
  • try close the juice flow after that. Mine was still a bit tight - but loosened quite easily and after about 1mm of movement it moved a lot freer
Hope this can help you @Cobrali -

My suggestion is as follows (this is what I did and it worked, so hopefully it can work for you)
  • put it in the freezer for a while. I did 7 hours - but I dont think it needed that much - i went out and didnt have time to try earlier - so it just sat there for long
  • when you are ready - run a hot water tap - and make sure the water is hot
  • take the skyline out out the freezer and quickly put the knurled hex top cap thing on and just try close it quickly - clockwise - use some tissue paper to grip it properly. (just to test if that will work - mine didn't - it was still too tight - so i had to do the hot water thing)
  • run the hot water stream - not full blast - but just a little stream over the outside of the device - not in the tube in the middle - but just on the outside
  • try close the juice flow after that. Mine was still a bit tight - but loosened quite easily and after about 1mm of movement it moved a lot freer
Hope this can help you @Cobrali -

In all honesty I came to this thread today to suggest popping it in a freezer or liquid nitrogen but I was beat to it... I sure hope all the stuck controls come loose. I dont want anyone to feel they lost out.
I grabbed a Aromamizer Supreme V2 this week, What a tank. A beaut, no leaking, no lubing and flavour is immense. I think its the dual coil big build version of the skyline honestly (Made in china after they fixed all the engineering problems)
I'm very happy for you.
I grabbed a Aromamizer Supreme V2 this week, What a tank. A beaut, no leaking, no lubing and flavour is immense. I think its the dual coil big build version of the skyline honestly (Made in china after they fixed all the engineering problems)
That's nice.

Perhaps go start a thread and discuss.

Please don't fight about a damn vape device!
We have a lot more important things to worry about!

As for the Skyline, the juice flow is working well now. I can adjust it easily. No difference to the vape because my first tank, the juice flow was open anyway.

Am going to monitor the ongoing performance and "lubrication" requirements of this tank - over the coming days and weeks - and will report back if anything goes funny - or if I get another stuck situation with the juice flow controller.

It is quite a pity that some of these tanks appear to have had this problem - and it was frustrating knowing there is a problem and wondering how or if it will be remedied - but this is not the first device I have had that had a teething problem - and probably wont be the last.