Silvers ESG Skyline Experience

Some may have gotten the light PG coating out of the factory and some may have not. I for one, fortunately, had no issues with mine from the get go. Albeit a bit stiff at first to open up everything and lightly lube. The Skyline has performed flawlessly for me thus far.

Please don't fight about a damn vape device!
We have a lot more important things to worry about!

As for the Skyline, the juice flow is working well now. I can adjust it easily. No difference to the vape because my first tank, the juice flow was open anyway.

Am going to monitor the ongoing performance and "lubrication" requirements of this tank - over the coming days and weeks - and will report back if anything goes funny - or if I get another stuck situation with the juice flow controller.

It is quite a pity that some of these tanks appear to have had this problem - and it was frustrating knowing there is a problem and wondering how or if it will be remedied - but this is not the first device I have had that had a teething problem - and probably wont be the last.
That's nice :D

I'm glad you came right. @Cobrali what time do you want to come past? Want to get my 2nd serving of lamb for the week on the fire...
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Play the ball not the man
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Please remember forum rules - don't get personal

Play the ball not the man

Sorry , played rugby so it's instinct :p

As I was commenting , had a Serpent 25 get "stuck" on me also , was eventually found an issue with some black models and promptly exchanged by the original vendor.

My question was , this being a high precision engineering device , would the manufacturer entertain if it is indeed a design flaw ?
I already contacted ESG that i damaged my juiceflow control to see if they would sell me just that part..

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Sorry , played rugby so it's instinct :p

As I was commenting , had a Serpent 25 get "stuck" on me also , was eventually found an issue with some black models and promptly exchanged by the original vendor.

My question was , this being a high precision engineering device , would the manufacturer entertain if it is indeed a design flaw ?

That's a good question @Daniel

I am not sure of the answer - but if there was a proper flaw I do think the manufacturer would try remedy it - although it would be difficult I guess with postage and all that.

That is one of the problems of buying expensive gear from overseas. If something is wrong, its not easy to just pop in to the local shop and get it exchanged.
I already contacted ESG that i damaged my juiceflow control to see if they would sell me just that part..

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Oh no @Cobrali - I am so upset for you :(
That is just too terrible.
I have sent an email to Vassilas and asked him for the price of replacing these parts. I have to say the customer service is outstanding! He is replying to my emails etc

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
I'll happily split shipping with you. Want to get some more airdisks and possibly the ultem tank.
I have sent an email to Vassilas and asked him for the price of replacing these parts. I have to say the customer service is outstanding! He is replying to my emails etc

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

I damages my airflow ring by dropping it and he was very happy to send me a new 1, although it is not listed on his site. Very prompt replies from him.
So @Christos helped me loosen my chimney a few minutes ago with his manly strength! :h: I already did the damage to my chimney so i will still order another one so that my skyline looks immaculate! I am now an officially happy chappie! :D

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
So @Christos helped me loosen my chimney a few minutes ago with his manly strength! :h: I already did the damage to my chimney so i will still order another one so that my skyline looks immaculate! I am now an officially happy chappie! :D

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

I can't take all the credit. 5mm bit with a vape band did the trick.

As a side note, as we were chatting I agree 100% that the skyline gives more flavour than any RDA I have ever owned and all that from a tank. That alone is exceptional.

Imagine if ESG release a RDA!
I'm glad you can at least vape until the non scared replacement arrives!

Lamb dinner all round! (Will post pics shortly)
Winner winner ESG Lamb dinner!!
Before fire :
Lamb (marinated with my special south African greek marinade) with butternut filled with 4 types of cheese.
2017-06-01 20.04.51.jpg
2017-06-01 20.04.37.jpg

After 1 hour indirect heat on a weber:
2017-06-01 20.04.19.jpg
After 15 minutes on the dinner table:
The Skyline got a refill this afternoon.

My usual Strawberry Ice blend topped up wih a bit of Hazeworks Sunset.

Great combo and the flavour is very good.

Skyline is behaving very well so far. No leaks. Gorgeous flavour. My juice control is behaving too.

Minor negative is I think the juice capacity is closer to 3ml than 3.5ml. Don't know if anyone has measured it accurately but have been observing on refills and it just feels quite small.

Anyhow the flavour is great and I am enjoying it thoroughly

*Sigh* I have not been able to put the skyline down.

I now carry a bottle of juice with me wherever I go. Think I've done just under 7 tanks in the skyline today so time for a rewick...
*Sigh* I have not been able to put the skyline down.

I now carry a bottle of juice with me wherever I go. Think I've done just under 7 tanks in the skyline today so time for a rewick...

Yip I have a 10ml bottle of XXX in my shorts pocket 24/7. It has been through the washing machine four times so far! :p