Silvers ESG Skyline Experience

@Silver you have until 8PM tonight before @Stosta and @Rob Fisher start wipping out the fines!
P.S you can be lucky I gave you 5 hours :D

Thanks @Christos - you are such a champion!

To answer @Stosta on initial impressions
Well, I just got it and carefully unwrapped it
Checked out the airdisks and the extra glass tanks - so cool in the little plastic containers!

Then the box - wow - this is classy. Haven't ever gotten an atty in a box like this before.

As for the tank itself - it does look very beautiful. I am a bit scared of it right now - I don't want to break anything before I get it going - I tried to unscrew something and it felt very smooth.

It looks and feels super - I think this is going to be a great experience!

I may need some assistance before I get started - and I do aim to have a vape on it this evening...

@Christos - what is the real dummies guide to unscrewing it? Top first? And what is the tank that is installed on it currently? Its a frosted sort of finish. Which is the 4ml (3.5ml) glass? Is it just the other glasses in the little plastic containers?

Sorry for the noob questions but I am very excited
Am just going to repost what I posted in VapeMail here - just because I feel it needs to be here too.

Oh my word

The Skyline arrived. Was a total surprise.

It's gorgeous!


Big thanks to @Takie and @Rob Fisher and those that helped with this.
@Silver the frosted piece is the 2ml TPD.
Throw it away and use the glass 4ml tank.

Best is to unscrew the base first and then
the top cap and pop the mouthpiece/ airflow adjustment off.

Ask away!
lol did you convert those holidays into $$$ for the skyline? :rofl:
No need to convert. :D Best of both worlds for me.
20 days paid leave.
11 days public holidays.
10-13 days jewish holidays.
40 days paid leave a year is worth more than a lot of other perks some companies claim they offer.
@Silver the frosted piece is the 2ml TPD.
Throw it away and use the glass 4ml tank.

Best is to unscrew the base first and then
the top cap and pop the mouthpiece/ airflow adjustment off.

Ask away!

Thank you @Christos - that is helpful.
Got some work that needs to get done before I can play with the Skyline - but my intention at this stage is to have a first vape by this evening.... if all goes ok...

I'm so excited - but just realised I need to build a coil for it :eek:
What coil - hmmmm....

And what juice....

oh my gosh

Decisions, decisions

I had a different picture of how the Skyline initiation would go... i thought it would only arrive later this week. lol
Am just going to repost what I posted in VapeMail here - just because I feel it needs to be here too.

Oh my word

The Skyline arrived. Was a total surprise.

It's gorgeous!


Big thanks to @Takie and @Rob Fisher and those that helped with this.
This must be a world record for @Silver .

Box opened and playing already as soon as an atty arrived.
This must be a world record for @Silver .

Box opened and playing already as soon as an atty arrived.

If it weren't for you and this thread I probably would have it ready for VapeCon :giggle:
@Silver Congrats on your new skyline. If anything to go by, This WILL be your no 1 RTA. When I say I have sold every RTA/RBA, it is no joke. 3 Skylines & 3 BB's is all I have and need plus the 1 Hadaly. Once you have dialled in your build and wick, you will never leave home without it. For me as a Menthol only user, ITS PURE VAPING BLISS

I Will leave this here for everyone that owns a skyline. Should this RTA not be for you, PM me and I will gladly take it off your hands.
@Silver Congrats on your new skyline. If anything to go by, This WILL be your no 1 RTA. When I say I have sold every RTA/RBA, it is no joke. 3 Skylines & 3 BB's is all I have and need plus the 1 Hadaly. Once you have dialled in your build and wick, you will never leave home without it. For me as a Menthol only user, ITS PURE VAPING BLISS

I Will leave this here for everyone that owns a skyline. Should this RTA not be for you, PM me and I will gladly take it off your hands.
We are going to fight it out for 2nd hand skylines...
Thank you @Christos - that is helpful.
Got some work that needs to get done before I can play with the Skyline - but my intention at this stage is to have a first vape by this evening.... if all goes ok...

I'm so excited - but just realised I need to build a coil for it :eek:
What coil - hmmmm....

And what juice....

oh my gosh

Decisions, decisions

I had a different picture of how the Skyline initiation would go... i thought it would only arrive later this week. lol
I recommend a build that you do normally I. E 28 AWG something or a similar build to the kayfun.
Also a juice you know intimately so that you can experience the juice for the first time ;)
TBH, I don't think we will ever see skylines for sale here. But I had to put it out there
I recommend a build that you do normally I. E 28 AWG something or a similar build to the kayfun.
Also a juice you know intimately so that you can experience the juice for the first time ;)

Thanks @Christos
It will probably be 28g Vapowire Kanthal then - 2mm ID
And my "Strawberry Ice"

Oh wait till the wife hears that the evening is going to be Skylined out :rolleyes:
I'll just wait till @Silver builds and then if it is so decided this thread can be merged with the skyline thread or renamed or kept as is.

My work here is almost done :D
Thanks @Christos
It will probably be 28g Vapowire Kanthal then - 2mm ID
And my "Strawberry Ice"

Oh wait till the wife hears that the evening is going to be Skylined out :rolleyes:
I'm braaing tonight as I just found out tomorrow and Thursday are jewish holidays... 2 days off for me is a pleasant suprise.
Tell the wife I'll make dinner :D
I'm braaing tonight as I just found out tomorrow and Thursday are jewish holidays... 2 days off for me is a pleasant suprise.
Tell the wife I'll make dinner :D

Ah @Christos - you are a hoot
@Silver Congrats on your new skyline. If anything to go by, This WILL be your no 1 RTA. When I say I have sold every RTA/RBA, it is no joke. 3 Skylines & 3 BB's is all I have and need plus the 1 Hadaly. Once you have dialled in your build and wick, you will never leave home without it. For me as a Menthol only user, ITS PURE VAPING BLISS

I Will leave this here for everyone that owns a skyline. Should this RTA not be for you, PM me and I will gladly take it off your hands.

Thank you @Ash
I have heard great things about the Skyline - from you - from Rob and a few other guys.
Also, this will be my first experience of a so called "high end" device.
I did promise @Takie that I would try something high end and report back.
So let the journey commence.

I also know that sometimes these things dont turn out the way one thinks they will. So although I am hopeful I actually have no expectations. My Lemo1 is ready to rumble...

Just don't expect a pronouncement anytime soon. I will give first impressions after the first vape - but currently I am so pressed for time that its not even funny...

I will get there...
Thank you @Ash
I have heard great things about the Skyline - from you - from Rob and a few other guys.
Also, this will be my first experience of a so called "high end" device.
I did promise @Takie that I would try something high end and report back.
So let the journey commence.

I also know that sometimes these things dont turn out the way one thinks they will. So although I am hopeful I actually have no expectations. My Lemo1 is ready to rumble...

Just don't expect a pronouncement anytime soon. I will give first impressions after the first vape - but currently I am so pressed for time that its not even funny...

I will get there...
A pic of a built coil or even a full skyline will satisfy me.
8pm deadline. Impressions can follow as time presents itself.
A pic of a built coil or even a full skyline will satisfy me.
8pm deadline. Impressions can follow as time presents itself.

Not sure about the 8pm deadline @Christos - I may need to apply for a small extension...
You have till the morning provided the fines master and @Stosta agree.

I need to now consider new threads...

1. Silvers Billet Box experience
2. Silvers Lemo1 smash video experience. :D


Don't get me started on the Billet Box @Christos !!!
This is all too much for me - I have only just figured out the Kayfuns - and today just unboxed the Skyline!

Don't get me started on the Billet Box @Christos !!!
This is all too much for me - I have only just figured out the Kayfuns - and today just unboxed the Skyline!
Ok Silvers Billet Box experience thread it is. Think the kayfun took a month and the skyline just over a month.

You have a month after I create the thread...
Should I try for just before vapecon (evil snicker) or just after... hmmmm