Silvers ESG Skyline Experience

Discussing flavour of a tank is challenging because its often not easy to describe in words how the overall experience "feels".

Am going to try break down my initial impression of this Skyline against the "battleground contenders". I want to record how it feels now so I can come back and compare in a few days or few weeks time.

Fortunately, all four contenders have the same coil (a simple 1.2 ohm single), the same Rayon wick and the same "strawberry ice" blend that I know well. They are all being vaped at low power - 10-15 watts.

Bear in mind that my impressions are for a very particular low power restricted lung hit on a high menthol fruity juice - so if you vape a dessert on higher power with an exotic coil, your results may vary considerably.

Here goes...

Richness of flavour
Skyline wins. The flavour is rich. Its not dry but not overly wet either. The strawberry is the most vivid and "clear". Its not night and day difference to the others but it is noticeably "purer" which works well for my palate and this juice. Probably followed closely by the Kayfun5 and the Lemo1 and further back, the Subtank Mini.

Skyline and the Lemo1 are very close in this department. But the Lemo1 is drier. I like the slightly wetter vape of the Skyline, which gives more flavour richness but strangely it doesnt lose crispness. Its weird, the Skyline has a richness and crispness combined. I am not complaining.

Menthol burn
I like the throat singe on longer draws. About three quarters in i like to get that nice menthol burn in the throat. The Skyline delivers in this department - on par with the Lemo1 - maybe fractionally less, but its not that noticeable. The subtank mini is a bit deficient in this department unless i add some extra menthol drops directly t the tank after filling - but that alters the overall flavour a bit.

Vaping action
It seems that the Skyline is going to be the winner here. It is smooth and the air/juice mix seems superb. From pickup, the first vape is near perfect. The Kayfun5 occasionally feels like something is missing and i dont know if its the wicking or something else but its almost asif it sometimes struggles slightly to keep the overall richness of the vape up there. The other two have good vaping action but you kind of need to know how to vape them. Hard to explain but the vape changes ever so slightly after one or two toots.

Lets see how this develops over time. I will come back to this after some further testing and observation.
And thus the fate of the lemo v1 is sealed.
Perhaps the mighty evod will take the lemo's place in the hall of retired vape stuffs. .. :D
The Skyline demands a sacrifice @Silver!
Thanks for egging me on @Christos

I was very excited indeed but your prodding helped big time and I am happy about that.

But there will be no retiring of the Lemo1 just yet. That will take time - if at all. I am close to the Lemo1 and it has a special place on my desk!
Thanks for egging me on @Christos

I was very excited indeed but your prodding helped big time and I am happy about that.

But there will be no retiring of the Lemo1 just yet. That will take time - if at all. I am close to the Lemo1 and it has a special place on my desk!
I hope it's at the end of the desk.
Sending tremors in 5...
It passed the overnight test. No leaking. Picked it up this morning and it's superb on first toot.

In my hand now ;-)

Well Done @Silver. In time you will find that it will easily replace your Lemo1. Just a small tip from my side, After you refill, I usally take a few vapes to dry out the cotton/ rayon a bit before opening the juice flow. Once you open it saturates it nicely. Sometimes when I use to refill and opening juice flow immediately it was over saturated.

In terms of leaking, NONE, I even travelled with it in a plane, in a bag with juice flow open and mod was upside down and still no leaks.

Happy vaping days ahead.
And no late night assistance required!
Major FOMO instigated!

Lol @Andre - apologies for instigating FOMO
But I tell you this tank is performing beautifully - and with my "tame" coil and all.
Producing lovely flavour for my Strawberry Ice

With this setup I have in it - the vape feels very Kayfun5 'ish - but with more saturated flavour - and better vaping action IMO.

I think it has to do with the design of the internals - which look "reasonably" similar - that dome shaped chimney piece going into a thinner tube. Although the KF5 has a thinner top chimney section.

Am liking it a lot...

Will continue vaping and monitoring...
Just a question. Does the quality of the vape justify the price?

That is a very good question @SmokeyJoe

On first impressions - I don't think so.

But it is subjective and could be different for each person.

SubTank Mini was about R500 I think and so too was the Lemo1 - when those were available. I would say the vape on the Skyline is about 50% more flavourful and overall about 50% to maybe double the pleasure. But the tank costs about four/five times as much. So to get a 50% improvement for four/five times the price is probably not worth it - I would happily vape on my Subtank Mini and Lemo1 as I have done for quite a while.

But I guess this is similar to other items and products - sort of like the law of diminishing returns - to get an improvement one has to pay disproportionately more for it.
Having said the above let me just add that I am very happy I got this tank.

I am lucky that I could
a) afford it
b) not get into trouble with HRH
c) have enormously wonderful folks like Takie and Rob around that could organise it

So I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. This was also very important for me to try something properly "high end" to see what its all about.
That is a very good question @SmokeyJoe

On first impressions - I don't think so.

But it is subjective and could be different for each person.

SubTank Mini was about R500 I think and so too was the Lemo1 - when those were available. I would say the vape on the Skyline is about 50% more flavourful and overall about 50% to maybe double the pleasure. But the tank costs about four/five times as much. So to get a 50% improvement for four/five times the price is probably not worth it - I would happily vape on my Subtank Mini and Lemo1 as I have done for quite a while.

But I guess this is similar to other items and products - sort of like the law of diminishing returns - to get an improvement one has to pay disproportionately more for it.

Thanks. i was just wondering, not that i would ever be able to afford a HE device in my lifetime, was just curious.
@Silver how does the juice flow open and close?

Sorry I missed this last night @incredible_hullk
But yes, as @Christos explained, its that knurled part below the drip tip that one needs to rotate.
Mine seems a bit too tight - I probably have to lube something up somewhere - but it is open on this tankful and its all working fine. I will experiment more on the next tankful...
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There is another factor that I did not touc

Sorry I missed this last night @incredible_hullk
But yes, as @Christos explained, its that knurled part below the drip tip that one needs to rotate.
Mine seems a bit too tight - I probably have to lube something up somewhere - but it is open on this tankful and its all working fine. I will experiment more on the next tankful...
Lube where the red is.
I put a line of vg where the airflow thread is and that makes it turn very smoothly.
I don't lube the drip tip as it's a lose fit with vg.2017-05-31 11.25.12.jpg