Silvers ESG Skyline Experience

@Silver sounds like you are way too busy. Ill be the bigger man and test it for you, because thats what friends do. Ill pm you my address
@Silver I fast scrolled through the last two pages looking for pics of your build deck, sadly I find nothing but reams of text. Hopefully you are uploading some pictures as I type this. :)
@Silver I fast scrolled through the last two pages looking for pics of your build deck, sadly I find nothing but reams of text. Hopefully you are uploading some pictures as I type this. :)
TLDR: @Silver has until 8pm to build because @Stosta and the fines master have not agreed on the time extension.
Ok I figured out how to get the bigger glass on!


The airdisk is in

Decided on the 1.5mm x 4 slot

Don't know how to tell if it's in flush enough but it seems ok

Ok pressed it in firmly and it 'clicked' in - much better

Oh my gosh @Christos - that lamb is distracting me!

Am trying to build a coil and need to concentrate
Ok coil is in

Standard 28g Kanthal
8 wraps
2mm ID
Measures 1.2 ohms

I just don't know how high or low to put it so I opted for a fairly 'neutral' position. I estimate about 2mm above the air hole

Decent glow. The one side the wrap is a bit messy. But it's working

Rayon wick is in

Am unsure if it's enough or too much. We shall see

Lubed up

Ooh this is exciting

All set

Ready to go!

First vape coming up...

(STM and Lemo1 looking on in the background)

Ok so here is the battleground


Will continue shortly with my first impressions on the Skyline...
Winner winner
Lamb rib dinner!
I hope everyone gets the ESG/Greece lamb reference.

Well done @Silver.
My work here is officially done.
Let me say upfront

This is a very impressive first vape!
My word

Am vaping my "strawberry ice" blend which i know well. Its a 50/50 juice and has lots of menthol.

The flavour is very, very good. It's rich. It's very defined. Sharp and crisp. Wow!
The strawberry is clear and vivid, the menthol burn is there on longer toots - oh boy its lovely.
Crispness like the Lemo1. But the flavour is richer.

The vaping action is just lovely - smooth and svelte - the vapour comes out very "puffy".

I think the airflow dyanmics or whatever is going on inside this tank is working perfectly. Seems to be an ideal airflow/juice vapour mix. Am not just saying this because its a new tank. This tank seems to mix it up perfectly. Maybe the coil/wick/juice combo was a lucky first try but it is what it is. No signs of a dry hit and i have taken some long puffs.

Am still not sure about the juice control and how it works properly - i was a bit confused on that even though I tried to examine the manual. The pictures were a bit small and unclear.

But so far I will say that this is undoubtedly the best "first vape" on any tank I have tried. Inserting the coil was easy, the wicking was straightforward and no signs of any problems so far. Its still very early days so we will have to see how it develops over time and "in the field".

So far a big thumbs up for the Skyline!
Let me say upfront

This is a very impressive first vape!
My word

Am vaping my "strawberry ice" blend which i know well. Its a 50/50 juice and has lots of menthol.

The flavour is very, very good. It's rich. It's very defined. Sharp and crisp. Wow!
The strawberry is clear and vivid, the menthol burn is there on longer toots - oh boy its lovely.
Crispness like the Lemo1. But the flavour is richer.

The vaping action is just lovely - smooth and svelte - the vapour comes out very "puffy".

I think the airflow dyanmics or whatever is going on inside this tank is working perfectly. Seems to be an ideal airflow/juice vapour mix. Am not just saying this because its a new tank. This tank seems to mix it up perfectly. Maybe the coil/wick/juice combo was a lucky first try but it is what it is. No signs of a dry hit and i have taken some long puffs.

Am still not sure about the juice control and how it works properly - i was a bit confused on that even though I tried to examine the manual. The pictures were a bit small and unclear.

But so far I will say that this is undoubtedly the best "first vape" on any tank I have tried. Inserting the coil was easy, the wicking was straightforward and no signs of any problems so far. Its still very early days so we will have to see how it develops over time and "in the field".

So far a big thumbs up for the Skyline!
Close juice flow when refilling. As @Rob Fisher says this is a mistake you will make twice. (Personal experience here).
When filled and top cap back on open the juice flow all the way till the spinning can't go any further.
I cant fault this tank on first impressions

If I have to be critical the juice flow mechanism is a bit odd and the ring thing on the top is not very intuitive but I suppose I will get it right and understand it better as i go on.

Winner big time
Close juice flow when refilling. As @Rob Fisher says this is a mistake you will make twice. (Personal experience here).
When filled and top cap back on open the juice flow all the way till the spinning can't go any further.

Thanks @Christos - i dont know if i am doing it correctly but when I try turn the knurled top piece (below the drip tip) mine is very tight - i got it to turn a bit after i first filled it but it doesnt want to turn much and i dont want to break it - lol
Thanks @Christos - i dont know if i am doing it correctly but when I try turn the knurled top piece (below the drip tip) mine is very tight - i got it to turn a bit after i first filled it but it doesnt want to turn much and i dont want to break it - lol
It will definately not break.
The thickness of the steel is unmatched.
I recommend after a clean, take the juice flow control out and lube the oring AND the thread.
I have been lubing the thread and it makes the juice flow control buttery smooth. I'll post pics soon as the skyline is due for an ultrasonic in a day or 2.
Think it's gone through 40ml of juice already today.