Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Tomorrow will be my 6 months anniversary. Wonder what I should get myself :p

This is the longest I've been off analogs. Previously was 5 months and that was without vaping. It was hell, but still an achievement imo.

This time it's easier......and enjoyable ;)
Awesome @zadiac ! Really cool man! Congrats!
Thanks guys :oops: and well done to everyone on here who quit the stinkies to enjoy the wonderful world of vaping ;)
Today is the 730th day since I last lit and 'stank' myself up with a tabacco cigarette. That number makes one think hey.... (for those not wanting to do the math, 2 full years today)

2 years only equates to about 13% of my total time spent smoking though, but I have no doubt that I will make that figure a 100 or even 200%

Thank you Mr. Hon Lik from China, for having a genius idea back in 2003, and for others to improve upon and invent their own shit. You take all our monies, but we smile everyday!

Everyone reading here will have their own timeline already, but we all share one mutual feeling...... Thank the Pope I can smell my bacon properly again!

Every day vaping is one more day towards better health, and you are ALL doing fantastically well!

Now stop reading here and go and order some more stuff.....

Congrats and thanks for the lovely message @Vapey McJuicy !
After posting just now i saw that i gone over my 3 months stinky free :D

@kimbo - that is fantastic!
So happy for you - you are an example to all
Also glad to have met you at the vape meet and that you could join us for it.
Wishing you well for the next 3 months of plain sailing and happy vaping
@kimbo - that is fantastic!
So happy for you - you are an example to all
Also glad to have met you at the vape meet and that you could join us for it.
Wishing you well for the next 3 months of plain sailing and happy vaping

Thank you @Silver

Wish i could stay a bit longer at the meet and have a nice chat with all you wonderful ppl but there will be a next time ;)
Tomorrow will be my 6 months anniversary. Wonder what I should get myself :p

This is the longest I've been off analogs. Previously was 5 months and that was without vaping. It was hell, but still an achievement imo.

This time it's easier......and enjoyable ;)
That's a great milestone! Congratulations :rock:

After posting just now i saw that i gone over my 3 months stinky free :D

Awesome news @kimbo

Congratulations! :rock:

Feels like just the other day when I first read your thread and your experiences when you first tried vaping!
Congrats to all the milestones reached :rock:

sent from a Reo & MVP happy cloud
I only saw this thread now. I've been vaping since beginning-mid 2012. Which gives me just over 2years now :) to make it sound longer, I'd say 28months give or take a few but that's unnecessary. Lol. It's amazing how vaping has evolved over time. I remember filling up cartridges and popping it into a atomizer system McGyver. Rock on vape world
Congrats to everyone. It's so nice to see so many people gave up the old stinkies. I have converted about 30 people so far and on a mission to convert more. Two of them (from Vereeniging) actually showed up at the JHB vape meet #5 (unannounced). I felt
I only saw this thread now. I've been vaping since beginning-mid 2012. Which gives me just over 2years now :) to make it sound longer, I'd say 28months give or take a few but that's unnecessary. Lol. It's amazing how vaping has evolved over time. I remember filling up cartridges and popping it into a atomizer system McGyver. Rock on vape world

That is an amazing length of time to be vaping @Yusuf Cape Vaper - congrats!
Thank you @Silver !! I can't wait to get my hands on my new Reo Grand LP/SL white. I have a bf Atomic waiting patiently for this union to celebrate :D

Wow, all the best with that. Let us know what it like and how you find the atomic
Hello Forum,

I have been stinky-free for 2 days now - still a long way to go!

Question for all the veteran vapers - any of you thinking of getting off the nicotine completely? As in quitting vaping?

I'm sure that sounds like blasphemy around here...
Hello Forum,

I have been stinky-free for 2 days now - still a long way to go!

Question for all the veteran vapers - any of you thinking of getting off the nicotine completely? As in quitting vaping?

I'm sure that sounds like blasphemy around here...
Nope. why should i? Its for my enjoyment.