Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Hello Forum,

I have been stinky-free for 2 days now - still a long way to go!

Question for all the veteran vapers - any of you thinking of getting off the nicotine completely? As in quitting vaping?

I'm sure that sounds like blasphemy around here...

Congrats on the 2 days @Wesley!
I recall the feeling of excitement and achievement. Well done!

As for giving up vaping, no, havent really considered that because I am having too much fun and enjoyment on this journey. Also I am sticking to 18mg for now because it helps with the throat hit and for keeping me satisfied.
Question for all the veteran vapers - any of you thinking of getting off the nicotine completely? As in quitting vaping?

Whenever I get asked (and mainly by my wife) when am I going to give up vaping my answer is always the same! NEVER!

Seriously thou... Vaping has had a dramatic effect on my life and I feel a million times better and my wife likes me again! ;)
Well done @Rellik
Spoil yourself!
Congrats @Raslin
Great achievement! Wishing you well for the coming months
Just celebrating 1 year stinky free - W.O.W. who would have thought that I would have ever stopped smoking!! Looking forward to the next 12 months with Reo in hand.
I am on 3 weeks today, still a long way to go and I'm still having bad cravings for the stinkies! ;(

In my department of 15 people about 10 are smokers, doesn't help at all...
I am on 3 weeks today, still a long way to go and I'm still having bad cravings for the stinkies! ;(

In my department of 15 people about 10 are smokers, doesn't help at all...
Just keep on doing what your're doing. In no time you will be over the smokes. What gear do you have?
I am on 3 weeks today, still a long way to go and I'm still having bad cravings for the stinkies! ;(

In my department of 15 people about 10 are smokers, doesn't help at all...
Hang in there. What mg nic are you vaping?
Just keep on doing what your're doing. In no time you will be over the smokes. What gear do you have?

Currently using Vision Spinner 2 with Kangertech Genitank, absolutely loving the improved power and flavour over the Eleaf I started off with. The options to change voltage and airflow definitely help distract me from the cravings.

Going to order some more flavours today to stave off the stinkies!
Currently using Vision Spinner 2 with Kangertech Genitank, absolutely loving the improved power and flavour over the Eleaf I started off with. The options to change voltage and airflow definitely help distract me from the cravings.

Going to order some more flavours today to stave off the stinkies!
Cool stuff. Nice combo.
Congrats on the 1 year @vaalboy that's amazing :rock:

I am on 3 weeks today, still a long way to go and I'm still having bad cravings for the stinkies! ;(

In my department of 15 people about 10 are smokers, doesn't help at all...

Congrats on the 3 weeks Wesley, don't worry about the cravings, they will go away, mostly...
For me they still peak out every now and again, especially with my other half still smoking, but it gets easier and easier just to have a puff or 3 on my Reo and then ofcourse the smell of them also immediately puts me off the craving train hahaha

Keep going strong man, soon you'll be at the same place Vaalboy is at and won't believe that it could ever have been that easy :rock:
I'm still on 18mg, I want to wean down to 12mg but not anytime soon!
For sure stay on 18 mg. I started on 36mg 456 days ago - in mPT2 with Spinner. The Reo got me down to 24mg and now to 18mg, but I am in no hurry after smoking for 35 years.
Congrats on the 1 year @vaalboy that's amazing :rock:

Congrats on the 3 weeks Wesley, don't worry about the cravings, they will go away, mostly...
For me they still peak out every now and again, especially with my other half still smoking, but it gets easier and easier just to have a puff or 3 on my Reo and then ofcourse the smell of them also immediately puts me off the craving train hahaha

Keep going strong man, soon you'll be at the same place Vaalboy is at and won't believe that it could ever have been that easy :rock:

The funny thing is, it's the smell of other smokers that make me crave the worst! I still love the smell of cigarettes
Wow Wesley that's quite heavy, maybe in the near future, the smell will start putting you off... i know for me it took a while to get to this point though.

Just keep strong ;) :D