Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Hey, almost vaping twins. One more sleep... and we will be that same age. Or will that be vage?

Brilliant, what's your vage...I love it, change approved :rock:
After all vaping is a kind of rebirth, so vape time must be a kind of age :nerd:
Somebody please change the thread title to VAGE :p
Brilliant, what's your vage...I love it, change approved :rock:
After all vaping is a kind of rebirth, so vape time must be a kind of age :nerd:
Somebody please change the thread title to VAGE :p

Congratulations! you've made it free3dom (had my doubts though :p)

6 Months.png
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Thanks @johan :D

You doubted me :eek: ...payback for the "O"-words I guess :p

It's been a long and flavourful struggle filled with dark clouds and nicotine sweats, but here I am...still (mostly) standing :p
Time really does fly when you're vaping :rock:

On a side note, I think it's the first time I've really looked at that medal picture (because it's ALL MINE :p )...and I just noticed how much that stinkie looks like the Pixar lamp (minus the actual lamp part) :rofl:

I think I deserve a trophy if I win. Everyone else has badges and stuff and I have nothing. Sniff sniff.
@free3dom, well done on the six month milestone, Vage buddy, and thank you for all the advice you shared along the way.
@free3dom, well done on the six month milestone, Vage buddy, and thank you for all the advice you shared along the way.

Thanks Vage Twin :D

Been a great six months with many wonderful conversations on thanks back to everyone on ECIGSSA - you made this first half year a real pleasure :clap:

And now @Raslin we start our long journey towards that elusive light cloud at the end of the tunnel .....The One Year VAGE :rock:

Actually, I just remembered we are triplets...where is @Arthster? Stand and be counted bud...and congrats :party:
@Athster, congrats on the six months milestone. See we are Vage triplets now.
Today i hit the 2yr mark everyone.
What an awesome feeling

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger
Today i hit the 2yr mark everyone.
What an awesome feeling

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger

Congratulations! - unfortunately no 2 year trophies yet, but you do get my admiration.
Today i hit the 2yr mark everyone.
What an awesome feeling

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger

Wow @Dr Evil - that is an amazing milestone
Leading the way for many of us

As a matter of interest, what device would you say you used the most in the 2 years?
Congrats on the six months @Raslin
Way to go!
I bought my first Ego-T (ce4) kit with some 24mg Dekang Cappuccino exactly 2 years ago. I did slip a bit when they started packing up. I went through 4 or 5 kits and eventually gave up and went back to the stinkies, with a vengeance. Although I did still vape in between, when I could get juice and coils. In May last year I found this forum and hooked myself up with a Kayfun and SVD, kicked that 2 pack a day habit in the butt!

So ya, started vaping 2 years ago, but on and off so can't technically count this milestone, still need to reset this counter, but 2 years does look good :D
Wow @Dr Evil - that is an amazing milestone
Leading the way for many of us

As a matter of interest, what device would you say you used the most in the 2 years?
@Silver started on greensmoke for about a month then for a year solid i used an ego battery with an mpt2 mostly, after that i learnt how to recoil mpt's from @BhavZ
Then started with kayfun 3.1 on an svd with a mech on the side. Went full time mech in November last year once my Reo came.

Now the Reo is my workhorse and in the evenings it's a mech and dripper

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger
@Silver started on greensmoke for about a month then for a year solid i used an ego battery with an mpt2 mostly, after that i learnt how to recoil mpt's from @BhavZ
Then started with kayfun 3.1 on an svd with a mech on the side. Went full time mech in November last year once my Reo came.

Now the Reo is my workhorse and in the evenings it's a mech and dripper

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger

Ah, great, thanks
Well summed up

In many ways i miss those mpT2 recoiling days with bhavz and discovering this whole world!