Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Whoa Six months & a coiling master badge later. Feel healthier with ZERO desire for a stinky

Congrats, keep up the good habits.

Sent from my S5 while vaping on my Subtank
Congrats. Also thought it will never happen and gave up on giving up. then along came vaping and changed all that.
Conrats! I've been stuck at 5-7 a day for a week now. Just can't seem to get it down below that. It's not nicotine I crave, something else. Light up, smoke half a stinky, and it's gone. Doesn't even bother me when I'm among smokers, just a sudden urge for something "else".
Conrats! I've been stuck at 5-7 a day for a week now. Just can't seem to get it down below that. It's not nicotine I crave, something else. Light up, smoke half a stinky, and it's gone. Doesn't even bother me when I'm among smokers, just a sudden urge for something "else".

I experienced the same issue at the start. Up your e-juice nicotine level (I know you said you don't crave the nicotine), I upped in the beginning to 36mg (3.6%) and within 3 days I was sorted.
Maybe you should try a WTA liquid, it might help you over this bump. Sounds like your body still craves some of the other baddies in tobacco smoke. Once you get to the point where you only crave the nicotine it gets much easier. Don't fret over a few stinkies a day, if you need them have them. Even if vaping only helps you to cut down its worth it in the long run.