Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Super congrats @zadiac!!
That is so great - well done on the 1 year
Wow - @Alex - you on the same day too

Congrats man!
1 year of vaping is such a great milestone. Well done!
64 hours without a stinky.... Nothing huge compared to some postes, but a really big deal for me. In the last week I went from gentle vaping at 12W to the 18-30W range, lung hits, RTA's and RDA's. Been quite a journeynso far.
Thanks for all the support, help and advice.
64 hours without a stinky.... Nothing huge compared to some postes, but a really big deal for me. In the last week I went from gentle vaping at 12W to the 18-30W range, lung hits, RTA's and RDA's. Been quite a journeynso far.
Thanks for all the support, help and advice.
It is a big deal, if you preservere you will get there. You've got good equipment, if you find juices you really like it gets easier. The first few weeks are the most difficult. Your body withdraws from lots of things other than nic. Once you reach the point where it is only nic you crave you'll be fine. Hang in there bud, it's worth it.
It is a big deal, if you persevere you will get there. You've got good equipment, if you find juices you really like it gets easier. The first few weeks are the most difficult. Your body withdraws from lots of things other than nic. Once you reach the point where it is only nic you crave you'll be fine. Hang in there bud, it's worth it.
+1 on this, @Viper_SA.
1 year....And now with Segilei mini 30watt and Kanger subtank it's easy to vape 6mg juices and maybe 3mg later....Waiting for 50watt eleaf iStick to complete the eleaf family....Need to stop buying mods ;-)....2 x MVP's and e-Grip for backup and Evic lying in drawer with a few spinners....
1 year....And now with Segilei mini 30watt and Kanger subtank it's easy to vape 6mg juices and maybe 3mg later....Waiting for 50watt eleaf iStick to complete the eleaf family....Need to stop buying mods ;-)....2 x MVP's and e-Grip for backup and Evic lying in drawer with a few spinners....
Congrats on one year stinky free:trophy:. An awesome milestone. Happy vaping. Here is to the second year!
64 hours without a stinky.... Nothing huge compared to some postes, but a really big deal for me. In the last week I went from gentle vaping at 12W to the 18-30W range, lung hits, RTA's and RDA's. Been quite a journeynso far.
Thanks for all the support, help and advice.

Congrats!! That is how we all started and it is definitely the beigest milestone to achieve. Is the first couple of days without stinkys.
1 year....And now with Segilei mini 30watt and Kanger subtank it's easy to vape 6mg juices and maybe 3mg later....Waiting for 50watt eleaf iStick to complete the eleaf family....Need to stop buying mods ;-)....2 x MVP's and e-Grip for backup and Evic lying in drawer with a few spinners....

12 Months.png
It is a big deal, if you preservere you will get there. You've got good equipment, if you find juices you really like it gets easier. The first few weeks are the most difficult. Your body withdraws from lots of things other than nic. Once you reach the point where it is only nic you crave you'll be fine. Hang in there bud, it's worth it.
Also wanted to mention; I smoked a pack a day for most of my 20 years as a smoker and when I decided to vape instead I decided to go cold turkey on the stinkies. The first few weeks were terrible, I had unbelievable cravings. But that was my choice, if is too hard there is nothing wrong with dual use while you wean yourself off the stinkies. It got better after a while but I had to vape a lot. Now I am down to about 1ml of 18mg juice day and I seldom have bad cravings. Nicotine on its own is much easier to handle and even when I do get cravings it is nothing like the cravings I used to have for a cigarette. 18mg is my sweet spot, it means I don't have to vape all the time and when I feel I need nic NOW a shortish vape break sorts me out. Lots of trial and error ahead for you but it is worth it in the long run.
Well done @Gambit - and already making juices like a master mixer!
By the time you get to 1 year I want to be able to review your entire line!!
Well done @Gambit - and already making juices like a master mixer!
By the time you get to 1 year I want to be able to review your entire line!!
Thanks @Silver , I've just gotten lucky with one or two after wasting a ton of juice. I'll have some 18mg ready for you at the next meet :)
Hi Guys

Would like to take this opportunity to thank 2 people who really give back to this community.
@Silver for the advice he gave me from the 1st day i joined the forum, up until now. @shaunnadan for reaching out with his advice along the way & pointing me in the direction. I can easily say, it is because of these 2 members I am now almost 3 months free of stinkies and over a week free from vaping.
Well done @Richio. Keep up the great effort! Was a pleasure to help you and thanks for the mention!