Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Well done folks. Keep up the good habits band enjoy every step of the journey.
Ran out of data unexpectadly last night, but just a heads up, TWO WEEKS stinky free today!
Congrats on everyone's achievements. Keep it up! :)
Well done Guys. Enjoy the achievements and the ride
WooHoo 9 months today:clap::party::dance:

3 weeks today :dance::dance::dance:

Decided since I can't celebrate while working graveyards, I'll build this coil in my Plume Veil clone as an experiment


Thanks for all the advice and support over the last few weeks guys and gals
Congrats @Viper_SA
You are without doubt one of the most advanced 3 week old vapers out there!
I admire your dedication
Onward and upward!
Congrats @Viper_SA :party::party:

Wonderful achievement, and coiling ;)
Three weeks was about the turning point for me; I had reached the top of the hill, the struggle was over and I officially felt like a ex-smoker - haven't looked back since :rock:
just checking in to say .... 2 mnths :) no looking back now.