Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Congrats on the 1 year @VandaL
Great stuff and wishing you well for the year ahead!
Well done @Dubz on the 1 year!!
Super achievement and may it continue and be plain sailing from here on
I actually missed my 1 year of stinky free :giggle:. Well anyway, today I am 1 year and 3 days stinky free and loving it :rock:. WOOHOO!! :dance:.
No, you cannot miss such an awesome milestone! Congrats. Here is to the next year - may it be flavourful.
Congrats @Durbz, may the vape fairy smile on you for the next year.
Congrats @GerharddP
Well done on the 1 year without smokes.
You are a champ!!!

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I have 2 years :dance::whip::duck::party::p:cool:;)
@Oliver Barry - I just noticed you went past your 1 year vaping milestone!

That is amazing
And around the time of the "Eye on the cloud" photo in the Monster Kayfun VapeKing giveaway competition...

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