Vapour Mountain - Juice Reviews

As some of you may already know my favourite DIY VM Juice is now available as a standard juice at Vapour Mountain!


The cold icy blast of Menthol Ice with Tropical Coconut added! This is the best juice on planet earth!

VapeMail 010.JPG

I have tested the production version in my new little eGrip, the Lemo Drop and now it's in 2 of my REO's and I no longer need to DIY! Thanks @Oupa! You rock!

OMG this is quality juice!
Lol, I thought this was a VM Tropical ice thread
Ha ha

I assume there was Tropical Ice in the eGrip then

100% There is VM Tropical Ice in a few devices...
The Phenom and Atlantis has a diluted version. ;-)
No, you got mixed up - there's a world shortage of meth crystal (crystal methamphetamine) not menthol crystals :D
They are most welcome! Glad they are happy with the product! :clap:
I recently bought myself a bottle of Tropical Ice.
Put it in the Reo and it was great, strong menthol with a subtle coconut. Really enjoyed it.
About half way through my first reo mini bottle the coconut faded away and i basically just taste menthol.
I rewicked and refilled the bottle and i still only taste menthol. Do i need to steep or did all the coconut float to the top?
Anyone else experience this?
I recently bought myself a bottle of Tropical Ice.
Put it in the Reo and it was great, strong menthol with a subtle coconut. Really enjoyed it.
About half way through my first reo mini bottle the coconut faded away and i basically just taste menthol.
I rewicked and refilled the bottle and i still only taste menthol. Do i need to steep or did all the coconut float to the top?
Anyone else experience this?

That's normal... I think it's something to do with the taste buds.... If you change to another juice for a while and then go back to Tropical Ice you will taste the coconut again!
I did change to a Rocket Sheep Booster between the bottles :(
Steeping for another few days, opening the bottle once or twice a day for air and giving it good shake now and then should help the steeping along. But as Rob mentioned, alternating with other flavours will also help. Vaping menthol continuously for too long can definitely numb the taste buds a bit :D
But yes... the coconut is quite subtle in this recipe
Mmmm maybe I should try upping the coconut content a bit then... will do that tonight when I get back from the casino! ;-)
I tried putting more coconut but that just makes it bitter - I think the ratio is perfect as it is.

Just got my first batch of VM Tropical Ice and I am recoiling and rewicking now so that I can give it horns ;)
When I say subtle, I don't mean the recipe is different to yours @Rob Fisher ... it is the same recipe you use.
I also lose the flavour of the coconut just like @Heckers ,I'm thinking it's time I try and find a 100% coconut juice,anyone know of one.
I also lose the flavour of the coconut just like @Heckers ,I'm thinking it's time I try and find a 100% coconut juice,anyone know of one.

I think we all lose the Coconut after a while... I'm always reminded that Tropical Ice has Coconut in it when someone tries my REO and the first thing they say is Coconut! :)
I think we all lose the Coconut after a while... I'm always reminded that Tropical Ice has Coconut in it when someone tries my REO and the first thing they say is Coconut! :)
Rob I'm pretty sure I'd like a good coconut juice I just have to find it.
When I get about 3ml out of the 6ml bottle the taste of the T Ice changes dramatically,I really enjoy the first 3 ml and now I find myself either adding more fresh TI or even some coconut concentrate.
Rob I'm pretty sure I'd like a good coconut juice I just have to find it.
When I get about 3ml out of the 6ml bottle the taste of the T Ice changes dramatically,I really enjoy the first 3 ml and now I find myself either adding more fresh TI or even some coconut concentrate.

Yip I'm going to play with adding a bit more coconut flavour in the next day or so... maybe make a few strengths...

TI1 - 3 hours
TI2 - 6-12 hours
TI3 - 13+ Boom!

I don't think it is going to make a big difference - the 'problem' here is the menthol that numbs your tastebuds.

I have tried other menthol variants and the taste also subsides after a while.

My solution is to simply change to another flavour and then that first draft of TI is absolute bliss again.
Menthol does numb the taste buds a bit and does interfere with tasting other flavours. I have found this happens to me. The strawberry in my Strawberry menthol mix gets a bit lost after a while.
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Menthol does numb the taste buds a bit and does interfere with tasting other flavours. I have found this happens to me. The strawberry in my Starwberry menthol mix gets a bit lost after a while.
Yes I definitely pick up a flavour change with the VM Tropical Ice after I've vaped about 3ml strange because I'm alternating with other flavours.
Found some coconut juice,just have to wait for it to arrive.
Hi all

This is a review I have been looking very forward to doing. I have always wanted to vape unflavoured, but just never got round to it.

So I ordered a bottle of "Clean Cut" from @Oupa at Vapour Mountain some time ago in 18mg strength. It cost me R100 for 30ml. Not sure of the exact PG/VG ratio, but it's probably either 50/50 or 60/40 in line with VM's other juices.

I've been vaping it for the past 10 days in two devices - the Reo/RM2 and the Nautilus Mini.

Vapour Mountain - CLEAN CUT (18mg) (UNFLAVOURED)

Bottom line - mild pleasant sweetness with a slight peppery taste. It grew on me over time and I quite like it. It tastes better than I thought it would. Nice for in-between other juices but a bit boring for me to vape on an ongoing basis. I would re-order but probably will have a go at mixing my own.

IMG_0462 - 640by480 - VM Clean Cut.jpg

It is a clear liquid and has no smell.

I get a mild sweet taste and a bit of a peppery tingle. The sweetness is light and doesn't taste like the sweetness from a fruit or a food. Just a mild sweetness - perhaps like water with a bit of sugar in it. This is apparently the sweetness from the VG in the juice. The pepper is quite subtle. Not in your face. It's in the background and makes the back of your mouth and throat slightly "tingly". That's supposedly the nicotine, which has the subtle peppery taste. Overall, its soft and mildly flavoured. Not much taste. Just slight.

This was a very interesting experience for me. Initially I did not enjoy the taste much. It was perhaps a bit dusty. Reminded me a bit of the tones I got from some of the Synfonya juices many moons ago. But that went away after a while and it did grow on me. I enjoyed its subtlety and mildness a bit more over time.

It's a slightly sweet vape and of medium dryness. I find it on the warmish side.

It has medium to good throat hit. I would say on par with other 18mg juices. I found it quite satisfying when in need of a vape. It does the job.

It has a soft texture. I found it neither too bold or too mellow - somewhere in-between. It easily has all day vape potential because the flavour is so mild. I just found that after a while it gets a bit boring. I could not easily vape this exclusively since I found myself missing and craving my other flavours. But having it on tap for a regular toot was nice.

I found vapour production to be good. On par with other juices. This juice also vaporised well and I had no troubles in the Reo/RM2 or the Nautilus Mini.

I found the aftertaste to be a bit weird. It leaves my mouth quite dry and with traces of that pepper taste, which lasts for quite a while. Slightly unpleasant. Made me thirsty.

In the Reo/RM2 I had a fairly tame 1 ohm setup and tried organic cotton and Rayon wicks. Most interesting since I guess one can really "taste the wicks" best with unflavoured juice. Without a doubt, I preferred the taste on Rayon:
  • The sweetness came through more on Rayon and the pepperiness was more subdued
  • The organic cotton gave me that slight unpleasant "dusty" taste at times. This did not happen at all with Rayon
  • The Rayon was a bit drier
  • Overall, the taste of this juice on the Rayon was much nicer.
The vape on the Nautilus Mini (with a new 1.8 ohm BVC coil) was nice but I preferred the taste and the vape on the Reo/RM2. I was vaping the Nautilus Mini at around 12 Watts:
  • Nice vape and nice flavour - reasonably sweet (inbetween the cotton and Rayon on the RM2)
  • The Nautilus Mini was a bit drier
  • Not nearly as much throat hit as the Reo/RM2 - admittedly, a bit less power.
Overall, I would say I was pleasantly surprised. Unflavoured tastes better than I thought it would. It's a bit sweeter than I imagined. With Rayon in the Reo/RM2, it's actually quite nice and I could easily see myself vaping it again. I quite liked vaping this first thing in the morning when I didn't feel like my other flavours. I also quite liked it inbetween other juices. In a way, it cleanses the palate and resets the taste buds a bit for the next juice.

I still have a bit left over and I would like to experiment adding a few drops of Menthol or Koolada - or perhaps a bit of lime or something else. Just to give it a dash of something, which I think I may like.

If you are asking why I didn't just mix my own unflavoured, the answer is that I bought this bottle before I had my SkyBlue DIY materials. And I wanted to give VM's Clean Cut a proper test before making my own.

I would say that anyone who wants something very mild (from a flavour point of view) should give this a try.

  • Standard VM "squeezable" plastic bottles - I like it and it's practical
  • The labelling is okay. But I think it has some shortcomings. No mention of the PG/VG ratio. The sticker with the juice name and strength is a bit small. Not easy to see it when it's with several other VM bottles ;-)
  • It does not have a "child deterrent" cap - I like this - but just pointing it out.
Equipment used:
  • REO Grand/RM2 with 1.0 ohm single micro-coil. Organic cotton and Rayon wicks - 14 to 18 Watts, depending on battery level
  • Nautilus Mini with 1.8 ohm BVC coil. Powered at around 12 Watts on the SVD.