Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Don't know what happened to my post earlier, so let's try again. Welcome back @Andre, enjoy the e-juice!
Welcome back @Andre
Its so good to have you back on SA soil

Thanks for all the wonderful posts of the photos from Georgia!
That one of the Reo on the electric scooter was classic - so too the one from the monks cave
Back in SA! Some juices awaited me.

Welcome home @Andre what a nice welcome back pressie you got.
Nice day for Vapemail:

Thanks to @Metal Liz for the Juice - 10mls to sample of each!
2014-09-17 17.00.08.jpg

Also this cute package from @KimH - containing more juice and a few tanks that where on special and to cheap not to get, one already handed to a friend in need.

2014-09-17 10.39.40.jpg 2014-09-17 17.01.23.jpg
Finally my toys :)


Took me a few tries to get the kayfun working properly :p and I drilled the one iGO-W out to 3mm :)

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Thanks @Silver I am already :) Had a client ask me what the hell I had in my hand (had the astro with the stillare on it) Turns out he's using a CE4 and an eGo battery, I think he might have caught the bug, because he had ton of questions :) its awesome
Because Zimbabwean customs, suck, big time :( Going to postpone any more big purchases, till i come down to RSA on holiday :)

Thanks :)

Thats not the half of it :(

Shipping was another R1100 (but that was from the states, so its kinda pricy)
I have the most awesome hubby, there I was complaining endlessly about vape sales always happening mid-month or at least mid-pay cheques lol. Whilst he was secretly checking out what I wanted. A big thanks to him and the Vapemob for my new dripper. So happy, feel like a spoilt kid :rofl: Now to wrap a few coils in triplicate, just to find the sweet spot.... Not because all I do now is build coils, not at all:rolleyes:

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