Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

My worst was loosing the screw from inside the kaifun 3.1 . I took the drain apart in the shop and reschedule my customer for 1 hour later ....... To discover after i took it apart it just fell on the floor .
I would like to extend a gigantic thank you to some one out there. If i had any idea who the user was I would prefer to do this personaly. Now let me explain... Some one out there decided that yours truely deserves a PIFing... I am now the proud owner of a brand new Vision Spinner V2 sporting an Evod3 tank and LOVING it!!! I do not have words to express gratitude to you and all the users on the forum!

That is down right fantastic :clap::rock: Wow! Geez I love you guys:hug: Congrats @QBad on the gear, I hope you enjoy it thoroughly :rock:
Enjoy the gear @QBad!
Congrats on the PIF - truly remarkable and demonstrates the amazing spirit we have on this forum
I would like to extend a gigantic thank you to some one out there. If i had any idea who the user was I would prefer to do this personaly. Now let me explain... Some one out there decided that yours truely deserves a PIFing... I am now the proud owner of a brand new Vision Spinner V2 sporting an Evod3 tank and LOVING it!!! I do not have words to express gratitude to you and all the users on the forum!

Enjoy your new gear bud. That is really super awesome!!

I just love this forum and the incredible people who make it what it is :D
Paul you can be so lucky its SAPO's fault, but hats off to the humor! BumbleBee those SAPO strikers get F@%-ALL from me, not even an old vaped sock infused with toe-jam.
I get the sense you opinion about SAPO matches that of mine. I've got an HD video cam and 1 watt FM transmitter from china stuck in the post. Cleared customs (phew! That fm transmitter had me worried) then went all the way to Pretoria. now it's sitting in the pta hub.Thousands possibly lost, since there are no insurance on that package.
Yip, got a couple of grand components also at pta hub (most probably lost forever), had to reorder with UPS courier delivery - needless to say all those specific projects are running at a complete loss.
Well here is something to hold your breath over.

Strike might end soon. However, I think with the huge backlog some parcels are bound to be lost.
Or damaged even.
Never again will I use SAPO for more than my electricity bill that gets sent to email any ways.
FSCK them and all their glory.
Buying from overseas I will make order big enough to justify R600 - R900 UPS/Fedex fees
a big thanks to Andre.R260.00 is a bargain. will give them some lots of love.
Vape Mail Baby! Bought on Amazon with a box of Rayon but the Rayon is coming in a separate shipping on a slow boat via China methinks! This parcel was super quick! It only took about 5 days... and the rayon is still in NY... well that's where it appears to be stuck!

Really nice wire cutter and a magnifying head-gear thingy for redoing coils and wicks! :rock:

Amazon 012.JPG
Vape Mail Baby! Bought on Amazon with a box of Rayon but the Rayon is coming in a separate shipping on a slow boat via China methinks! This parcel was super quick! It only took about 5 days... and the rayon is still in NY... well that's where it appears to be stuck!

Really nice wire cutter and a magnifying head-gear thingy for redoing coils and wicks! :rock:

View attachment 13051
nice one rob

now show us a pic of you wearing the head-gear thingy :D

Happiness..... Kayfun lite plus and some juice from vapeking

hmmm after some careful inspection the chimney is on the thickish side which crushes the poor top cap o ring much too much to my liking causing some air leaks and a flooding kayfun.
no worries i will quickly fix that. will take a few photos and put it up on the modding side
hmmm after some careful inspection the chimney is on the thickish side which crushes the poor top cap o ring much too much to my liking causing some air leaks and a flooding kayfun.
no worries i will quickly fix that. will take a few photos and put it up on the modding side

You need to lube the o-rings with some e-juice to prevent this.
@Rob Fisher, how much is the magnifier thing? i got one from fasttech today...(i thought it was the Sony VTC5's i ordered a while ago, that had shipping changed to slow boat, surface mail, because batteries, but it turns out i'd ordered the magnifier when i was half-asleep.) o_O it is really a POS. What i should have realised is that it is jewellers' loupes, fixed focus 20x, so it only works about 5mm from the object. it's not gonna work for coils. Co-worker is going to bring a Proskit one for me to see, that has three lenses. i should've looked at A1 Radio, but you know it is, too easy to buy stuff at fasttech.
:D hahahah what gauge wire you using that you wanted a wire-cutter? 16ga?
Seriously though, in case it helps anyone, wanting electronics wire cutter like that, you don't need expensive good quality for coil wire - makro has decent Mastercraft one. i use a flush-cut one for cutting cable ties.
You need to lube the o-rings with some e-juice to prevent this.
That doesn't work at all. The inner diameter of the o rings are much too small for the wider new chimney. Will have to open the o rings up with the dremmel or thin out the chimney so that all the spare orings from my 3.1 fits.

