Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Some Vape Mail from Fasttech finally arrived while I was away!

Swirl Fish and 2 x Stumpy's! Drippers.
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And some drip tips!
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And some Clapton Coil.
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And then some magnifying glasses to do some close up checks.
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And then something I can't for the life of me remember what the hell it is or does!
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That black clamp is to hold an atty securely are at least thats what it could be used for.
Some Vape Mail from Fasttech finally arrived while I was away!

Swirl Fish and 2 x Stumpy's! Drippers.
View attachment 36170
And some drip tips!
View attachment 36171 View attachment 36172
And some Clapton Coil.
View attachment 36173
And then some magnifying glasses to do some close up checks.
View attachment 36174

And then something I can't for the life of me remember what the hell it is or does!
View attachment 36175
Vape Mail Baby!
Another DNA 40 Squonker from Italy... this one is the ARK DNA from Ennequadro. :rock:
Ennequadro1.jpg Ennequadro2.jpg Ennequadro3.jpg Ennequadro4.jpg Ennequadro5.jpg
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Debbie Does Donuts... Best local juice I've had to date. Like a fresh Pick 'n Pay doughnut with a light chocolate glaze. Goes great with a cuppa joe. Thanks @method1. Great service.

Thank you to @BigB and @The Ballie at Vape Decadence. Mouth watering just on the packaging.

Awesome vape mail. Like those Chaplins. And the Cyclops of course. How do you coil and wick your Cyclops?
Thanks @Andre Those Chaplins look perfectly at home on the Cyclops. I`m using 30 gauge twisted Kanthal, 5/6 wraps on 2mm id single coil at around 0.75 ohms wicked with Rayon as I started to taste the organic in my organic cotton:rofl:.