Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

And thanks to vaopour mountain for the diy supplies and maxi still nt sure how i feel abt the maxi bt wil see..
I start mixing tomorrow :D

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iPWN here is that review on the Billet:

I bought a billet box! I got in on the round that was shipped out and delivered in March. Honestly, I rarely use it.
Here is a review on it from my perspective:
Used constantly for 2 weeks. Boge 2.0 LR cartos from various vendors. These are merely my impressions and opinions, YMMV. I am in no way endorsing this product nor am I telling people to not purchase the BB. I am just throwing out a simple user review. I hope this helps!
Pros: 6 mLtank is perfect for no refills during the day, and it is well protected since it is designed to sit inside the inside of the box. Box has wonderful build and finish. Durable, could withstand multiple falls and not stop working. Made in USA. Variable voltage. Doug Dino is not only a great builder with attention to detail, he is a stand up class act in the vaping world. I cannot say enough good things about his hard work and dedication.
Cons: Battery life is shorter, must change out batts during the day. I can tell a drop off in power once my batts hit the 3.7volt mark. Tank is kinda temperamental. I have had flooding issues with it on more occasions than I would like. When using the pressure ball valve, I always have some flooding. I have started filling it with the carto pulled into the tank to prevent the flooding. Voltage does not match up with my Provari or gripper. I find the vape to be weak at the same 4.5 volt setting as my provari. I speculate that part of this is the travel distance of the vape from the coil to the drip tip. Given the design of the brass screw, the vape travels further than it would if the drip tip was attached directly to the carto. I also suspect this is what causes another negative...the condensation around the tank and brass screw. I have tried to alter the volts I vape at to compensate for this, but if I crank it up as high as I do on my gripper or Provari, the carto will taste burnt. No OHM reader. For me, the brass screw sometimes causes a metallic taste to my vape. The screw also has a metallic smell that gets worse when juice condensate gets into the grooves.
Final verdict: While I like the BB and I am glad I purchased it, I cannot say it is my go to daily vape machine like other mods I own. I think that I really hyped this up in my mind to be something better than everything else on the market. Reality? It vapes comparatively better to and worse than other mods. I do love the design and the detail put into the mod. I still find myself going to my gripper or Provari as my out and about mod.
Additional issues I have discovered since this review: the brass screw will discolor and put off a really funny smell. The aluminum hole for the brass screw is not finished real well and it can cut you. The black lettering on the VV wheel is gone, it fell off or peeled off after 2 weeks time.
Overall, my billet box has sat on a shelf since early April. I just prefer other mods in terms of power and accuracy.
You won't be sorry, Gizmo. But you will blame me for not getting it earlier. You must get the Reomizer 2 (rba) with it - easiest rba to build ever. What colour combo are you adding to the cart?

I really like the orange and Black to be honest :)
Lol Andre i think you missed the link i sent for the diver , it's essentially a re-build able carto. Todd has a review out for it. I wouldn't want the Billet Box without the diver , as you say carto's suck. But the Diver is a different story.

Lol Andre i think you missed the link i sent for the diver , it's essentially a re-build able carto. Todd has a review out for it. I wouldn't want the Billet Box without the diver , as you say carto's suck. But the Diver is a different story.
I hear you, but as I understand it, the coil and wick will be submerged in juice like with a Protank. So, I doubt if it would even approximate a dripping experience. Also, do not see the sense in buying a $180 mod and having to modify it to work to my liking. Again, it is a work of art, no doubt, and I would love to hear your experience with it.
Thanks once again to Mr. CVS for the RSST and Nemesis. Always pulling through when needed. Thanks Sharief :D

Lol Andre i think you missed the link i sent for the diver , it's essentially a re-build able carto. Todd has a review out for it. I wouldn't want the Billet Box without the diver , as you say carto's suck. But the Diver is a different story.

I ownned a diver V1. Don't bother.
If it worked flawlessly the diver is a real champ. I'd go as far as to say that it beats pretty much any atty I tried a vapor and flavor other than the Ithaka. It hits BEAUTIFULLY.

But it it doesn't work flawlessly.
Even a perfectly built Diver had small leakages out of the connector. And if you want to piss me off then get e-liquid over my mods. So the V1 found it's permanent home in the trash can. Now they released the V2 and I did order one a week or so ago. Let me test this one out before you anyone thinks of getting one. The concept is great. I have high hopes for it. But if it fails me again I will bash that company to hell for the remainder of my lifespan :)
Got some great DIY supplies from Vapour Mountain, absolutely great service! Mixed up a 5ml test batch of caramel and I'm pretty pleased with my first attempt :)
Verrrry niiiiice JB! Wow good results on your 1st attempt, that's awesome :) I just placed my order for some Vapour Mountain goodies as well.

Off topic - I see a helmet in the background. What do you ride?
Verrrry niiiiice JB! Wow good results on your 1st attempt, that's awesome :) I just placed my order for some Vapour Mountain goodies as well.

Off topic - I see a helmet in the background. What do you ride?

Thanks Space_Cowboy, waiting on an RSST from SkyBlueVaping which should arrive today as well, can't wait to try an SS mech wick. :D

The helmet's for a Vespa scooter, helps to beat the Sandton traffic (if it's not hailing that is).
nice one dude :) love mixing my own juices, just be careful of overflavoring, did it with the last bits of my diy stuff and now i'm stuck vaping blech. but blech is still better than cigs :)
nice one dude :) love mixing my own juices, just be careful of overflavoring, did it with the last bits of my diy stuff and now i'm stuck vaping blech. but blech is still better than cigs :)

Thanks denizenx. I started the caramel on 10% flavour, but was a bit mute so took it to about 13% which seems to be perfect at the moment. I'll see how it tastes after a few days steeping before I do another batch. I hate when flavours seem to disappear after a few days, hope I can sort this out with the DIY mixing. Just need to get a decent dripper, got an octopus clone from fasttech a few months ago but it's absolute rubbish, keep getting a burnt rubber taste from the little grommet around the centre pin. Any suggestions on a good dripper that won't break the bank?
Got some great DIY supplies from Vapour Mountain, absolutely great service! Mixed up a 5ml test batch of caramel and I'm pretty pleased with my first attempt :)
Great, lab time! Love your signature banner. The Igo-L dripper works well for me.
Thanks Matthee, will have a look at the Igo-L, where did you buy your's from?
From Fasttech. It was below R100.00. Think I read somewhere on the forum that Skyblue will be stocking them shortly. Maybe they can confirm. I did research drippers rather thoroughly, and this was the best one at a reasonable price.
should fit in this thread, i guess? just got the juices, will have a testing weekend :)
Hopefully I find 2-3 flavours I can do all the time....

All the best with your testing weekend! Keep us updated.
I surely will keep you updated!
I have loaded a tank with VM4...too early to give it a proper review, but....first impression:
nice flavour and very good, pleasant throat hit, although i used the 9mg instead of 18mg! I got the 9mg as a 10ml to test it, and the 18mg in 30ml.
I couldn't help myself.

I had to have it.

So in my ongoing to quest to blow my face off...

Simply put it's the most beautiful thing I ever vaped.

Revn what does an authentic piece like that cost?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
VapourMountain juices and mixing kit arrived.


Packaged perfectly, no spills. Juices smell superb. Flavours in glass bottles with drippers. Cant contain the excitement.

Big thumbs up for service from VapourMountain

Will taste and review later. Got some work to do (sigh)