Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

there's help for steeping, yes please help !
Nitecore flavour factory DIY mixer.... He does about 3 weeks of steeping in 3 days. 300ml at a time in a flask thats covered.

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Nitecore flavour factory DIY mixer.... He does about 3 weeks of steeping in 3 days. 300ml at a time in a flask thats covered.

Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk

thanks, know about this but didn't think it actually shortens steeping time, will have to investigate, thanks @Ruan0.30

I read somewhere about a woman in the USA that throws her mixes in with her tumble drying to speed up steeping ...lol
I steep mine @45 for 3 days, 8hour run, 1hour rest.
After day 2 it's a nice golden colour. Day 3 is just to balance the Butterscotch with everything else
Picking up a second Nitecore tomorrow.
@Ruan0.30 is vaping all my damn juice!!

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My humble Vape Mail. I like the Pico - good enough for me! Thanks for telling me about the Resin ones @Stosta! I love the colors so much I couldn't decide which one to take - so I went overboard and took both!

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I never expected a cancer warning on my Vape Mail! No wonder certain people e.g. FDA are throwing their toys out of the cot about
vaping!! This is unbelievable! :CROSSCROSS:

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My ultimate vape treat. Five Pawns Black Flag Fallen - one of the last bottles on the planet. Courtesy of @Silver - thank you.


@Andre, thats just marvellous!
Am so happy it got to you!
I know you like this juice a lot so it gave me great pleasure to give it to you
Especially after all you have done for me over the years!!!
My humble Vape Mail. I like the Pico - good enough for me! Thanks for telling me about the Resin ones @Stosta! I love the colors so much I couldn't decide which one to take - so I went overboard and took both!

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I really like your Pico collection. They are magnificent mods. I miss my Pico 75 but it's still working for someone else at the moment, and it will return. Until then the Pico25 will have to do.
My humble Vape Mail. I like the Pico - good enough for me! Thanks for telling me about the Resin ones @Stosta! I love the colors so much I couldn't decide which one to take - so I went overboard and took both!

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A guy at work is selling one. I'm wondering if I should take it or not. Not a lovely resin one like these, in fact I cant actually see what colour it is cos its wrapped in some stupid sticker.

Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
A guy at work is selling one. I'm wondering if I should take it or not. Not a lovely resin one like these, in fact I cant actually see what colour it is cos its wrapped in some stupid sticker.

Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk

If it is in good working condition and at a reasonable price, you can't really go wrong with the Pico.

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