Calling all DIY'ers

I bought super sweetner thisweek and added it to my 4 juices i made the weekend and must say it improved all of them alot and only did like 0.2ml
I avoid sweetener where possible. According to Wayne, commercial juices are loaded with it, in the same way that fast foods are loaded with sugar and salt to make them more appealing. I'm trying to avoid that and to aim for natural sweetness where possible, for eg by using sweet fruits. I think it's like drinking Coke. If you do it often, it becomes a difficult habit to break. I drink very little Coke now and can't say I miss it. It takes a while to wean yourself off that sugar rush but the rewards are worth it. It means that where commercial juices are like a burger and chips or a milkshake, mine are like boiled cabbage. But if boiled cabbage is what you restrict yourself to, your taste buds adapt and it's not unpleasant. Well, it is but at least you can tell yourself it isn't. :p
@Shooterbuddy, I know @Spydro is a max VG guy. I suspect there are quite a few more. I started mixing at 50/50 and didn't have any problems. I've since moved to 60/40 which works best for me. I'm fortunate in that I don't seem to have any PG or nic problems. I've always used the cheapest nic on the market and have never suffered from peppery taste or severe throat hit. So I count my blessings and roll with it.

@RichJB - @Shooterbuddy. Yes I am a dedicated VG Heavy to 100% VG FVT vaper. But when I first started vaping 3.5 years ago (and doing DIY soon after) my joose was 70VG/30PG @ 6mg/ml nic. That was the VG/PG ratio recommended to me by a gent for the Kanger Krap 510 toppers he also recommended for my very first 18XXX 510 mech mods... the nic strength because that was about equal to the Marlboro Light stinkies I had last smoked for about 10 years. However I soon realized that I had no need for the nic at all in my joose (same as in the stinkies), bought the lowest nic premade a vendor offered and stopped using it at all in my DIY. And I found that because I vape intense flavors that I didn't need PG to carry the flavor, plus that it was all about FVT to me and not throat hit. All my first store bought flavor additives were PG based, so that accounted for some of the PG in my DIY (and some PG based flavor concentrates I still use are what accounts for the "VG Heavy" in some of my DIY). With the crap toppers set aside and better atty's in hand 70/30 became 80/20 for awhile, then as I acquired or extracted VG based flavors myself it became mostly 100% VG or close to it. I buy the highest certified VG available in the US (maybe worldwide), and extract what flavors I can myself with it (but some flavors I still extract with PG or a ratio of PG/VG, and some I still buy are PG based).
Look what a difference a bottle makes to your end result!
I have always used the normal plastic bottles from West Pack and the other day I got hold of some PET bottles from another forum member.
The two juices on the left and the two on the right are about the same colour after steeping.
I think the clear bottle just looks so much more profession and makes the juice pop.

Look what a difference a bottle makes to your end result!
I have always used the normal plastic bottles from West Pack and the other day I got hold of some PET bottles from another forum member.
The two juices on the left and the two on the right are about the same colour after steeping.
I think the clear bottle just looks so much more profession and makes the juice pop.

View attachment 73289
Is that third one called Penthouse Nipples?!?!
Look what a difference a bottle makes to your end result!
I have always used the normal plastic bottles from West Pack and the other day I got hold of some PET bottles from another forum member.
The two juices on the left and the two on the right are about the same colour after steeping.
I think the clear bottle just looks so much more profession and makes the juice pop.

View attachment 73289
And Shannon's Boots? I made a lot of juice that tasted like Matt's Socks!
So where are you guys getting the PET bottles from?

Let me just clarify...where can one get PET bottles in JHB?
I see Valley Vapour has but it just doesn't seem right to get a plastic bottle from CT.
guys whats the steep time on cap v2 flavours particularly cheesecake. is it a long or a short steep?

I find cheesecake V2 is very nice but takes about 2-3 weeks to open up nicely. SC and VC take about 3-4 weeks. Peanut butter is about 2 weeks.

Actually all in all the v2's from CAP are really really good, just take a little longer to steep but worth it :)
I find cheesecake V2 is very nice but takes about 2-3 weeks to open up nicely. SC and VC take about 3-4 weeks. Peanut butter is about 2 weeks.

Actually all in all the v2's from CAP are really really good, just take a little longer to steep but worth it :)

thx @Soutie ..that cud be the prob with my cheesecake...tried it after 3 days
Out of curiousity, what is the minimum amount you guys mix up per juice?

For me all testers are 30ml and the juices I like, are mixed at a minimum of 50ml and the ones I love, are mixed at 100 or 200ml at a time.

10ml testers were never a good gauge for me. I found alot of the time something would taste oryt in 10ml but much better if mixed it up to 30ml. I dunno if it's because the margin for error at 10ml is too huge so basically 0.2ml extra can affect the entire juice profile a lot or what. Since mixing new recipes at 30ml I found much more consistency in my testers than before.
I find cheesecake V2 is very nice but takes about 2-3 weeks to open up nicely. SC and VC take about 3-4 weeks. Peanut butter is about 2 weeks.

Actually all in all the v2's from CAP are really really good, just take a little longer to steep but worth it :)
Yeah, I have read the same about the V2s, @incredible_hullk.
I do 10ml single flavour testers, 20ml recipe testers, 30ml final batches. I don't vape much and get tired of juices really quickly so anything over 30ml will be a chore for me to finish.
Out of curiousity, what is the minimum amount you guys mix up per juice?

For me all testers are 30ml and the juices I like, are mixed at a minimum of 50ml and the ones I love, are mixed at 100 or 200ml at a time.

10ml testers were never a good gauge for me. I found alot of the time something would taste oryt in 10ml but much better if mixed it up to 30ml. I dunno if it's because the margin for error at 10ml is too huge so basically 0.2ml extra can affect the entire juice profile a lot or what. Since mixing new recipes at 30ml I found much more consistency in my testers than before.
I mostly do 10 ml testers unless I am very sure it is going to be a winner and for some tobaccos where the quantities are just too minute. I hate throwing out 30 ml, 10 ml I can live with.
Five star juices used to go to up to 100 ml, but have now started doing pre-blends of the concentrates rather.
Out of curiousity, what is the minimum amount you guys mix up per juice?

For me all testers are 30ml and the juices I like, are mixed at a minimum of 50ml and the ones I love, are mixed at 100 or 200ml at a time.

10ml testers were never a good gauge for me. I found alot of the time something would taste oryt in 10ml but much better if mixed it up to 30ml. I dunno if it's because the margin for error at 10ml is too huge so basically 0.2ml extra can affect the entire juice profile a lot or what. Since mixing new recipes at 30ml I found much more consistency in my testers than before.

First time testers I do a hundred drop test, works out to about 2ml. On the basis of that I will make a 25ml tester (yeah sounds like a strange amount but got 25ml amber bottles at westpack that I use). Juices I like I make north of 100ml at a time. Usually a lot more cause well steeped = yummy

thx @Soutie ..that cud be the prob with my cheesecake...tried it after 3 days

Even normal CAP cheesecake v1 isn't great the first week I find. Three days is really really short for a heavy cream/custard/cheesecake.
I usually don't make any judgement until a week. I also believe shake and Vape is the biggest load of bull, I have never has a juice that isn't at least 100% better after 3 days
I mostly do 10 ml testers unless I am very sure it is going to be a winner and for some tobaccos where the quantities are just too minute. I hate throwing out 30 ml, 10 ml I can live with.
Five star juices used to go to up to 100 ml, but have now started doing pre-blends of the concentrates rather.

I've vaped through a few terrible 30ml testers and I'm still alive :O But I have a few mates that vape and alot of the time what I didn't like they seem to enjoy so alot of my testers good and bad find homes.
By now I pretty much know whether I'll like a juice simply by reading the recipe. Also your threads and indexed recipes have made finding good locally made DIY recipes a breeze. If I haven't thanked you yet then take this as a huge THANK YOU from me - your effort really has made a world of difference.
I've vaped through a few terrible 30ml testers and I'm still alive :O But I have a few mates that vape and alot of the time what I didn't like they seem to enjoy so alot of my testers good and bad find homes.
By now I pretty much know whether I'll like a juice simply by reading the recipe. Also your threads and indexed recipes have made finding good locally made DIY recipes a breeze. If I haven't thanked you yet then take this as a huge THANK YOU from me - your effort really has made a world of difference.
Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated.
And, yes, very true - I am getting to the stage where I can read a recipe and have a good idea whether I would like it or not. Not that it deters me from trying outlandish stuff and new combinations.
Yeah, just wanna echo Greyz's gratitude to Andre for a sterling job in bringing all the DIY stuff together in the various dedicated threads. Awesome effort, Andre!