Calling all DIY'ers

Out of curiousity, what is the minimum amount you guys mix up per juice?

For me all testers are 30ml and the juices I like, are mixed at a minimum of 50ml and the ones I love, are mixed at 100 or 200ml at a time.

10ml testers were never a good gauge for me. I found alot of the time something would taste oryt in 10ml but much better if mixed it up to 30ml. I dunno if it's because the margin for error at 10ml is too huge so basically 0.2ml extra can affect the entire juice profile a lot or what. Since mixing new recipes at 30ml I found much more consistency in my testers than before.

Single flavour testers I will mix roughly 1% in 5 or 10ml depending on what I have.
A recipe that I am doubtful of 20ml
A recipe that I think should be OK 50ml
Stuff I like 100+ mil

I agree with you on your point of mixing smaller samples. I battle mixing small samples, even 20ml samples can pose a problem with the scales that I presume most of us are using, especially where the % is quite low.
When I was mixing with a syringe this was not a problem, suck up what you need and squirt it in. With the scale it doesn't register each and every drop, hence my "samples" have got bigger since mixing with a scale.
Single flavour testers I will mix roughly 1% in 5 or 10ml depending on what I have.
A recipe that I am doubtful of 20ml
A recipe that I think should be OK 50ml
Stuff I like 100+ mil

I agree with you on your point of mixing smaller samples. I battle mixing small samples, even 20ml samples can pose a problem with the scales that I presume most of us are using, especially where the % is quite low.
When I was mixing with a syringe this was not a problem, suck up what you need and squirt it in. With the scale it doesn't register each and every drop, hence my "samples" have got bigger since mixing with a scale.

You hit the nail on the head @GregF - Mixing in 0.25% flavour in a 10ml tester can be quite difficult with a scale where 1 extra drop makes it 0.35%. 20ml and 30ml are a lot more forgiving as 1 extra drop will in all likely hood leave your intended 0.25% at around 0.27%.

Please note, the numbers used are for illustrative purposes only.
Thats your problem.

I find that alot of the DIY recipes you get are around 15% flavoring (Pistachio RY4 ~ 15.5%, mustard milk ~ 14%, Clapton Crunch 13.8%) where as the store recipes that have been released are around the 20% mark (Gordona Vapes Groolberry Creamcake ~ 22.8%, Gordona Vapes Mr Peanut Butter ~ 25%, Charlie Noble PB Cereal ~ 20%)

That can make a huge difference to the flavor in a recipe. This is by design though as a lot of DIYers make juice for their drippers with fused alien claptons and whatnot which throws flavor at you whereas the store juice is made for every device from the little AIO through the stock coil tanks all the way up.
Is there a website or link where they post all the "store released recipes" like the recent charlie noble pb cereal recipe?
Is there a website or link where they post all the "store released recipes" like the recent charlie noble pb cereal recipe?

There isn't a collection of them as far as I know but a few have been a few released. Charlie noble released the PB cereal recipe on his blog here and will be releasing more recipes as he retires the juices from his line, so keep an eye on the blog.

Gordona vapes released their entire line here when they shut down shop here.

There has been a few others but I for the life of me can't find the sites now.

Looks like there will be more coming as the FDA regulations force more and more juice lines to close shop. Botboy has mentioned he will be posting the recipes for his line shortly. It's pretty sad actually.
There isn't a collection of them as far as I know but a few have been a few released. Charlie noble released the PB cereal recipe on his blog here and will be releasing more recipes as he retires the juices from his line, so keep an eye on the blog.

Gordona vapes released their entire line here when they shut down shop here.

There has been a few others but I for the life of me can't find the sites now.

Looks like there will be more coming as the FDA regulations force more and more juice lines to close shop. Botboy has mentioned he will be posting the recipes for his line shortly. It's pretty sad actually.
I've been waiting for Botboy to release his recipes for weeks now. I checked out his site some time ago and the juices there looked pretty good.



Some of them are available on reddit
Has anyone else made Charlie Noble's PB Cereal yet? I'm wondering how long the curing time would be?. No mention anywhere, although I assume its long due to the CAP Custard V2.

Last time I had a Peanut Butter juice, it tasted fowl, but it was with Banana.

So I'm dying to know if this will work for me.
Has anyone else made Charlie Noble's PB Cereal yet? I'm wondering how long the curing time would be?. No mention anywhere, although I assume its long due to the CAP Custard V2.

Last time I had a Peanut Butter juice, it tasted fowl, but it was with Banana.

So I'm dying to know if this will work for me.

I have had some really tasty peanut butter recipes, TFA peanut butter is delicious (but for the love of God not the DX version) as is CAP peanut butter V2 so i reckon this recipe will be a winner.

I would steep it at least three weeks, peanut butter itself needs about two weeks to open up and CAP VC 2 I wouldn't touch before three weeks, more like four actually.

If you have CAP VC1 and dont mind the diketone goodness, I would try sub that rather. I'm pretty sure the reason Charlie Noble is using V2 is because he was selling to the public at large, diacetyl is a swear word there and mass producing you have to be careful. It will cut down on your steep time and you get all the vc1 goodness :rofl:
Yes, the recipe mixer said:

We use DX, V2, & diketone-free formulas wherever possible in our production liquids, but if I’m mixing this up for myself…I may use some V1 instead. Maybe.
I have had some really tasty peanut butter recipes, TFA peanut butter is delicious (but for the love of God not the DX version) as is CAP peanut butter V2 so i reckon this recipe will be a winner.

I would steep it at least three weeks, peanut butter itself needs about two weeks to open up and CAP VC 2 I wouldn't touch before three weeks, more like four actually.

If you have CAP VC1 and dont mind the diketone goodness, I would try sub that rather. I'm pretty sure the reason Charlie Noble is using V2 is because he was selling to the public at large, diacetyl is a swear word there and mass producing you have to be careful. It will cut down on your steep time and you get all the vc1 goodness :rofl:

Ya I believe Charlie Noble make their juices as "healthy" as possible.

Thanks for the info. I don't mind DK etc. but I've had a bottle of Custard V2 standing for a long time, so thought I may as well.
It's interesting that, in those same notes, he urges commercial mixers to lay off the EM and Sucralose. He says that he uses just half a percent to knock the sharp edge off flavours and that, if you're using multiple percent of any sweetener, your recipe isn't working.
I sure you have it mixed up this time. Orion is 20PG 80VG.

Mmmmmh now im confused.

How does
Has anyone else made Charlie Noble's PB Cereal yet? I'm wondering how long the curing time would be?. No mention anywhere, although I assume its long due to the CAP Custard V2.

Last time I had a Peanut Butter juice, it tasted fowl, but it was with Banana.

So I'm dying to know if this will work for me.

Havent had it but was looking for a normal peanut butter juice the other day and made:

5% Peanutbutter TFA
2% TFA Yellow Cake
2% Bravarian Cream
1.5% Sugar cookie

And it came out pretty nice. Smells like Twinkies but the taste has that spongecake iced with peanutbutter flavor. Recipe still needs tweeking but its good with the above and a week or two steep.
For the guys who are struggling with mixing small testers, Wayne had a suggestion on his show last night: use some whipped cream and add a couple of drops to that. It won't give you an idea about percentage but it will apparently give you a very good representation of the flavour.
For the guys who are struggling with mixing small testers, Wayne had a suggestion on his show last night: use some whipped cream and add a couple of drops to that. It won't give you an idea about percentage but it will apparently give you a very good representation of the flavour.
Now chuck the vape gear & buy a can of woolworths Whipped cream in the aerosol can & gooi all your concentrates in a bag and hit the road for the next vape meet.
For the guys who are struggling with mixing small testers, Wayne had a suggestion on his show last night: use some whipped cream and add a couple of drops to that. It won't give you an idea about percentage but it will apparently give you a very good representation of the flavour.
Whipped Cream is very high in Diketones. I wouldnt vape it :D

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I seriously like Wayne's idea and think I'm going to start doing it. Vaping even 10ml of a tester is going to take me a day and a half of vaping just that one solo flavour. This way, it takes me fifteen seconds to get a good idea of what the flavour offers. I reckon one can of whipped cream should be enough to test about thirty flavours. It also frees up amber bottles and reduces use of VG and PG. So chicken dinner all around.
I seriously like Wayne's idea and think I'm going to start doing it. Vaping even 10ml of a tester is going to take me a day and a half of vaping just that one solo flavour. This way, it takes me fifteen seconds to get a good idea of what the flavour offers. I reckon one can of whipped cream should be enough to test about thirty flavours. It also frees up amber bottles and reduces use of VG and PG. So chicken dinner all around.

This is a pretty outlandish idea, please share the results of your experiment with us. I'd love to find a new way of testing flavours.
@Huffapuff, will do. I've seen Wayne and NotCharlesManson doing tongue-tip tests on flavours dropped onto the back of their hand. But that gives you a very concentrated blast of flavour. Apparently if you mix a couple of drops into a big dollop of whipped cream, it dissipates the flavour molecules over a much bigger surface area, coating your whole tongue and giving you a better representation of what the flavour will be like in a vape.
I have seen this theory mentioned awhile ago on Reddit.

I had my doubts because you are basically adding the cream flavour to everything... and if you do it after a week, the chemical composition may not have "matured" enough to represent the final product.

BUT, hell, if it gives you an idea, then...

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They mentioned that some professionals put the flavour drops in water to test but that cream gives a better idea for a vape.
If peeps want to check what Wayne and NotCharlesManson said about it, last night's show is here. Skip ahead to around 1h35m.

I'm not sure what I'll get out of it, it seems to me that this is more suited to experienced mixers who have a good idea of what flavours do. But I am really gatvol of vaping huge amounts of single flavours. Not individually as it's only 10ml of each. But multiply that by the number of flavours that you have to test and it's a massive amount of not-very-exciting vaping to get through.
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Hi All

Can someone recommend a good coffee concentrate? Not sure which one to buy, I'm looking to get the same coffee taste as Milk Lab's Frappe.

FA relax cappuccino, it is a light concentrate so doesn't gunk up coils quickly. It is very strong so use sparingly, start at 0.5% with some creams and milk if you want a light smooth coffee.

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