Calling all DIY'ers

Lets say you're making 500ml of juice. Your flavour percentages are 10% apple and 2% grape. That works out to 50ml apple and 10ml grape. You can measure those to an incredible accuracy (50.00g and 10.00g which is around a 0.1% tolerance, that's extreme. You would barely notice a taste difference even at 5% if you consider it that way) on a small scale and then put that 60ml mix onto a 1 decimal 500g scale to top it up to your final 500g while maintaining an incredible accuracy.
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Lets say you're making 500ml of juice. Your flavour percentages are 10% apple and 2% grape. That works out to 50ml appl and 10ml grape. You can measure those to an incredible accuracy on a small scale and then put that 60ml mix onto a 1 decimal 500g scale to top it up to your final 500g while maintaining an incredible accuracy.
This is all very helpful, thanks @Mike :)

Is 1g = 1ml for flavours and base?
No @BumbleBee. There's around a 5% variation (IIRC) depending on VG, PG, nic etc. But if you start working from grams you can adjust accordingly. The difference between 10ml and 10g may only be 0.5ml which isn't significant as you start tweaking things to taste. Not to mention that working by weight is WAY more repeatable.

If you're working with accuracy as detailed as that, I'd personally be more concerned about doing nic concentration tests first. This is not knocking anyone, just maintaining a completely even solution throughout the decanting process. There was a heap of drama a few months back where Nude Nicotine sold a batch that was off by around 20% - all of a sudden your 9mg juice is 11mg.

Shit, went and confirmed.

Nic = 1.01g / ml

PG = 1.04g / ml
36mg PG = 1.037g / ml

VG = 1.26g / ml
36mg VG = 1.251g / ml

Then you gotta decide, do you want 70/30 by volume or by weight.. That's a nice debate :p
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Lets say you're making 500ml of juice. Your flavour percentages are 10% apple and 2% grape. That works out to 50ml apple and 10ml grape. You can measure those to an incredible accuracy (50.00g and 10.00g which is around a 0.1% tolerance, that's extreme. You would barely notice a taste difference even at 5% if you consider it that way) on a small scale and then put that 60ml mix onto a 1 decimal 500g scale to top it up to your final 500g while maintaining an incredible accuracy.
Perfect, i will go try find a 2 decimal 500 gram scale tomorrow or i will just settle for a 1 decimal 500 gram. It seems my glass dropper bottles are too heavy for my 200 gram scale
Hold up @kbgvirus. What exactly is your process?

Take an empty bottle that you're planning to mix in. Put it on the appropriate scale, i.e 100ml / 10ml bottle on your 200g scale. THEN turn the scale on. Does it still give you an error / not work?
Hold up @kbgvirus. What exactly is your process?

Take an empty bottle that you're planning to mix in. Put it on the appropriate scale, i.e 100ml / 10ml bottle on your 200g scale. THEN turn the scale on. Does it still give you an error / not work?
You just solved my problem i kept turning it on then putting my dropper on.
Good luck with the rest! Use the tare/on+off button between measurements to reset it to 0.
interesting reading this. Was mixing some juices, my first real batch of diy, the other day, and was thinking to myself when i get to the emptier side of the 250ml bottles, its going to be interesting trying to use a syringe.

Maybe mixing by weight is a solution.

what do you guys do?
interesting reading this. Was mixing some juices, my first real batch of diy, the other day, and was thinking to myself when i get to the emptier side of the 250ml bottles, its going to be interesting trying to use a syringe.

Maybe mixing by weight is a solution.

what do you guys do?
If you heat your VG slightly - not by much - up to about 30/35C, it becomes a lot more runny - it is then generally easier to work with. So try giving your VG a warm water bath (you can go with candles and a glass of wine if you want) :)
No @BumbleBee. There's around a 5% variation (IIRC) depending on VG, PG, nic etc. But if you start working from grams you can adjust accordingly. The difference between 10ml and 10g may only be 0.5ml which isn't significant as you start tweaking things to taste. Not to mention that working by weight is WAY more repeatable.

If you're working with accuracy as detailed as that, I'd personally be more concerned about doing nic concentration tests first. This is not knocking anyone, just maintaining a completely even solution throughout the decanting process. There was a heap of drama a few months back where Nude Nicotine sold a batch that was off by around 20% - all of a sudden your 9mg juice is 11mg.

Shit, went and confirmed.

Nic = 1.01g / ml

PG = 1.04g / ml
36mg PG = 1.037g / ml

VG = 1.26g / ml
36mg VG = 1.251g / ml

Then you gotta decide, do you want 70/30 by volume or by weight.. That's a nice debate :p

@Mike, your 5% guess was spot on for PG etc
But Wow, VG is 20% heavier per volume. Very interesting
So when a recipe says for example 8% flavour "x" do they generally mean 8% of the weight or the millilitres?
If you heat your VG slightly - not by much - up to about 30/35C, it becomes a lot more runny - it is then generally easier to work with. So try giving your VG a warm water bath (you can go with candles and a glass of wine if you want) :)
Interesting. Will have to give this a try.
but just one question, what wine do you use?? ;)
@Silver It varies from recipe to recipe however the difference will be very very slight - in fact, unless you're making bigger batches, you'll probably be further off using syringes etc due to their quirks - is it 100% empty, do I consider the needle volume, is the scale printed on 100% accurately etc. A scale you can measure accurately right down to the exact drop.

We can also consider that 8% is 8.32g and work that way, but if you just work with 1ml to 1g, you'll end up with the correct ratio of flavours, all having your 4% higher concentration which again, is not a lot all things considered.
Interesting. Will have to give this a try.
but just one question, what wine do you use?? ;)
hehe, interestingly, they sometimes add PG and VG to wine (probably not the higher end ones). PG is a good flavour carrier so it enhances the taste and VG makes it 'fuller' and smoother - i.e. less watery :)
I mixed a juice, steeped it for 2 weeks, put some in my SubTank with 0.5 ohm OCC coil, taste is amazing!!! but when I drip it in my Rogue RDA (0.4 ohm dual coil 24g) it tastes crap, Why is this?
I mixed a juice, steeped it for 2 weeks, put some in my SubTank with 0.5 ohm OCC coil, taste is amazing!!! but when I drip it in my Rogue RDA (0.4 ohm dual coil 24g) it tastes crap, Why is this?
Different devices make your juice taste differently - which is why I hate juice reviews :)

EDIT: just to clarify - your wick plays a big role in how a juice taste, but also the temperature that a juice is reaching can influence the flavour - the different ingredients can react differently at different temps too - you can see this with complex flavours that can taste completely different from one device to the next.
I just dripped TFA Juicy Bubblegum at 15% in a 85/15 VG/PG mix with 0mg nic and I nearly coughed my lungs out! This has to be one of the most intense lung busting flavours I've tried.

Note to self, do not drip Juicy Bubblegum.... EVER!
I just dripped TFA Juicy Bubblegum at 15% in a 85/15 VG/PG mix with 0mg nic and I nearly coughed my lungs out! This has to be one of the most intense lung busting flavours I've tried.

Note to self, do not drip Juicy Bubblegum.... EVER!
Excuse the self quote...

One thing must be said about Juicy Bubblegum, if you're looking for a JTJM clone for Shurb, this is the flavour to start off with! It's got that Sherbet-y fruity sorta taste that is present in the Shurb. It leaves your mouth kinda dry like sherbet does.
Did anyone try recipes with TFA Acetyl Pyrazine? Can't find any recipes with this added.
Also looking for a smooth creamy recipe vaping mostly custard but want a creamy juice without custard.
Did anyone try recipes with TFA Acetyl Pyrazine? Can't find any recipes with this added.
Also looking for a smooth creamy recipe vaping mostly custard but want a creamy juice without custard.

TFA makes a vanilla swirl, which they claim is the same as TFA Vanilla Custard, but with the custard ingredients removed
Quick question if you have a few ingredients Al smal percentage 5 or 4 percent each say about 5 ingredients does it produce a single strong flavour or what im asking because im gonna try a few resepies but it would be my first apart from single flavours I mixed