Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

So I eventually tried tropical Ice in my Target .. Still flipping good but I thought I would get a huge hit of menthol .. I'm not .. The menthol, again has taken a back set and I'm getting more of the coconut and the something sweet .. Seems to me the the flavours that are dominant in other tanks are faded in the target .. Allowing the other flavours in the juice to shine through

I tried Tropical Ice in one of mine... it's too powerful even in the Target Tank... but I'm still playing with the coils...
I'm baffled .. But loving tasting more of the coco
Yip I tried 9mg first and that nearly killed me... switched to 3mg but the menthol is still too strong in the Target Tank.
I'm baffled ... Haha but loving the new flavours that are shining through for me I'm going to need to get my third Target now !!
I'm baffled .. But loving tasting more of the coco

I'm baffled ... Haha but loving the new flavours that are shining through for me I'm going to need to get my third Target now !!

This whole ceramic journey is baffling me... got a Krixus today... and stockl of the Subtank Ceramics... it's going to be an interesting weekend! :D
@Rob Fisher
Am standing by
Very interested to hear about the krixus and the subtank ceramic coils
@Rob Fisher
Am standing by
Very interested to hear about the krixus and the subtank ceramic coils

Am busy testing them this weekend... I normally jump the gun and I really want to give them a fair shake after all the song and dance I have made out of the Target Tanks... but so far I am underwhelmed... but I want to check if my stock that I ordered weeks ago from overseas may just be a first batch and whether the new ones that have just arrived are better.
OK set up the Krixus with XXX at 60 watts but the vape never really got to the flavour I was looking for and I fear once again I rushed the priming... so I thought I would rewick it... it comes with Japanese cotton stips and you are supposed to screw the coil apart and pull off the outer ring to expose the cotton area around the ceramic coil... the coils are supposed to last 6 months but in my case it didn't last 6 hours because I'm Like a bull in a China Shop. Whoops! I broke it. :confused:
Krixus 002.JPG

Luckily you get 2 in the box so I have installed the new one and this time I have primed it and wil;l leave it overnight before trying again... the one bonus with this tank is my customer wide bore drip tips fit the tank!
Krixus 003.JPG
@Rob Fisher. Patiently awaiting your expert ruling on the Kanger coils. Encountered my first bad SSOCC coil today. :CROSSCROSS:

Understood @ettiennedj. So far my tests have been a little underwhelming but I need to test over the weekend before I can make an informed judgement call. I need to check the latest batch of coils I got today because the first batch I got from overseas were the first coils out of the factory and the Target Coils are way better. On paper the coils should be perfect but so far I'm not that impressed.
@Rob Fisher Also waiting on your views on the Krixus although 60watts is way above my comfort zone.

So I had some issues with the Target tank. Decided to change out the coil last night. Installed the kanthal coil and fake puffed till I almost past out. I let it stand over-night and fake puffed a little longer this morning. The dry hits just kept on coming. I then tried the syringe method for priming the coil and after a lot of mess I finally got a lovely vape off it. After about 5 more puffs, the dry hits came back.

I decided that maybe the coil was a dud, so before throwing it away I went all MacGyver on it. I broke off the little grate between the juice holes (which broke off quite easily) and bent out the edges of the juice holes a little bit. I am now running 70/30 juice with no dry hits at all.
Just thought it might be an option for those of us suffering with these coils before throwing the coils out.

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@Rob Fisher Also waiting on your views on the Krixus although 60watts is way above my comfort zone.

So I had some issues with the Target tank. Decided to change out the coil last night. Installed the kanthal coil and fake puffed till I almost past out. I let it stand over-night and fake puffed a little longer this morning. The dry hits just kept on coming. I then tried the syringe method for priming the coil and after a lot of mess I finally got a lovely vape off it. After about 5 more puffs, the dry hits came back.

I decided that maybe the coil was a dud, so before throwing it away I went all MacGyver on it. I broke off the little grate between the juice holes (which broke off quite easily) and bent out the edges of the juice holes a little bit. I am now running 70/30 juice with no dry hits at all.
Just thought it might be an option for those of us suffering with these coils before throwing the coils out.

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Ah! I need to try that, I'm getting fairly consistent dry hits on my 0.9 coils in the iJust2 from 20W and up, even with 50/50 juices
I decided that maybe the coil was a dud, so before throwing it away I went all MacGyver on it. I broke off the little grate between the juice holes (which broke off quite easily) and bent out the edges of the juice holes a little bit. I am now running 70/30 juice with no dry hits at all. Just thought it might be an option for those of us suffering with these coils before throwing the coils out.

Oh WOW @Kaizer! Thanks for this I need to try that on some of the juices I feel were not that great in the tank! It may also come in handy with the gCeramic's... actually no it won't because there isn't a way to open the juice holes up. :confused:

I have just opened the new batch of gCeramics and popped one into my Trinity Cap set up... I will leave it to soak overnight.
gCeramic 001.JPG
Very interesting @Kaizer
Thanks for sharing
Let us know how the Maguyvered coil goes...
Today at the Casino I was vaping on my Target Tank on my Snow Wolf Mini and wasn't watching the juice level... I vaped the tank dry and got a really bad dry hit... I thought the special coil that has had over 65 tank refills through it was going to be history! I put the mod down and continued with my REO... when I got back to the car later I just refilled the tank and hoped for the best... there was a little bit of a funny taste for a while and now the coil is fully operational again! Damn amazing coils!
Today at the Casino I was vaping on my Target Tank on my Snow Wolf Mini and wasn't watching the juice level... I vaped the tank dry and got a really bad dry hit... I thought the special coil that has had over 65 tank refills through it was going to be history! I put the mod down and continued with my REO... when I got back to the car later I just refilled the tank and hoped for the best... there was a little bit of a funny taste for a while and now the coil is fully operational again! Damn amazing coils!

How low was it before getting a dry hit? I've tried to avoid going below the top of the highest juice hole (but it seems wasteful when changing juice).

@Kaizer what did you use to break open the juice holes?
Here is the line up for Ceramic Wars this long weekend! :rock:
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I tried the gceramic for the subtank, left the the juice to sit in it for hours, Fake puffed it till my face turned pale but I wasn't getting much flavour. I was getting minimal flavour with like a dry taste. Whats your take on it?
How low was it before getting a dry hit? I've tried to avoid going below the top of the highest juice hole (but it seems wasteful when changing juice).

@Kaizer what did you use to break open the juice holes?

@Duffie12 I shoved a tiny 1.5mm flat head screw driver in there. The grates broke off pretty easily then used the same flat head to bend out the edges of the juice holes further. I think the coil cutters cutters might also work to cut the grates off but I havent tried that yet. Might be worth a try for a cleaner cut maybe...

Im on my 3rd tank of the 70/30 juice (VM's XXX special mix) and the coil is performing great!
I tried the gceramic for the subtank, left the the juice to sit in it for hours, Fake puffed it till my face turned pale but I wasn't getting much flavour. I was getting minimal flavour with like a dry taste. Whats your take on it?

Yip I am experiencing the very same thing. :confused::(
Thought I'd give a heads up. This only happened to me once but just in case I thought I'd put it here. Take care if you switch from 50/50 to 70/30 VG, I got a dry hit as I was vaping through the old juice. After that there was a bit of a burnt taste. I left it a bit and did a bit more priming (pulling without firing and air closed) left it overnight and today it's perfect again. It's as if it takes some time to adjust after the 50/50 to start drawing in the 70/30
I am also finding reducing the gClaptons to 25 watts (from 30) and taking longer slower inhales is improving it a bit... but still really disappointed in the gCeramics for the Sub Tank. Still playing with them with different juices and also playing with the Kruxis tank with it's ceramic coil and Japanese cotton.
I am also finding reducing the gClaptons to 25 watts (from 30) and taking longer slower inhales is improving it a bit... but still really disappointed in the gCeramics for the Sub Tank. Still playing with them with different juices and also playing with the Kruxis tank with it's ceramic coil and Japanese cotton.
Highly curious...but I promised myself for the foreseeable future only juice and coil purchases
70/30 Juices are not doing well in the ceramic coiled tanks... they are fine once primed and left to stand but chain vaping leads to a dry hit of note! :sick: