Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

So far this whole ceramic route looks quiet questionable
The question now is should one dive on board or hang fire given the imminent arrival of the new spec RBA's like the Gemini and griffin
70/30 Juices are not doing well in the ceramic coiled tanks... they are fine once primed and left to stand but chain vaping leads to a dry hit of note! :sick:
Fortunately we have such awesome local mixers my fave juice mixer already said he will lower it for me to 57.5/42.5 from 70/30. Will post about it once ordered and received
So far this whole ceramic route looks quiet questionable
The question now is should one dive on board or hang fire given the imminent arrival of the new spec RBA's like the Gemini and griffin

If you need to dive in then get a Target Tank because the flavour you get with a juice like XXX 50/50 is unparalleled. It's worth getting a Target tank and a couple of 100ml's of XXX because you will be happy. I have XXX in one tank and Foggs Milky Way in another and those two will always be dedicated to those two juices... the vape is simply magnificent! I am also enjoying Snatch Dairy Milk in Target #3. Target #4 is testing other juices... Porcupine Rock Coconut is in Tank #4 soaking...
Fortunately we have such awesome local mixers my fave juice mixer already said he will lower it for me to 57.5/42.5 from 70/30. Will post about it once ordered and received

That's great... I'm actually starting to wonder why this obsession for high VG juices? Just for clouds I guess? :confused:
I think 57.26 and 42.74 would be better
57.5 could still be to thick
And 57.20 would be to thin
And I would drop the concentrates from 100 % pg based to 94.652 % pg base to ensure u still get some clouds
That's great... I'm actually starting to wonder why this obsession for high VG juices? Just for clouds I guess? :confused:
I suppose it must be and maybe pg sensitivity in some individuals, i am over the whole cloud chasing thing fortunately. Better for me and those around me
If I didn't know better I would think you were the ambassador for XXX

:D There is little doubt that XXX is one of the best juices on the planet. After having sent samples to Germany and the USA they are now ordering direct from Vapour Mountain.

PS Don't worry Blueberry Pavlova is next into Target #4. :p
I just pulling the pee out of you
Dunno if this ceramic thing is becoming and obsession with you guys but this is the first time ever I'm seeing juices needing to
Be custom made Nogal down to a decimal fraction just to suite a specific tank
Dunno if this ceramic thing is becoming and obsession with you guys but this is the first time ever I'm seeing juices needing to Be custom made Nogal down to a decimal fraction just to suite a specific tank

It is becoming a bit of an obsession... yes normal tanks are much more flexible because you can builds the coils you want with the wicks you want to suit the power and juice... but until you have tried a Target Tank you won't understand.
I just pulling the pee out of you
Dunno if this ceramic thing is becoming and obsession with you guys but this is the first time ever I'm seeing juices needing to
Be custom made Nogal down to a decimal fraction just to suite a specific tank
I know I am not sure why that specific ratio down to the 2nd decimal was mentioned as the lowest he can go but im sure he has his reasons. But yes this ceramic thing surely is a strange path I started to venture into
:D There is little doubt that XXX is one of the best juices on the planet. After having sent samples to Germany and the USA they are now ordering direct from Vapour Mountain.

PS Don't worry Blueberry Pavlova is next into Target #4. :p
I must still give that citrus mint sorbet a bash sounds right up my alley
@Rob oh shit I better run out an buy a micro measuring scale just in case you gonna need me to make a 52.446 and 47.554 ratio mix
From my experience I had no problems with going through three tanks of 70/30 (though maybe I wasn't vaping as hard or as much). It's only when I tried to switch from 50/50 back to 70/30 that I had a dry hit, it has since recovered from that. Maybe some batches of coils are better than others?
@Rob oh shit I better run out an buy a micro measuring scale just in case you gonna need me to make a 52.446 and 47.554 ratio mix
Decimals aside, i think its awesome that guys are willing to lower vg content or up nic content etc.. Really think this is an awesome community
OK Ceramic Coil wars back on... this time gonna test McGyver'ing Target Tank coils to see if I can use 70/30 Juices and at the same time I have gCeramic Coils soaking for a 70/30 test as well... done the modification as below... now cleaning tanks and will test later!

McG 002.JPG
The Target Tanks with the MacGyver'ed coils are still drying out after cleaning so this is the test setups for today! gCeramic Trinity tank set ups with Porcupine Rock, Milky way and XXX.
HandCheck 002.JPG
@Rob Fisher bend out the corners of the modified coil to allow more juice to enter the coil....

I made a note of that but I am like a bull in a china shop and will probably bugger up the coil for sure... I assume you just take a pair of long nose pliers and give it horns? OK the long nose pliers didn't work... no space... ok will try a screwdriver inserted and turned... that worked... Loading up the tank now and will let it sit for a few hours. Thanks @Kaizer :rock:
Love this thread
It's so interesting
See a great business opportunity here for a vendor to start selling small Dremel kits with accessories that you need to modify ceramic coil juice holes.
They could even include a little template like for 70/30 VG cut hole this size, for
60/40 widen this section
Two Target tanks filled with 70/30 juices and now soaking the coils. One with edges of the juice holes opened and the other one not. Both been converted from 3 hold to one fat hole.
McGTarget 001.JPG

Sidebar... the applicator with the Porcupine Rock is useless and the juice is 70/30 so pouring it into the Target Tank like I'm used to doesn't work so I have 10ml's of juice all over my desk and on my hands... in the other tank we have Vape Elixir's Galactic Hypermint which I haven't tried for a long time... new packaging is great and easy to dispense juice.
McGTarget 002.JPG