HE v non-HE

Threads change, topics change, taste changes. I'm all about watching it unfold, and picking up a couple good deals along the way.

Just because the HE stuff is on the minds of many on this forum, doesn't mean it will always be that way. TBH, as a vaper the past year of releases from china have been fairly boring, the predator isn't all that, the RX300 and GX350 are as big as a house, the new noisy cricket is an overprotective demon soccer mom, don't get me started on the Uwell Crown 2. It just seems more and more that watts need to go higher for cheap, and devices can be as shoddily put together as possible as long as they can reach 150watts+. (not that there haven't been HE things that I find lame too) Goon LP, Kodama Minikins.

There are plenty of shapes and sizes, but for me, the smaller and more comfortable the better. Which I tend to only find on a more HE side of things (not always). Also the price difference isn't that insane. People save up for nice things they want, so we can't be putting them down when they finally get it, regardless of whether its a istick basic or Vicious Ant.

I do think the industry is moving away from these over powered monstrosities to AIO devices .... but it's a folly world and nothing makes sense in the vaping scene these days. Luckily you can ignore all of it and stick with your stalwarts ......

Price difference I beg to differ ...... just cause you slap some stabwood (and shyte quality at that) doesn't mean you can hike the price up by 50% .....
The HE/non-HE discussion whooshes over my head as I have little interest in new hardware. Like all n00b vapers, I had to experiment with this unknown technology before finding what I liked. But I quite quickly found the gear I wanted (all LE) and settled on that. I've never sold any vape hardware and everything I've ever bought is still in mint condition and perfectly usable. I generally vape single coils in drippers at 25-40W. Almost any gear will satisfy that need so I'm happy with what I have. I might still get a Pico Squeeze squonker but meh, it's hard to get excited about it because I know already it's not going to be any great life-changing revelation. The main reason I want it is to avoid having to take a bottle of juice with me on the rare occasions when I vape away from home.

Otherwise I'll replace my current gear when it breaks, not before. I spent as little as possible on smoking and I've followed that same principle in vaping. Everybody must decide how they will spend their money. I just have other priorities than vape gear and make no excuses for that.

I still have concentrate FOMO because I rationalised that no matter how many concentrates I bought, I'd always be able to use them up as it's a consumable not an asset. DIY is also, for me, the most creative and satisfying aspect of vaping. But I soon reached a point where there is a very real risk of concentrates going off or losing potency before I can use them. So I've cut back greatly in that regard as well, and mostly just replace concentrates now. FOMO-free vaping is my happy place.

I've been to vape meets with my Pico and Velocity clone and can't say I've ever picked up any vibes from anybody. The only thing I've ever encountered is camaraderie, friendliness, passion for the hobby and a completely non-judgmental approach. So this animosity between the various groups is a bit baffling tbh.
I do think the industry is moving away from these over powered monstrosities to AIO devices .... but it's a folly world and nothing makes sense in the vaping scene these days. Luckily you can ignore all of it and stick with your stalwarts ......

Price difference I beg to differ ...... just cause you slap some stabwood (and shyte quality at that) doesn't mean you can hike the price up by 50% .....

only 50% the minikin V2 stab is about x3

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I love the HE gear discussions on the forum, it guides me in what to search for next on FastTech. :SimpHomer:
Hi peeps i dont want to get too involved in this thread but just want to say the reason my Group Buy was closed was not because of the BB being clones (although there were some members that had issues we were going to group buy clones none of those people were the forum admin team) .
The reason it was closed was because Sir Vape had just landed their batch of SXK BB and we did not want to step on any ones toes.

As far as LE vs HE goes , in the begining when all this HE gear started popping up on the forum i too wanted to be part of the action so i too can show off some shiny wood etc... But the more i sat and thought about it and researched, it did not make sense too me spending stupid amounts of money on something like a Vape Mod to sit at home (because i dont wanna scratch it) while i walk around with my cheapy Mods.

And besides that i am not gaining any advantage over any one spending 7k on a mod vaping on power mode vs the guy next to me on his R600 eleaf pico.

So my personal conclusion is if i wanna make a statement that my bank balance has 6 digits or more just sitting there and i am content with all my other luxuries in life ie: nice big house and sports car then maybe i will consider spending over 5k a shot on HE vape gear.
Speaking of HE can anyone recommend a good HE tank and mod combo please? I know there's many but I've been keen on getting one but it never really meets my requirements. Dual 18650s or more, min 5ml rta. Mod must at at least be able to do 100w or more. Don't need many details. Maybe just a few names and links to description and where to buy them. Thank you

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Dual 18650 - Vicious Ant Knight. 550J 200 watt.
Min 5ml Tank is a tall order for an HE Tank. The Sherman fits that bill but that's a tank if you like big builds and big power.
VapeMail 004.JPG ShermanBubble3.jpg
Thanks for your swift response uncle @Rob Fisher. It indeed looks great. What's your experience with it? And where do i buy it?

Unfortunately @Mando you have to import both because no local vendors stock them. :-(

Vicious Ant Knight - http://viciousantonline.com/products-category/stabwood-collections/
Sherman - http://www.imperial-vape.co.uk/product/the-sherman-tank-28mm-rta/

The Sherman is out of stock but if you Google you may find a retailer with it in stock.

The Sherman was not for me because I prefer much calmer low power vape and for me the Skyline is the RTA of choice but it's biggest weakness is it's small tank and the speed it goes through the juice because the flavour is outstanding.

For a read up on the Sherman here is the link - https://www.ecigssa.co.za/sherman-rta.t32704/
Thank you @ uncle Rob Fisher. I will most definitely get me one of those devices and then consider getting the stabwoods. Flavor first clouds later lol

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Thank you @Lee those mods look great but many so bulky. I'll book mark it any break into a few houses before i buy

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Or go the Clone route (for attys) to try out before you buy :)

In my mind, this is the equivalent products in analogue-land:
HE: Cuban cigars
ME: A standard ciggie
Clone: A rollie

Vape what you want and can afford, as long as you don't smoke.
I've had some hard times and during them smoked great rollies, I've had some good times and during them smoked cubans.
Do with it what you like, I'm just glad my analogue days are over.
Or go the Clone route (for attys) to try out before you buy :)

There is one big problem with that route @Daniel... I did that with the Rose 3 that was getting rave reviews worldwide and I tried a clone. That didn't end well. And back in the day I tried that with Kayfun Clones.... and there are 5 Kayfun clones in the gorge because they were all complete crap!

Granted some clones are better than others... and drippers are a lot easier to clone... but RTA's not so much... and I tried a Kayfun 5 clone... that too is in the gorge.
In my mind, this is the equivalent products in analogue-land:
HE: Cuban cigars
ME: A standard ciggie
Clone: A rollie

Vape what you want and can afford, as long as you don't smoke.
I've had some hard times and during them smoked great rollies, I've had some good times and during them smoked cubans.
Do with it what you like, I'm just glad my analogue days are over.
Cuban cigars are no longer considered HE since USA accepted them with open arms
In my mind, this is the equivalent products in analogue-land:
HE: Cuban cigars
ME: A standard ciggie
Clone: A rollie

Vape what you want and can afford, as long as you don't smoke.
I've had some hard times and during them smoked great rollies, I've had some good times and during them smoked cubans.
Do with it what you like, I'm just glad my analogue days are over.
Lol...no grey area in between? Like what would just a mod costing R1k be classified as? LE?

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