Out And About With Your Reo!

Straight up is how I drink tequila and many other things I imbibe rather than water them down with anything else. The straw is a statement of sorts I guess. When I divorced after nearly 35 years with the ex in 2002 I became a confirmed bachelor again. What self respecting confirmed bachelor would dirty up a glass to clean when the party was just him? Clean up was just tossing the dead soldiers and straw in the trash can. ;-)
Wow. Nevada?! Good to meet one more American friend! Very Impressive mod list there.
@Lord Vetinari, when you take that road trip of your dreams, you can swing by Oklahoma and say hi then hop on over to Nevada.

I guess you could call over 1200 miles just a "hop", but it's more like a long day and well into the night across some landscapes a lot of folks would find boring. ;)
Out and about with my P67 for my daughters 29th Birthday! Greedy Buddha in Umhlanga... what an awesome meal... it was more a gastronomical experience than a lunch!

The little cup of soup doesn't look like much but the flavor was outstanding and we felt like we were back in Thailand!

The Wan Ton's were not that good but ate them anyway!
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Pork Belly starter and smoked mash - Excellent Then I tried a glass of my daughters wine choice (and I never drink white wine) but the flavour of the wine was the best! So I helped nail the bottle!
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I should have taken my Target Tank with XXX in it to the lunch because the wine certainly had a litchi flavour!
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Ribs for main course... Asian style but very tasty!
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Time to leave and the Pigeon wouldn't get off the roof of my car and it rode all the way out the parking garage until I was able to engage turbos and then it launched! :D
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Lol @Rob Fisher - classic
That pigeon
Maybe it was stock they were preparing at the restaurant and he thought your car was his ticket out

(runs away and hides...)
I guess you could call over 1200 miles just a "hop", but it's more like a long day and well into the night across some landscapes a lot of folks would find boring. ;)
Nothing better than a big sky! I will not like leaving these views. But more to life than that. Sigh...

Out and about with my P67 for my daughters 29th Birthday! Greedy Buddha in Umhlanga... what an awesome meal... it was more a gastronomical experience than a lunch!

The little cup of soup doesn't look like much but the flavor was outstanding and we felt like we were back in Thailand!

The Wan Ton's were not that good but ate them anyway!
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Pork Belly starter and smoked mash - Excellent Then I tried a glass of my daughters wine choice (and I never drink white wine) but the flavour of the wine was the best! So I helped nail the bottle!
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I should have taken my Target Tank with XXX in it to the lunch because the wine certainly had a litchi flavour!
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Ribs for main course... Asian style but very tasty!
View attachment 48045

Time to leave and the Pigeon wouldn't get off the roof of my car and it rode all the way out the parking garage until I was able to engage turbos and then it launched! :D
View attachment 48046
Just to mention Uncle Rob, the drip tip and your food compliment each other.
I guess you could call over 1200 miles just a "hop", but it's more like a long day and well into the night across some landscapes a lot of folks would find boring. ;)
Well, @Spydro, boring is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I love long road trips, and it's not just about the scenery. Sometimes I like boring....gives me time to rock out to some Oldies CDs in the car. And I actually prefer to take the back roads any chance I get, so there are usually some little towns along the way with local greasy spoon diners to visit.

And.... @Lord Vetinari told me in another thread that he wanted to get in a car and drive from Maine to Florida then across to California then up the California coast then back to Maine. The way I figure it, he's up for a little boring. I think a stop in Tulsa.....maybe visit a couple of vape shops and find a glass of wine...then a stop in Vegas......a little gambling, more wine (or some Cuervo ;)) just might be a cure for the boring in between.

Given the dream trip he has envisioned, the "hop" from Tulsa to Vegas would just be a drop in the bucket. LOL

But actually...you are right. Hahaha.
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Well, @Spydro, boring is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I love long road trips, and it's not just about the scenery. Sometimes I like boring....gives me time to rock out to some Oldies CDs in the car. And I actually prefer to take the back roads any chance I get, so there are usually some little towns along the way with local greasy spoon diners to visit.

And.... @Lord Vetinari told me in another thread that he wanted to get in a car and drive from Maine to Florida then across to California then up the California coast then back to Maine. The way I figure it, he's up for a little boring. I think a stop in Tulsa.....maybe visit a couple of vape shops and find a glass of wine...then a stop in Vegas......a little gambling, more wine (or some Cuervo ;)) might just be a cure for the boring in between.

Given the dream trip he has envisioned, the "hop" from Tulsa to Vegas would just be a drop in the bucket. LOL

But actually...you are right. Hahaha.

For much of it, he could set the car on cruise and sleep :).

Now, a trip from my town to Spydro's - that would be a fun drive.
My REO's (well a couple of them) made the trip from your spot to his... but we took a plane ride! :D

Yes, and, again, I apologize for the weather when you were here. It was the only bleakness in a record setting summer.
Yes, and, again, I apologize for the weather when you were here. It was the only bleakness in a record setting summer.

We were pretty lucky and only got a little wet on one of the days... absolutely love your City! It's beautiful! And we also really enjoyed Victoria! :rock:
We were pretty lucky and only got a little wet on one of the days... absolutely love your City! It's beautiful! And we also really enjoyed Victoria! :rock:

It is a beautiful place, to be sure. We're very fortunate. Ski, mountain bike, and sail all in the same day.

Durban looks lovely, as well. I'm always envious of your pics of boating and fishing with the reos. Thanks to you, my image of life there is sun, waves, and ribs. Lots and lots of ribs (and cyclones).
It is a beautiful place, to be sure. We're very fortunate. Ski, mountain bike, and sail all in the same day.

Durban looks lovely, as well. I'm always envious of your pics of boating and fishing with the reos. Thanks to you, my image of life there is sun, waves, and ribs. Lots and lots of ribs (and cyclones).

Durban is all of the above but with girls in bikini's added! :D
It is a beautiful place, to be sure. We're very fortunate. Ski, mountain bike, and sail all in the same day.

Durban looks lovely, as well. I'm always envious of your pics of boating and fishing with the reos. Thanks to you, my image of life there is sun, waves, and ribs. Lots and lots of ribs (and cyclones).
.....and booze. Lots and lots of booze.
Ooh, that looks appetizing.

Our town has a very strong asian influence. There are as many little sushi joints as there are McDonalds and Burger Kings combined. It's our fast food. That, plus Thai, Indian, and Chinese.
My first ever REO out and about pic....

Lovely chirashi don. No sake :( as it was a business lunch.

I call that bait! Yes I'm a Philistine and need my food cooked! :D

My daughter is a foodie and has tried to educate me in the way of Sushi... :confused:

The REO said it wanted ribs!