Reo P 67

That's awesome
I like that button much more than the black one. How did you do it please @Genosmate?
I turned it on a lathe Andre,made from a useless coiling jig I bought from @Rob Fisher a long time ago and I told him I would make something useful from it.So far I have made two buttons for mods and a tool for pulling caps off RDA's.
TBH after the button was finished and I looked at the photo I thought it might look better with more of a chamfer/bevel but Rob liked it so it stays.
Must say that stripping and reassembling the P67 is a breeze.
Traxxx: TRA/Black Anodized w/Manta V1/V2 Hybrid #1
Magpixxx: White/Black Anodized w/Manta V1/V2 Hybid #2
Graxxx: Hammertone/SL TRA w/Rogue


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So nice to see a 22mm atty sitting flush on a Reo.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Ain't it, though? No unsightly cup "neck" with these babies.

The doors still don't slide up with most 22mm's, but then I was never much of a "snik"er.
Traxxx: TRA/Black Anodized w/Manta V1/V2 Hybrid #1
Magpixxx: White/Black Anodized w/Manta V1/V2 Hybid #2
Graxxx: Hammertone/SL TRA w/Rogue



Ooh, @Spydro - am loving the first one massively - TRAXX
The black side button goes very well with the black door
Love it
Then I dont need to worry about trying to get it sent in for the button treatment as discussed above. Hehe

Thanks for sharing those pics. Stunning
Ain't it, though? No unsightly cup "neck" with these babies.

The doors still don't slide up with most 22mm's, but then I was never much of a "snik"er.

Lovely @Papa_Lazarou
I am normally a "down slider" when it comes to removing the door.
Lol... "Snik"er - is that an ECF phrase?
I have a lonely nuppin that needs to be used. The P67 is my next purchase.
I might just pull the trigger next week if stock is still available. @Silver, @Alex, @Viper_SA ,@DoubleD anybody interested in a 2nd group buy?