Reo P 67

Fantastic!! The last P67 of the (hopefully) first run goes to an OG Reonaut :neng2kb: (these emojis are wack... wack, I say)

Congrats, JC!!

You, of all people, now the drill...
I watched that last one (a green/SL green) all day yesterday, just sitting there all alone, then I BOUGHT it! Couldn't resist. I really do like the P67 and I'm afraid he won't be making more for a long time, if ever.

I also bought a bright yellow SL door for it. It's going to look like a springtime bouquet.....and it's gonna match my little car.

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Hi JC.

Like the combo, great score, an epic example being the last of the run.

Last time I talked to Rob he said he planned to make more in smaller quantity. Probably depends on how many folks send him an email or other contact to let him know they are interested in more though. Into the long deserved break now and with the Reocaster Dream looming still a possibility maybe, but I guess only time will tell.

Pics when you have it set up.

BTW, where do you screw the atty into that little screaming yellow car? ;)
Hi JC.

Like the combo, great score, an epic example being the last of the run.

Last time I talked to Rob he said he planned to make more in smaller quantity. Probably depends on how many folks send him an email or other contact to let him know they are interested in more though. Into the long deserved break now and with the Reocaster Dream looming still a possibility maybe, but I guess only time will tell.

Pics when you have it set up.

BTW, where do you screw the atty into that little screaming yellow car? ;)
That little car is my pride and joy.....the gift I gave to myself on the occasion of my retirement! It only takes a couple of big hits with the air wide open on my OL16 to completely fill it up with vapor. Ha.

I'm glad to hear Rob will be making more P67s, but it'll probably be awhile. I just couldn't let my chance pass. I watched it sit there all morning then I went out and about. On the way home I told myself that IF it was still there when I got home, that would be a sign that it was supposed to be mine. Ha. The rest is history.
Congrats on the purchase @JC Okie
We have to see a pic with the Reo next to the car - what a cute looking car!
Fantastic!! The last P67 of the (hopefully) first run goes to an OG Reonaut :neng2kb: (these emojis are wack... wack, I say)

Congrats, JC!!

You, of all people, now the drill...
Just had to do it, @Papa_Lazarou. Under "normal" circumstances I would have never thought I might want a Kawasaki green P67.....but it was down to the very last one; you have to admit that is not a normal circumstance. My panic set in and I folded. I waited all last night for regret or buyer's remorse to set in...but it never did. Now I'm just excited. I'll get it (probably) Wednesday. Pics will be forthcoming.

Every time I buy another REO I tell myself (in a very gruff, strong, frowny-faced voice) that's it. But.....they are so addictive and I am so addicted..... I figure what's the harm in just one more......?
Just had to do it, @Papa_Lazarou. Under "normal" circumstances I would have never thought I might want a Kawasaki green P67.....but it was down to the very last one; you have to admit that is not a normal circumstance. My panic set in and I folded. I waited all last night for regret or buyer's remorse to set in...but it never did. Now I'm just excited. I'll get it (probably) Wednesday. Pics will be forthcoming.

Every time I buy another REO I tell myself (in a very gruff, strong, frowny-faced voice) that's it. But.....they are so addictive and I am so addicted..... I figure what's the harm in just one more......?

Perhaps this bit of fate is your cue to live on the wild side. A kawa REO - what's next? A Harley Davidson? Taking up parkour?
That little car is my pride and joy.....the gift I gave to myself on the occasion of my retirement! It only takes a couple of big hits with the air wide open on my OL16 to completely fill it up with vapor. Ha.

I'm glad to hear Rob will be making more P67s, but it'll probably be awhile. I just couldn't let my chance pass. I watched it sit there all morning then I went out and about. On the way home I told myself that IF it was still there when I got home, that would be a sign that it was supposed to be mine. Ha. The rest is history.

I planned to get back in touch in a couple of weeks or so. When I call I'll see if he has an inkling to build more now that the run is all sold out.
Yours is prettier than mine. Hahaha. The truth is that I've never driven a motorcycle, and I have only ridden behind someone else twice. So much for living on the wild side. :-D
Something I've learned getting close to the end of the trail is you're never to old to get wild (albeit at a slower pace). ;-)
I heard from Robert. He said he is really enjoying life a lot more now and hanging loose.

Was happy to hear it, he really needed the change.

P67 update: He is going to make more of them. No date when yet, but said if anyone wants a P67 (or more of them) the best way is to visit his site, go to the P67 sale page, pick the color combo wanted, click on the to be notified, leave an email addy/submit and you'll get an email when it becomes available to buy if still wanted at that time, or not otherwise. IOW you are not obligated to buy, but that'll help him decide what finishes to do and how many of each to plan on, plus some extras for stock.

ETA: Probably the more interest he gets for them this way the sooner he will make another much smaller run.

For all the rest of his stuff that is in stock they can be ordered anytime.
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I heard from Robert. He said he is really enjoying life a lot more now and hanging loose.

Was happy to hear it, he really needed the change.

P67 update: He is going to make more of them. No date when yet, but said if anyone wants a P67 (or more of them) the best way is to visit his site, go to the P67 sale page, pick the color combo wanted, click on the to be notified, leave an email addy/submit and you'll get an email when it becomes available to buy if still wanted at that time, or not otherwise. IOW you are not obligated to buy, but that'll help him decide what finishes to do and how many of each to plan on, plus some extras for stock.

For all the rest of his stuff that is in stock they can be ordered anytime.
Luckely I asked him pretty please........
I heard from Robert. He said he is really enjoying life a lot more now and hanging loose.

Was happy to hear it, he really needed the change.

P67 update: He is going to make more of them. No date when yet, but said if anyone wants a P67 (or more of them) the best way is to visit his site, go to the P67 sale page, pick the color combo wanted, click on the to be notified, leave an email addy/submit and you'll get an email when it becomes available to buy if still wanted at that time, or not otherwise. IOW you are not obligated to buy, but that'll help him decide what finishes to do and how many of each to plan on, plus some extras for stock.

For all the rest of his stuff that is in stock they can be ordered anytime.

Thanks for the update @Spydro
I definitely want (and I think its safe to say, need) a raw tumbled P67 with a Black wrinkle door
It will be a P67 version of "thumper"
This is my next major purchase and I am going to look forward to it and enjoy the anticipation
Thanks for the update @Spydro
I definitely want (and I think its safe to say, need) a raw tumbled P67 with a Black wrinkle door
It will be a P67 version of "thumper"
This is my next major purchase and I am going to look forward to it and enjoy the anticipation

Well of course - everyone needs a TRA P67. :)
Thanks for the update @Spydro
I definitely want (and I think its safe to say, need) a raw tumbled P67 with a Black wrinkle door
It will be a P67 version of "thumper"
This is my next major purchase and I am going to look forward to it and enjoy the anticipation

Agree, TRA & black makes for a great combo. My TRA P67 sports a black anodized door.

I have never been a fan of the black wrinkle finish though, so was disappointed at first to see most of the run was that finish (and especially that none of it was anodized). Had seen way too many pictures posted of beat up and chipped wrinkle Reos (from being dropped presumably). So 3 with other finishes were bought. For #4 there wasn't much left to choose from, so I bought a black wrinkle/white door. Figured I could use the white door sometimes on the white P67 that has a black ano door. And I had another black ano door I could put on #4. The gears changed when it was in hand though. I actually liked the feel of the wrinkle finish so much that I put a black wrinkle door on it AND gave it a precious all black Nuppin' as it's resident atty. That Red Jatoba/Black Ebony Woodvil it was on (my favorite of all of them) will probably never speak to me again. Do like all four P67's a lot, but the TRA will always be my #1 P67, same as in my LP Grands, LP/SL Grands, Mini 2.1's and Mini 1.0's. But the surprise #2 P67 is now the Black Wrinkle. I never drop mods, so expect it to stay as new like all of my mods do.
Agree, TRA & black makes for a great combo. My TRA P67 sports a black anodized door.

I have never been a fan of the black wrinkle finish though, so was disappointed at first to see most of the run was that finish (and especially that none of it was anodized). Had seen way too many pictures posted of beat up and chipped wrinkle Reos (from being dropped presumably). So 3 with other finishes were bought. For #4 there wasn't much left to choose from, so I bought a black wrinkle/white door. Figured I could use the white door sometimes on the white P67 that has a black ano door. And I had another black ano door I could put on #4. The gears changed when it was in hand though. I actually liked the feel of the wrinkle finish so much that I put a black wrinkle door on it AND gave it a precious all black Nuppin' as it's resident atty. That Red Jatoba/Black Ebony Woodvil it was on (my favorite of all of them) will probably never speak to me again. Do like all four P67's a lot, but the TRA will always be my #1 P67, same as in my LP Grands, LP/SL Grands, Mini 2.1's and Mini 1.0's. But the surprise #2 P67 is now the Black Wrinkle. I never drop mods, so expect it to stay as new like all of my mods do.

If it helps, I've got a fair few black wrinkles :))) with nary a ding or scratch on 'em (oldest is 2+ years old). I agree that pics of beat reos always seem to involve that finish (never, say, a hammertone), so it's prolly the weakest of the finishes, but it can last in the right hands.

I once lent a mod (not a reo) to a mate at work. I'd had it for 4-ish months when I lent it out, he had it for 3 months before giving it back (I didn't miss it as I'd moved to reoville in the meantime). When he gave it back, it was trashed - tarnished, scratched, and dented in places. Some folks are just that way with gear. You, however, are like this guy who takes care of that most holy of grails, the Stanley Cup...

Agree, TRA & black makes for a great combo. My TRA P67 sports a black anodized door.

I have never been a fan of the black wrinkle finish though, so was disappointed at first to see most of the run was that finish (and especially that none of it was anodized). Had seen way too many pictures posted of beat up and chipped wrinkle Reos (from being dropped presumably). So 3 with other finishes were bought. For #4 there wasn't much left to choose from, so I bought a black wrinkle/white door. Figured I could use the white door sometimes on the white P67 that has a black ano door. And I had another black ano door I could put on #4. The gears changed when it was in hand though. I actually liked the feel of the wrinkle finish so much that I put a black wrinkle door on it AND gave it a precious all black Nuppin' as it's resident atty. That Red Jatoba/Black Ebony Woodvil it was on (my favorite of all of them) will probably never speak to me again. Do like all four P67's a lot, but the TRA will always be my #1 P67, same as in my LP Grands, LP/SL Grands, Mini 2.1's and Mini 1.0's. But the surprise #2 P67 is now the Black Wrinkle. I never drop mods, so expect it to stay as new like all of my mods do.

I was also a little disappointed to see all the wrinkles, as my first mini reo was a black wrinkle, the juice always seemed to coat the exterior surface. So one day I just got fed up with continually wiping it down, and made the decision to strip the paint. I remember how easily the paint lifted off using a paint stripper.. completely effortless. And the smooth feel of the raw cool aluminum just felt so good in my hand. A few weeks later I offered to strip the inside paint on someone's Reo, the exterior had already been sanded. That was the moment I discovered just how tough and durable a powder coated finish is. The stripper I used had no effect at all on that PC surface. My choices now would be in the following order:- powder coat, followed by anodized and then the raw finish.
Thanks for the update @Spydro
I definitely want (and I think its safe to say, need) a raw tumbled P67 with a Black wrinkle door
It will be a P67 version of "thumper"
This is my next major purchase and I am going to look forward to it and enjoy the anticipation
Raw tumbled P67's now back in stock. Just saying :p
@Christos @Silver #groupbuy
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Raw tumbled P67's now back in stock. Just saying :p
@Christos @Silver #groupbuy
Hmm.. I got an email saying they were available by following an attached link - but when I follow the link it says unavailable. Not sure whether they sold out on day 1, or whether they are not up yet?
Hi Guys, I also got the notification yesterday for the black wrinkle and when I checked it was sold out. I asked Rob from Reosmods and he said they were already sold out. He will have more end of July. It really sucks. Because I have been checking the site daily.

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