Show Us Your Working Wick And Coil Setup

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so this is my first coil that actually tasted any good. No dry hits or burned taste. 1.9ohms on 3mm ekowool,Vaping at 10watts on my SVD. Intense Double Apple .9% nic.

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Neat. Like the stand as well.
must get a M7x0,5 tap soon, to make a stand :)
this gave me an idea to try out next...thx @Derick :
Twisted 28g Coil With Macro Lens

twisted 0.28g, 7 wraps on a 2mm screwdriver (although it was quite loose on it) came out to 0.9 ohm

is that valid for entry into the sub ohm world? :D

P1030811 (1280x960).jpg
P1030814 (1280x960).jpg
I like it!!!
...and it was fun. needed 2 attempts tho, first one was 1.5 ohms @ 9 wraps. probably because of the loose fit on the screwdriver.

btw, i did it like that, without the allen key as I have a drill chuck that closes completely:
liking it, it is like the dude promised, solid and pleasant plumes. good flavor on the VM Banana Cream
...and it was fun. needed 2 attempts tho, first one was 1.5 ohms @ 9 wraps. probably because of the loose fit on the screwdriver.

btw, i did it like that, without the allen key as I have a drill chuck that closes completely:

Dit exactly that with mine.
Must say, it is a ***** to fix to the screws if you don't have the tail holes in the my Igo-w clone.
CVS my bud this kayfun is real bastard.. In a good way. Will post photos later.. :p
CVS my bud this kayfun is real bastard.. In a good way. Will post photos later.. :p
im glad you liking it. did you use the coil I wrapped? lets see them pics with the king ofcourse

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Yea your coil.. You build super beautiful coils man.. thanks bro.. Will do a dual coil once this thing is done. But must get some more 30A batteries, on a mech mod it makes a monster difference.
thanks bro. yeah I used it on the svd and its not the same as with the raw mechanical power

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another one for the dripping guys if you prefer taste off silica rather then cotton. 3 strands of silica with end tail wrapped in cotton to hold more juice wicks perfectly . to test wicking juice was dripped on cotton side and within a matter of 3 seconds the other side where u see the silica was juiced

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Two builds on the RSST:

SS Mesh with 4/3 wraps of 32 gauge kanthal, came to about 1.4ohm if I recall, might have been less but it fired on SVD so >1.2ohm for sure:
How does it vape:
- best SS mesh build to date by miles and miles, wicks like a champ it's so quick to wick you can just vape and vape and no wicking issues, don't even really have to tilt it much if at all.
- vapour well its good but maybe not the very best i've ever seen, it's good though
- flavour well this was bad, no two ways around it, it got better after the 1st tank and much better after the 2nd tank but it just tasted off, not a big fan.

Nanocoil with lots of wraps (maybe 15 i can't remember) 28gauge kanthal around syringe needle (maybe 0.8mm ID?) came to just just enough to fire on SVD so maybe 1.2ohm region:
More info:
- air hole on RRST is drilled out to 1.5mm with airhole positioned so as to allow air to flow into the hole in the centre of the coil.
- wick is cotton, wrapped around the nanocoil (two wrap) and the tails dipped into the tank.

How does it vape:
- well right off the bat i'm going to say pretty friggin awesome!
- vapour production is a bit lacking actually, one of the worst build for watts to vapour conversion, BUT it wicks really nicely so you can pump up the power pretty high, 15watts on the SVD and this thing wasn't even breaking a sweat.
- flavour WOW the flavour this thing chucks is just incredible, I only ran about two thirds of a tank through this thing of mint flavour but yeah just a lovely clean minty taste all the way.
- I did remove the fill plug to allow for better wicking and I do find it helpful to run a slight tilt while vaping.
- I'd say get a higher wattage mod (dna20 i wish lol) or lower coil ohms on a mech and ud be golden with this build.
@Smokyg , Kayfun build is also awesome. If I had to choose between Kayfun (clone lol) and an RSST (or any other genesis style RBA) it would be the Kayfun no doubt!
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