Show Us Your Working Wick And Coil Setup

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@Smokyg , Kayfun build is also awesome. If I had to choose between Kayfun (clone lol) and an RSST (or any other genesis style RBA) it would be the Kayfun no doubt!
Im looking at the Kayfun Lite, sadly $ flow is a bit tight, and the girlfriend is a pain when it comes to spending.. Lol! I guess it wont run on a Ego c twist? Lol
@Smokyg it actually would lol, it does like a fair bit of power depending on the build so you may chow through your battery quite quickly and of course, it's going to be VERY top heavy, damn near impossible to stand up I'd say (and it will look weird) but yeah, it would technically be working!
Kayfuns also chow through juice. So its heavy in every regard.
another one for the dripping guys if you prefer taste off silica rather then cotton. 3 strands of silica with end tail wrapped in cotton to hold more juice wicks perfectly . to test wicking juice was dripped on cotton side and within a matter of 3 seconds the other side where u see the silica was juiced
how did u attach the cotton to it? just loose around the silica? i am going to make a new coil later, and think that i must try that. my current coil is the twisted one, for me it reacts to slow, takes a while to heat up :(
@Smokyg it actually would lol, it does like a fair bit of power depending on the build so you may chow through your battery quite quickly and of course, it's going to be VERY top heavy, damn near impossible to stand up I'd say (and it will look weird) but yeah, it would technically be working!
Haha! Thats good news tho! i always have my charger with me at least! altho the iClear 16 on it gives me 1.75 days of vaping. I would love to get a Kayfun light, but i think ill move to the iCLear 30B first and then go RBA. I know i am going to regret it but i have to pace myself :) Perhaps get a Mod first and then a Kayfun.

Regards to being top heavy and bit, i dont really worry about that, thats why there are stands, lol! The bigger the better the manlier! Hahaha! There is a serbian woman in the same office park thats vaping on a Evic and a iClear 30S, and that puts my setup to shame in terms of looks, but she has barely any vapour production, quite sad really.
@Smokyg yeah, RBA's are awesome don't get me wrong, but when you have a build that's just not doing it for you and you want that vape NOW then it's sometimes a schlep to have to do a new build. Maybe think about a cheap dripper in the mean time as well? I got a Helios from CVS for less than R200, it can be set up for dual coils even, pretty nice, adjustable airflow.

Lol yeah, everyone has different tastes, I always get a lot of comments about how big my eVic or SVD setups are. eVic and 30s is also pretty hefty looking, my kinda style!
@Smokyg yeah, RBA's are awesome don't get me wrong, but when you have a build that's just not doing it for you and you want that vape NOW then it's sometimes a schlep to have to do a new build. Maybe think about a cheap dripper in the mean time as well? I got a Helios from CVS for less than R200, it can be set up for dual coils even, pretty nice, adjustable airflow.

Lol yeah, everyone has different tastes, I always get a lot of comments about how big my eVic or SVD setups are. eVic and 30s is also pretty hefty looking, my kinda style!
Perhaps a dripper is not a bad idea for chilling at home :) Thanks for that idea! :D Perhaps i should invest in one next month :D

Ill slowly build up the arsenal, (Everything i buy i have to buy 2 of for the better half).
i love my dripper in the evenings. it was cheap, it is reliable, easy to build, huge plumes and tastes good ;)
how did u attach the cotton to it? just loose around the silica? i am going to make a new coil later, and think that i must try that. my current coil is the twisted one, for me it reacts to slow, takes a while to heat up :(
yes tom just wrap it around the silica once juiced it stays in place

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yes tom just wrap it around the silica once juiced it stays in place

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done, 0.9 ohm, looks like yours, no pic needed then...also did my Rocket over. hard coil rebuild work today, now relaxing and test vaping the CVS special :)
figured im gona need a micro coil jig and came up with this using a couple of screws a needle tip and a battery holder. not too bad will in due time make my own proper jig

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So i tried a new coil on my RUSSIAN 91% 0.7 ohms 30gauge kanthal 6 wrap around 2mm drill bit. Im well impressed, i like a TH, this thing is just crazy, maybe a little to harsh but the flavor was great, not huge clouds but im happy. oh yes its a cotton wick did take a pic of that though


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So i tried a new coil on my RUSSIAN 91% 0.7 ohms 30gauge kanthal 6 wrap around 2mm drill bit. Im well impressed, i like a TH, this thing is just crazy, maybe a little to harsh but the flavor was great, not huge clouds but im happy. oh yes its a cotton wick did take a pic of that though

looks sweet
i take it you wrapped the cotton around the coil and not through the center ?
Correct sir.

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How is the chimney style micro coil compared to the normal micro coil? I know the guy from rim trippers says the taste is more defined with the chimney styled coil..
Sorry for the late reply, my Tapatalk has gone for a ball of popo.
I think im fine tuning and playing with what i like and dont like. We all get so easily influenced by what is suppose to taste good or be good by what we read on the forums.
For me i could not really tasted the difference in the 2, for one with this vertical coil i got lotsa of snap crackle and popping of juice in my mouth to the point where i got boiling juice on my tongue. Could be a wicking problem or because the coil sits so high up in the chimney that it get through the tiny hole.
I think im to inexperienced to say which was better but i will say at the moment sub ohming is not for me.
Sorry for the late reply, my Tapatalk has gone for a ball of popo.
I think im fine tuning and playing with what i like and dont like. We all get so easily influenced by what is suppose to taste good or be good by what we read on the forums.
For me i could not really tasted the difference in the 2, for one with this vertical coil i got lotsa of snap crackle and popping of juice in my mouth to the point where i got boiling juice on my tongue. Could be a wicking problem or because the coil sits so high up in the chimney that it get through the tiny hole.
I think im to inexperienced to say which was better but i will say at the moment sub ohming is not for me.
Thank you for your honest impressions. Methinks the darker side (sub-ohm) vapers, like me at around 0.9 ohms, are a minority in the vaping community. From the Reo subforum on ECF my impression is that most vape around 1.0 to 1.5 on a mech.
Sorry for the late reply, my Tapatalk has gone for a ball of popo.
I think im fine tuning and playing with what i like and dont like. We all get so easily influenced by what is suppose to taste good or be good by what we read on the forums.
For me i could not really tasted the difference in the 2, for one with this vertical coil i got lotsa of snap crackle and popping of juice in my mouth to the point where i got boiling juice on my tongue. Could be a wicking problem or because the coil sits so high up in the chimney that it get through the tiny hole.
I think im to inexperienced to say which was better but i will say at the moment sub ohming is not for me.
I found the same with the chimney build. I didn't like it. I keep on reverting back to the original build and it is great. I made a bit of a change with the wick material, running it also over the screws on the side of the coil and I really love that. I will take a photo tonight to show you.
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