Show Us Your Working Wick And Coil Setup

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Rewicked the aqua just now and messed up the coils pulling the old wick out still vapes like a champ though. Re coil tomorrow maybe.


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that thing must be a juice guzzler

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Neat coiling, @Silver1. Methinks that is too close to the posts. The closer you put the coil to the edge, the nearer the air hole it can be, the better the flavour. Yes, will give slightly more of a throat hit so near to the posts, but rather move the coil up to adjust for more throat hit - start directly in front of the air hole, then move up if required. More like this:

Or even like this:

Thanks so much @Matthee! That's such super advice!
- on my next build, I will start near to the airhole - and then move up for more TH. Will report back my findings.
Some realisations I had today while coil building......

I think I need a RDA with holes in the posts ;-)

Was fiddling a lot with the IGO-L today and actually couldn't easily see what I was doing, thought I had the wire in the right place, tightened the screw and got all excited to juice it up, then I looked carefully and the wire was loose ;-)

Now I also understand why some folk have those ghastly looking Darth Vader headgear sets with built in lights and magnifying glasses.

I also struggle to count the coils with the naked eye after its wrapped. Seems like my eyes' resolution has diminished slightly. Where is @SunRam? So I take a picture with my trusty camera and zoom in. LOL. I also have learnt to concentrate while wrapping and count carefully.
Some realisations I had today while coil building......

I think I need a RDA with holes in the posts ;-)

Was fiddling a lot with the IGO-L today and actually couldn't easily see what I was doing, thought I had the wire in the right place, tightened the screw and got all excited to juice it up, then I looked carefully and the wire was loose ;-)

Now I also understand why some folk have those ghastly looking Darth Vader headgear sets with built in lights and magnifying glasses.

I also struggle to count the coils with the naked eye after its wrapped. Seems like my eyes' resolution has diminished slightly. Where is @SunRam? So I take a picture with my trusty camera and zoom in. LOL. I also have learnt to concentrate while wrapping and count carefully.

I have the same problem and I wear specs :confused:

Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk
I don't wear specs.... yet...

Maybe I need to go see @SunRam
Thanks so much @Matthee! That's such super advice!
- on my next build, I will start near to the airhole - and then move up for more TH. Will report back my findings.

Just one question and sorry if it sounds daft,

Does moving the coil high up interfere with the wicking? The fluid then has to go "uphill". So for example, if the ends of the cotton in the well absorb some e-liquid, will it get up to the coil? Anyone have any experience on this? I am using cotton and about a 2mm ID.
Just one question and sorry if it sounds daft,

Does moving the coil high up interfere with the wicking? The fluid then has to go "uphill". So for example, if the ends of the cotton in the well absorb some e-liquid, will it get up to the coil? Anyone have any experience on this? I am using cotton and about a 2mm ID.

I set mine up with as little cotton as possible. Tip I got from @Zegee. And it makes huge clouds. Just the tail of one side of each wick touches the base to wick up juice. Tip from @fred1sa I have no wicking issues. You will Have to drip a bit more often but the clouds and flavour are worth it.


Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk
Capillary action or capillarity can be defined as the
macroscopic motion or flow of a liquid under the
influence of its own surface and interfacial forces in
narrow tubes, cracks and voids. The surface tension is
based on the intermolecular forces of cohesion and
adhesion. When the forces of adhesion between the
liquid and the tube wall are greater than the forces of
cohesion between the molecules of the liquid, then
capillary motion occurs. Flow ceases when the
pressure difference becomes zero.

found that via my friend google :p sounds geek tho
Just one question and sorry if it sounds daft,

Does moving the coil high up interfere with the wicking? The fluid then has to go "uphill". So for example, if the ends of the cotton in the well absorb some e-liquid, will it get up to the coil? Anyone have any experience on this? I am using cotton and about a 2mm ID.
As @Gazzacpt said above. I totally agree about the little cotton as possible, but prefer a 1.5 mm ID for more effective vaporisation.
Here is a good video on building micro coils - for a micro coil all the wraps should all tightly touch. When installing on the Aqua, keep the coil on the mandrel, and hold in position with one hand. Work the tails from the inside of the posts and wrap the tail right around so that it stays in position by itself - tighten the screw slightly leaving enough space for the tails of the second coil. Now follow the same procedure with the second coil. Tighten the screws but not all the way. Position the coils with your mandrel to make sure they are right above the air holes, as close as possible without touching the deck. Now tighten the screws fully. Good way to tighten is by leaving the mandrel in and holding the mandrel to prevent the coil from too much movement during tightening. That is how I do it, but there are many other ways.

WOW MATHEEE that is awesome thanks so much. I struggled a bit yesterday and only saw your reply now. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide a detailed explanation. Absolutely awesome. I truly appreciate the great advice on this forum and the awesome folks here, it is rare in the world of today. Thanks again, you rock.
Okay, awesome, packed those coils closely together, torched the Kanthal before winding, winds up easier. Made 2 coils and it is incredible. The resistance came to exactly 1.0 and the vapor is huge. Spacing the coils lower down and closer to the air holes made the vapor cooler as well. Brilliant, I am digging this. Thanks guys for the advice, seriously epic beyond words.

Just some quick pics to show how this thing is throwing vapour, absolutely amazing. Coming from clearomizers to this setup is like the difference between night and day. As always, Mattheee your advice is spot on.

Tighter coils, lower spaced, near air inlet holes.

Absolutely throwing off vapor like a dragon with hiccups while hissing like a spitting cobra on Red Bull. Epic.
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Okay, awesome, packed those coils closely together, torched the Kanthal before winding, winds up easier. Made 2 coils and it is incredible. The resistance came to exactly 1.0 and the vapor is huge. Spacing the coils lower down and closer to the air holes made the vapor cooler as well. Brilliant, I am digging this. Thanks guys for the advice, seriously epic beyond words.

Just some quick pics to show how this thing is throwing vapour, absolutely amazing. Coming from clearomizers to this setup is like the difference between night and day. As always, Mattheee your advice is spot on.

Tighter coils, lower spaced, near air inlet holes.

Absolutely throwing off vapor like a dragon with hiccups while hissing like a spitting cobra on Red Bull. Epic.

Looking very very good there Mr @Chop007 you are a pro already.
Looking very very good there Mr @Chop007 you are a pro already.
Awesome, thanks Gazza, I appreciate the help of all you guys, it really has made the difference in vaping, big time. With legends like you all, the incredible vaping machines, gizmo's and awesome juices, I do believe there is no possible way to ever even think of stinkies again. I actually realized today that the thought of stinkies has not even crossed my mind in about 1,5 months.

Just goes to show, their is a cure for tobacco addiction, and it is here. Solid as a rock.
Okay, awesome, packed those coils closely together, torched the Kanthal before winding, winds up easier. Made 2 coils and it is incredible. The resistance came to exactly 1.0 and the vapor is huge. Spacing the coils lower down and closer to the air holes made the vapor cooler as well. Brilliant, I am digging this. Thanks guys for the advice, seriously epic beyond words.

Just some quick pics to show how this thing is throwing vapour, absolutely amazing. Coming from clearomizers to this setup is like the difference between night and day. As always, Mattheee your advice is spot on.

Tighter coils, lower spaced, near air inlet holes.

Absolutely throwing off vapor like a dragon with hiccups while hissing like a spitting cobra on Red Bull. Epic.
Well done right there, @Chop007. That things sucks and vaporizes juice like a volcano. Enjoy.
Looking good man, glad to see that the SVD can handle 1ohm builds
Well done @Chop007 and @Gazzacpt on your new vapour production machines!
You guys are firing me up.
Loved that your cat helped you Gazza ;-)

What would we all do without the mighty yet ever so considerate @Matthee ?
Guys quick question, when building dual coils, its it ok if the 2 coils touch?

I am wanting to try and build a dual coil in an evod cup and am concerned about the 2 coils touching cause it is a very tight space to work in.

So these 2 coils will be running parallel to each other so if they touch is it ok?
If you get that right, then you have done well @BhavZ!!
You must tell us how it vapes. Will be like a stealth smoke machine

Sorry, cant advise you on the touching of the coils though :)
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