Song Of The Day

Nostalgic today

Ek wil lewe in jou skaduwee, ek wil jou blik oor alles voel
Elke oggend as die son opkom, oor my bed en kas en stoel
Ek wil weet net wie en wat jy is, ek wil jou fyn maal op die wal
Ek wil jou rook soos goeie kruie uit die diepste, diepste dal
Ek wil jou dophou as jy luister na die woorde van matrose
Ek wil saamgaan op jou strooptog, ek wil deel in jou psigose

Kuns is edel, kuns is boos, kuns is nogtans skadeloos
Kind van sonde, kind van troos, kind van Liefde uit die Oudedoos

Ek het 'n suster net soos jy. Sy dwaal rond in ou, ou gange
tussen prente en portrette, en wardrobes van verlange
Die hemel was in LSD. Die hel ook as jy my vra
Die paragrawe wat jy brei, is 'n trui vir Mamma Afrika

Ek wil jou rondwys in my hart, maar jy mag dit nie onthou nie
Die knoppie is op pause, maar my boude is nie blou nie

Kuns is edel, kuns is boos, kuns is nogtans skadeloos
Kind van sonde, kind van troos, kind van Liefde uit die Oudedoos

Dis 'n bitterbessie dagbreek, dis 'n uitroep komma-punt
Mabalel is huistoe, want sy mis haar eie kind
Ek wens ek kon jou teken met 'n koukie of 'n kwas
Ek wens ek kon onthou hoekom ek so bewerig was
Ek wens ek kon jou oopskryf, met my balpunt pen behaag
Ek wens ons kon saam wakker word in 'n youth hostel in Praag

God is edel, God is boos, God is nogtans skadeloos
Kind van sonde, kind van troos, kind van Liefde uit die Oudedoos

Come down from your mountain
I miss your holy shouting
These days I can't make you make a sound
Take me to the times when
We'd look up to the skies
And climb up there and draw the thunder down
Now I'm forcing myself into
What you've already been through
But darling I can't help the way I feel
And you need something stronger
A drug to kill the hunger
And ease the awful pain of living here

And I'm the kind of love it hurts to look at
And maybe we should take it as a sign
When I'm strung out on leaving
Exalting all my demons
And you don't care for me enough to cry

I dreamt I'd take you with me
And you'd say you forgive me
And we'd live out some easy, ancient song
Now we're out here unattended
In splendid love's remembrance
You lost the mind to even do me wrong

And I'm the kind of love it hurts to look at
But once I was enough to make you try
Now I'm underneath the rubble
Trying not to feel the trouble
And you don't care for me enough to cry

So here's hoping I can change tomorrow
You wanted hard as nails cut and dry
But I beg, steal, and borrow
I'm so damn good at sorrow
And you don't care for me enough to cry
A bit of old school Aussie rock. A local band from right here in Newcastle NSW. Late 80s early 90s.

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A bit of old school Aussie rock. A local band from right here in Newcastle NSW. Late 80s early 90s.

Singer trying to look like Bon Scott here's the master! Good Tune!

Those great Anglo Australian Scots, the great AC/DC!!!!!!!!
