What Did You Vape Today?

Perpetual Check by Five Pawns; I can't seem to get enough of the stuff! :D
Gambit and Grandmaster by five pawns.
Elvis Breakfast by Lekka Vapors
Plasma Juice by Vape Elixir
Apple Pi and Baked Apple by Skyblue
My own NET Italian coffee 90pg/10vg zero nic nectar.
Why so much PG? You usually do that?

And you used Italian, dark roast, oily, i thought to stay away from dark roasts.
i decided yesterday to give up on mtbaker coffee flavourant. Even at only 3% of total, it worked for a while. Aerotank Mega, then i found the last 15% or so in the tank, it had formed a dark glob that wouldn't remix. i can't see that i'm doing anything wrong, so i wonder how they can sell the stuff. Although i hadn't seen anything like that in the comment-reviews there.
this morning I haven't mustered up the courage to get out of bed yet, so with coffee delivered to my bedside, breaking benjamin playing on the external and my laptop in front of me, i'm vaping on the last left overs of yesterday's juices, being the Symfonias mixed with some VM Menthol Ice that i topped the Aerotank up with last night and the last couple of drops of Lyle's special mix :) will have to get up soon to go refill, but then it's time for my cycle down to the beachfront too, so trying to stretch this lounging around for a little longer hahaha :giggle:
@Metal Liz i'm also still in bed. Me and my friend made a famly bed infront of the tv with the children as her husband is on a hunting trip and Jaco is still in hospital. Whaching "The Little Mermaid":giggle:

Vaping on my beloved VK5 and Tinkerbell and Mpt3.
@Metal Liz i'm also still in bed. Me and my friend made a famly bed infront of the tv with the children as her husband is on a hunting trip and Jaco is still in hospital. Whaching "The Little Mermaid":giggle:

Vaping on my beloved VK5 and Tinkerbell and Mpt3.
How is Jaco doing? Have they been able to get the swelling down?
for me its now time to get up, Sean and Mark just left to take his KTM to the mechanic for fixing... and I'm sitting with 2 empty ecigs, guess it's time to start my day, grab the ipod and go for that cycle, want to push myself today and go for a nice loooooong one :rock: just need to figure out the settings on my bike's computer so it works hahaha! think i'll fill up my ecigs when i get back ;) Oh no what am i talking about hahaha, i need one filled atleast for a stop-off vape at the beach, whoop whoop yeah :rock:
How is Jaco doing? Have they been able to get the swelling down?

Thanks for asking. Last knight the swelling was way better, still need to get up and go and see how it looks this morning. Hope he will come home today. Still blue and the blue is turning green now, so it looks better.
this morning I haven't mustered up the courage to get out of bed yet, so with coffee delivered to my bedside, breaking benjamin playing on the external and my laptop in front of me, i'm vaping on the last left overs of yesterday's juices, being the Symfonias mixed with some VM Menthol Ice that i topped the Aerotank up with last night and the last couple of drops of Lyle's special mix :) will have to get up soon to go refill, but then it's time for my cycle down to the beachfront too, so trying to stretch this lounging around for a little longer hahaha :giggle:

Aah the joys of living in CT! Cycling down to the beach! Enjoy that
Wow @Rob Fisher , the spinner setup is making an appearance!
How is that VK watermelon?

And how is the CraftVapour Melon on the Rocks treating you? Those two flavours would make for a good comparison.

I quite enjoy the VK Watermelon... I probably need to try it in a REO to give it a fair chance!

And I enjoy the Melon on the Rocks and it's in a REO. The two are quite different and the Melon on the Rocks is a lot of green melon which I do enjoy!

The Witches Brew I thought I would like because I tasted it in @vaalboy's REO but when I got it home and into one of mine I wasn't as crazy about it... and then a new convert arrived to collect his stuff I bought him and he stole it!... well he didn't really steal it... he got it at a good price. ;)
I quite enjoy the VK Watermelon... I probably need to try it in a REO to give it a fair chance!

And I enjoy the Melon on the Rocks and it's in a REO. The two are quite different and the Melon on the Rocks is a lot of green melon which I do enjoy!

The Witches Brew I thought I would like because I tasted it in @vaalboy's REO but when I got it home and into one of mine I wasn't as crazy about it... and then a new convert arrived to collect his stuff I bought him and he stole it!... well he didn't really steal it... he got it at a good price. ;)

Lol @Rob Fisher
Thanks for the impressions. Am waiting for VK to launch 18mg then i would like to try their watermelon. Especially if you say you quite enjoy it.

As for WB Blackbird, I was going to say I found I had to give it some time. Initially I wasnt too impressed. It was nice but not amazing. Then after a few days it became really awesome. Also, what ohms were you vaping it at? I think Blackbird needs some power.

Lucky convert of yours who walked out with Blackbird!
Well today I am down one REO (since 'loaning' it to my mom for the weekend)

Havent refilled the Mini

So I have just got one device operational today. Quite unusual, i cant remember if this has ever happened to me before. Lol

I have loaded Tarks Poison Elite for the first time.
Its nice. Interesting flavour that is quite difficult to describe
This will be fun

Incidentally, puffing on one device is not great. Having 2 flavours running at the same time is way, way better.
Heather's Heavenly Vapors, Dragon's Fire - good cigarette tobacco flavour, not toasted, not aromatic. If you smoked Rothmans, Consulate and so on, not Lexington, Texan, etc.
Steeped 18 days shipping time + 4 or 5 days, say 3 weeks. Fine like that.
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As for WB Blackbird, I was going to say I found I had to give it some time. Initially I wasnt too impressed. It was nice but not amazing. Then after a few days it became really awesome. Also, what ohms were you vaping it at? I think Blackbird needs some power.

Yip @Andre did warn me about that and I tried it at 1,1Ω and while I didn't hate it at that price I would rather it went to a good cause of a convert... I didn't really want to sell it and wanted to try it again at maybe more power but I didn't really have any juices he liked except the Witches Brew so that went to a good cause!
Heather's Heavenly Vapors, Dragon's Breath - good cigarette tobacco flavour, not toasted, not aromatic. If you smoked Rothmans, Consulate and so on, not Lexington, Texan, etc.

Interesting @Cat. Sounds great.
Is that Dragons breath or Dragons Fire?
Sorry, correction: Dragon's Fire. (i'll edit.)

i've switched back to Dark Horse now, in an EVOD 1. It seeems less strong and pungent than it did at first, the first 2 or 3 tanks. It's what i'd recommend to people starting out with vaping, wanting tobacco flavours, tobacco substitutes - if they smoked strong cigarettes or pipe tobacco.
Sorry, correction: Dragon's Fire. (i'll edit.)

i've switched back to Dark Horse now, in an EVOD 1. It seeems less strong and pungent than it did at first, the first 2 or 3 tanks. It's what i'd recommend to people starting out with vaping, wanting tobacco flavours, tobacco substitutes - if they smoked strong cigarettes or pipe tobacco.

HHV do make really good tobacco flavoured juices!
I got some Huntsman before and really enjoyed that