What's in your hand right now?

In all its glory .. amir that cap look familiar? Lol

sent from JsPLAYn'Z headquarters

Looks boss brother man

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From this we can confirm that Stostas left hand is the dominant one .... and thats not because his holding his mod in the left hand :giggle:
Sommer baie Eisch, ja!

Eish eina ja, I am hopefully getting windows next week, have been living with black bags since Nov due to the hail up here, then insurance, then glass place, then holidays. I just want to be able to see outside again without having to actually open a window to do so
Eish eina ja, I am hopefully getting windows next week, have been living with black bags since Nov due to the hail up here, then insurance, then glass place, then holidays. I just want to be able to see outside again without having to actually open a window to do so
Damn, that sounds horrible! Why taking so long to be replaced?

Decided in my stupidity, after fighting and settling with insurer in January only, to replace with new aluminum windows, not taking 3 week lead time into consideration.:BangsHeads:
My Key has not left my hand since it landed. Three of my favorite things in one photo, good coffee, NarDa and my Skeleton key.
