Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Ring on doorbell yesterday at precisely 8am.
Who could it be? Ah yes, Fastway with my VapourMountain order. Lovely!

View attachment 598

From left to right
- some empty bottles and dropper bottles - i love those glass dropper bottles!
- Standard Vaping kit with 6 flavour concentrates - can't wait to try out the Orange flavour
- some ready made juices on the right. Bigger bottles at the back with flavours I loved from last time (Litchi & Peach Rooibos). In the front are a few new 10ml sample juices I have not tried yet.

Once again, all packaged perfectly with no spills.

Took just under a week to get here from the time I placed the order but that's because its Cape Town to JHB and its the December Xmas period. Not bad though.

Thanks @Oupa, you've given me lots to keep me busy with over the next week or two ;-)

Reviews will follow in time...
Your're gonna need a bigger lab:). Looking forward to your reviews. Still loving the orange - have ordered more concentrates.
LOL @Matthee, you are right. My "lab" is currently a single shelf in one of the cupboards in my home office. I ran out of space there so have resorted to keeping juices in cardboard boxes (to keep it out of the light) at various spots in my office. Was intending spending some time to sort things out and create more order...

As for the VM Orange concentrate - I smelled it - WAS LOVELY! Can't wait to mix it and vape it - but that will have to wait for a bit... I also got the Pineapple concentrate - also smells very good. But as I have learned, smell and taste can be very different ;-)
LOL @Matthee, you are right. My "lab" is currently a single shelf in one of the cupboards in my home office. I ran out of space there so have resorted to keeping juices in cardboard boxes (to keep it out of the light) at various spots in my office. Was intending spending some time to sort things out and create more order...

As for the VM Orange concentrate - I smelled it - WAS LOVELY! Can't wait to mix it and vape it - but that will have to wait for a bit... I also got the Pineapple concentrate - also smells very good. But as I have learned, smell and taste can be very different ;-)
Have been eyeing that Pineapple for some time - so would love to hear your impressions.
For the pineapple, I also got the ready made juice 10ml sample as well as the concentrate. So will definitely be reviewing it in the course of the next week or so. I try limit myself to one new juice flavour every 2 days or so, to keep focused and to enjoy the journey ;-)

Just to let you all know what's in my "review line up" over the next week or so from Vapour Mountain:
- Pineapple (18mg) - i think i'm going to like this one
- Passion Peach (18mg) - very interested in this
- Choc Mint (18mg) - just for fun
- Polar Mint (18mg) - to compare with the Twisp Polar Mint juice
- Marshmallow (18mg) - just for fun as well
- Taurus (18mg) - supposedly like Red Bull - just to compare with Twisp's Rebel juice, which I rate highly.

Finally got my Protank 3!
After vaping it for a day, I'd say:
- vapour is a little bit better than protank 2 (but only at higher power)
- seems to tolerate higher power without getting a burnt hit better than protank 2
- flavour is about identical to protank 2
- vape is warmer from dual coil protank 3
At the end of the day, if you have a protank 2, there's not really any compelling reason to get a protank 3, but if you're in the market for a new protank I would get the protank 3.
Hey u find a supplier for pt3 coils yet mines standing i dmt hav spare coils

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No, sorry twisted, no lead on spare coils yet. I imported this PT3 but shipping is 1,5months so it's not really worth it! I think CVS mentioned he had ordered stock of spare coils, but I don't know if he got them in yet.
Protank 2 coils will work in your protank 3 you just will lose some of the "Dual coil" effectiveness but you can use them in the meantime until protank 3 coils are stocked at retailers :)
look what i got from VapeSA

for the Kayfun clone and speedy service ordered at 230 pm yesterday, recieved it this morning at 7am
looks sweeet on the nemi
View attachment 596

KayFun Clone First impressions

Must say what an excellent tank

Really brings out the flavour on my DIY juices close to a dripping experience

Throat hit excellent, really packs a punch even with my 9mg juice

Huge amounts of vapour production

Filling the tank from the top is easy, no leaks or dry hits to date
air flow control screw pretty useless tho

It is now my official go to device
set at 0.9 / 1ohm microcoil around cotton on my nemesis clone with aw 18490's
congrats! Pity it is sold out now, would have bought one too...
KayFun Clone First impressions

Must say what an excellent tank

Really brings out the flavour on my DIY juices close to a dripping experience

Throat hit excellent, really packs a punch even with my 9mg juice

Huge amounts of vapour production

Filling the tank from the top is easy, no leaks or dry hits to date
air flow control screw pretty useless tho

It is now my official go to device
set at 0.9 / 1ohm microcoil around cotton on my nemesis clone with aw 18490's
Is there a specific method to fill from the top, Twist?
Is there a specific method to fill from the top, Twist?
from videos you screw off the top .. while holding the air hole closed turn the top on until it touches the 0 ring
tip upside down let the air bubble ( empty part of the tank be over the air hole ) and tighten .. ive only been filling this way with no leaks or flooding
Protank 2 coils will work in your protank 3 you just will lose some of the "Dual coil" effectiveness but you can use them in the meantime until protank 3 coils are stocked at retailers :)
According to my knowledge the PT2 coils wont work on a PT3, just what i've read, i may be wrong though..
According to my knowledge the PT2 coils wont work on a PT3, just what i've read, i may be wrong though..

As Far as I know they do, the protank 3 coils wont work in any of the others though.

Let me double confirm with the factory though - I read Here that they do so I may also be wrong
OK I just checked with the factory and they do not work, I apologize for this I should have checked first - just shows you cant believe everything you read :p
I love the Kayfun on the neme. It's one of my everyday setups.

Bloody stoked on incoming vape mail. It should be here today. And all this excitement over an iThaka mouthpiece for my own drip tips!
So I picked this up yesterday...


Five Pawns Gambit :) So far I really like it, not too sweet with a bit of savory, nice mellow throat hit. You can definitely taste the apple with the vanilla and an underlying pastry taste. Quite an intense flavour. Currently vaping it on the Igo-L with silica.

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Glad you like it. So far my favorite is queenside and grandmaster :h:
im so tempted

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