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im done buying for now lol

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hope they dont make anything else I want lol. from left to right

kayfun 3.1 with mtank X atmizoo roller

russian91 with pulse driptip polished by @iPWN X nemesis

Nimbus X Jm22

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
Wow, impressive CVS. Do they come with motor plan? ;-)
@Silver I had that freaking REO since November, tried to convince Derick to take his Christmas present early but he just.didn't.want.to. was killing me slowly.

I think last year was the first time he got his Christmas present on the right time, usually I can't wait, I love presents and I always give them early, but this year I'm proud to say I managed to wait, and of course he just had to wait till the kids opened all there presents before he opened his....
@Derick, congrats on your new vape. That is fantastic. Wish you many litres of vaping pleasure ;-)

@Matthee and @Melinda, so amazing what you did for Derick. You guys deserve medals.

I assume the whole thing was a big surprise?

Derick, the 5Pawns are really high quality juices - even on my Protanks I can taste their quality compared to the other juices I've tried so far. Would love to experience them on a well set up REO. Maybe we should get together some time ;-)
Yep, big surprise :) I'll take a look at the 5 pawns end of Feb, give them a go then, like I said, right now too broke even pay attention
Just got back from the post office!
From @Cape vaping supplies:
1. Helios RDA
2. RSST (with bonus ss wire/rope, thanks!)
3. 5m 28 gauge kanthal wire
4. 2 x heat insulated drip tips (finally maybe I can chain vape without burning my lips on an overheated dt!)
5. 2 x Kanger Aerotanks, one for me, one for @Shako- will they live up to the hype? Time will tell
6. Package of spare coils for PT2's
Wow @1am7h30n3 - that's a lovely set of stuff indeed!!

Enjoy all the kit

And do let us know how you find the Kanger Aerotanks

By the way, what resistance are those spare coils for PT2's
@Silver I had that freaking REO since November, tried to convince Derick to take his Christmas present early but he just.didn't.want.to. was killing me slowly.

I think last year was the first time he got his Christmas present on the right time, usually I can't wait, I love presents and I always give them early, but this year I'm proud to say I managed to wait, and of course he just had to wait till the kids opened all there presents before he opened his....

Incredible story - glad it remained a surprise!
By the way, what resistance are those spare coils for PT2's[/quote]

they are 1.8ohm @silver

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk HD
Ok thanks.

Gonna PM you
Ok so preliminary feedback on the aerotank (done half a tank and topped it up when I changed coils):
- they did it soooo right with the adjustable airflow control, you can go from wide open airy right down to fully closed off (and yeah you can just get that airflow control base and put it on your PT3 - probably better than coming out with a whole new tank, but hey that's how Kanger does it.)
- I'm getting gurgling and liquid up in my mouth, maybe i'm doing something wrong, but this is with both the included coils, much worse with one than the other.
- flavour is a very muted so far, vaping the same juice in PT3 and aerotank back to back and yeah, there's no comparison, the PT3 is delivering "full on flavour", the aerotank almost nothing.
- this thing handles 15w at full open air draw so far without any burnt or dry hits, while the PT3 only handles about 10.5W and the PT2 only handles about 7W

So far I'm not convinced (and I wasn't even completely convinced by PT3 over PT2 really)
Ok so preliminary feedback on the aerotank (done half a tank and topped it up when I changed coils):
- they did it soooo right with the adjustable airflow control, you can go from wide open airy right down to fully closed off (and yeah you can just get that airflow control base and put it on your PT3 - probably better than coming out with a whole new tank, but hey that's how Kanger does it.)
- I'm getting gurgling and liquid up in my mouth, maybe i'm doing something wrong, but this is with both the included coils, much worse with one than the other.
- flavour is a very muted so far, vaping the same juice in PT3 and aerotank back to back and yeah, there's no comparison, the PT3 is delivering "full on flavour", the aerotank almost nothing.
- this thing handles 15w at full open air draw so far without any burnt or dry hits, while the PT3 only handles about 10.5W and the PT2 only handles about 7W

So far I'm not convinced (and I wasn't even completely convinced by PT3 over PT2 really)

Thanks for the comments - let us know if you manage to get it right. Doesn't sound like that's how its supposed to be?
Ok so preliminary feedback on the aerotank (done half a tank and topped it up when I changed coils):
- they did it soooo right with the adjustable airflow control, you can go from wide open airy right down to fully closed off (and yeah you can just get that airflow control base and put it on your PT3 - probably better than coming out with a whole new tank, but hey that's how Kanger does it.)
- I'm getting gurgling and liquid up in my mouth, maybe i'm doing something wrong, but this is with both the included coils, much worse with one than the other.
- flavour is a very muted so far, vaping the same juice in PT3 and aerotank back to back and yeah, there's no comparison, the PT3 is delivering "full on flavour", the aerotank almost nothing.
- this thing handles 15w at full open air draw so far without any burnt or dry hits, while the PT3 only handles about 10.5W and the PT2 only handles about 7W

So far I'm not convinced (and I wasn't even completely convinced by PT3 over PT2 really)
Thanks for the honest feedback.
Update on aerotank:
- took it all apart and took the o rings off and put them back on just basically fiddled with the whole thing top to bottom, squished the chimney tighter onto the coils, didn't find anything out of place etc BUT when i put it back together it doesn't gurgle and feed me eliquid anymore.
- so it's working well, flavour is improving but isn't at PT3 levels yet, basically it's nice but it's not a game changer for me (yet), I'm going to keep playing with it, vaping it alongside my PT2/3 and see how things improve.

Those heat insulated drip tips are amazing!!! I can chain vape with the tank hot to the touch and my lips don't burn, this is what I've been after! So it's basically a heat insulator made up of a 510 drip tip connection at the bottom and you can plug a 510 drip tip into the top, adds a few mm to the height of your tank.
Strangely, i have had a very different experience, my views of the Aerotank is exactly what this reviewer experienced : http://content.spinfuel.com/kangertech-aero-tank-review/
I prefer it more than any of the larger tanks Kanger has ever produced. Very consistent, amazing flavour, and one can adjust the airflow to your personal preference. Just my 2c ;)
@Zodiac , that's awesome! Did you have any sort of break in time or anything? I'm getting better flavour now than my first hit. And yeah, agree 100%, that adjustable airflow is amazing.
@Zodiac , that's awesome! Did you have any sort of break in time or anything? I'm getting better flavour now than my first hit. And yeah, agree 100%, that adjustable airflow is amazing.
I'm glad its getting better for you @1am7h30n3 :) Yes, if you look at the amount of wick on those dual coils o_O, i had a suspicion that it would require some break in time, but after about half a tank, it was giving me an excellent Vape. It wasn't bad at all in the beginning either, Just felt like the wick wasn't fully saturated. I was using a 50/50 juice blend.
What's the capacity of the tank?
Alice in Vapeland - Fifteen foot falls, and two free samples :) The packaging and individual attention really blew me away !
Heard some good stuff about AIV. Let us know hit it is :)
Also interested in your AiV review - got a whole lot of them and dont really like any of them!
reviews on 15 foot falls are awesome thats y he got some

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ditto for the ones I got but I found something "off" with all the juices - a strange flavour that tastes a bit like alchohol.