Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

image.jpg Not strictly vapemail but just a little in love with the new toy, had to show it off somewhere :blush:
Many thanks to vapeclub for the vapemail, great packaging with even better contents.

Had a bit of a ding, but no damage whatsoever.

Smelled the elvis' breakfast through the packaging :)
Not quite "Vapemail", but this arrived on my doorstep today.

Bless my wife and her rediculous(but awesome) birthday presents.
Awesome wife, do cherish her.

via Tapatalk

We were out for dinner last night and she asked me "what do you want for your birthday?". My reply was, "a nice wallet that my cards wont keep falling out of!"

Guess I won't be getting that, then.
We were out for dinner last night and she asked me "what do you want for your birthday?". My reply was, "a nice wallet that my cards wont keep falling out of!"

Guess I won't be getting that, then.

After this there is no cards to worry about ;)