Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

In order of receiving...

Kanthal A1 - 32ga - 50m

Kanthal A1 - 24ga - 30m

And then I tried making my first coil...

...followed by my first clapton coil...

Not that I'll be using either of them, I have LOADS of practice to go before I'll be 100% happy with them :D
Clapton looks fine dude
Clapton looks fine dude

Thanks man, I'm sure it will get better over time. This was literally the first time I've tried it, second coil over all I've made since I heard about vaping. It's actually pretty straight forward. Once you get it going it takes care of itself :D
And my tank (GEM) from Romania (Mark Bugs) has arrived! Play time!


Topping the SX Mini


With stainless steel tank


OH MY HAT!!! :envy: Fomo doesnt begin to describe the feel I'm experiencing right now :-D

Awesome, awesome, awesome @Andre Congrats bud :clap: :rock:

I think a detailed review is in order :nerd:
And my tank (GEM) from Romania (Mark Bugs) has arrived! Play time!


Topping the SX Mini


With stainless steel tank

Now THAT is vapemail! I have a feeling this one might set the standard for tanks, flavour-wise. Will be keeping a close eye out for your review ;)
A last vape on my iSTick with a new glass that I got from fasttech

I'm thinking of going for the D2 hey. Are you going to MVC meet? Should hopefully have one by then.

I was doing some research about hybrid coils - twisted kanthal and nickel. If you twist 30ga kanthal with 28ga nickel, it'll fire almost 50c hotter than what you set it to. Might be the answer to "underpowered" iStick.
I'm thinking of going for the D2 hey. Are you going to MVC meet? Should hopefully have one by then.

I was doing some research about hybrid coils - twisted kanthal and nickel. If you twist 30ga kanthal with 28ga nickel, it'll fire almost 50c hotter than what you set it to. Might be the answer to "underpowered" iStick.
Not entirely sure as yet. I hopeyou get it by than..

Thats good to know. I thought the hybrids was just good for stability. I might just wait patiently, save and acquire a SX mini but my mind might change tomorrow. lol. As it did yesterday, and the day before.
VapeMail! :rock:
Ordered this morning, hand delivered just now in person by @KieranD himself, now THATS client satisfaction Guaranteed!

EH Pro Billow V2 Spare Glass x 1
100% Rayon CelluCotton RAYON x 5
VapoWire: Kanthal A-1 30G [ROUND] x 4
VapoWire: Kanthal A-1 28G [ROUND] x 4
EH Pro Billow V2 - Stainless Steel x 1

Happy Days,many thanks to @Dubz
Really awesome of @Dubz to include some drip tips and battery wraps,will really come in handy,my efests look scary!

MY new ipv 2 mini,25R and sleeves have arrived.
20150723032003.jpg 20150723032005.jpg
Vapeclub service great as always,quick pre month end top up
Some more goodies from @drew over at Valleyvapour :D This should last me a while

Vape Mail Baby! Some batteries for my baby REO and a couple of VTC4's and some battery cases!