Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Nothing like Vapemail brightening up a cold monday morning.
Thanks @Mike, so looking forward at trying these after work...

Now that's customer service. After my white chocolate flavouring spontaneously shattered in my hand derrick and Melinda to the rescue
A bit much for such small boxes :confused:

Yip they are not cheap but the quality is out of this world and this box will be with me for the rest of time! I have to say the workmanship is nothing short of perfect! I have never seen such a beautiful wooden box since I was born! Worth every cent. :)
@Rob Fisher you won't have to upgrade it any time soon either.

Personally I'm just a little sad that it's not finger / box jointed or dovetailed.
@Rob Fisher you won't have to upgrade it any time soon either.

Personally I'm just a little sad that it's not finger / box jointed or dovetailed.

It's got Secret Mitred Dovetails @Mike! I can assure you there isn't a box maker around that could do a nicer job. I can't explain the quality... it's a have to be seen to believe it.
Oh wow! As someone who has done some finger jointing and once attempted dovetailing, that's fantastic. Will last more than a lifetime!
Dude, I seriously can't pick one, I am currently contemplation putting a little of each into one tank :wondering:

I loved biscuit dreams - thats a good place to start, haven't tried any of the new ones though - those look ENTICING
That custard anise sounds interesting. Would love to hear your impressions.
I'm leaning towards that one to start with, although the Rum Raisin is right up there, along with all the others. Damnit, why did I order more than one!