Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Just a little something I picked up while in CPT. I had to try it after some very good recommendations and was rather dissapointed.... I was expecting the glass bottle with the skull and cork:D. Flavour wise it has not dissapointed. It may not be to everyone’s liking but for me this is a good juice, not really an ADV but rather like an after supper whisky and cigar (back in the days when I used to smoke and drink):
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Hi there where is CT did you get this, do they have a website?
Heard good things about Witches brew

Yay for Vape King. :)
Some goodies for the new mod on the drawing board and a mPT3 to replace the one that I melted with my blowtorch patina experiments. :)
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Hi there where is CT did you get this, do they have a website?
Heard good things about Witches brew

I see @Silver beat me to it.;) I got it at Vapemob in CPT. I cant speak for the rest of the WB range but Black Bird, for me is a great evening treat. I dont think it would be and ADV though, even at a quarter of the price. I just hope that @RevnLucky7 brings more incas this was the last bottle of 3mg they had.
Fetch is one of my favourites. Let us know how you find it.
Would love to try the Creamy Lemon Biscuits, but seems not to be available in 12 mg.

@Andre Have been vaping Fetch this morning and it is great! The papaya is well balanced with the plum, will keep vaping it and see what else I get.
My main juices are all 12mg but I had to get it for drippers, it's that good IMO!!
Will also keep a look out next time I get juices for a 12mg Fetch, it will make a great ADV for my MTL.
Next up i'd like to try Vapour Mountain's XXX, the citrus juice by Blends of Distinction (Had a taste of @Maxxis and it's also good) and a re-stock of LP.
@Andre Have been vaping Fetch this morning and it is great! The papaya is well balanced with the plum, will keep vaping it and see what else I get.
My main juices are all 12mg but I had to get it for drippers, it's that good IMO!!
Will also keep a look out next time I get juices for a 12mg Fetch, it will make a great ADV for my MTL.
Next up i'd like to try Vapour Mountain's XXX, the citrus juice by Blends of Distinction (Had a taste of @Maxxis and it's also good) and a re-stock of LP.
Thanks, got my 12 mg Fetch from VapeClub.
A little late, actually a lot late, but thanks to @Vapers Corner. Got this during their super sale last year.....BTW it was delivered the next day, just took me forever to post:eek:.

A regulated mod that I wanted to try and some Clapton wire:
Vape Mail Baby! :rock:

Epic fail on the hex screwdrivers... just a dash too big. :eek: Good win on the ceramic tweezers... always need those!
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Half fail and half win... replacement needles for syringes for juice! One decent size and the other not so much. :confused:
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Epic Vape Mail from Vapour Mountain! Code Red alert averted... the replacment XXX arrived in time before my first 100ml is finished! Then some old favourites to try again now that my palate has changed somewhat... Thanks for the high speed delivery @Oupa :rock:
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Small family stock up from Vapour Mountain. Berry Blaze for HRH, Melons for daughter in law and XXX for me. Coffee concentrate to jazz up the Creme de la Creme! Thanks to @Oupa and especially Chrystel who stays very polite and friendly despite me always forgetting something and having to ask to add to my original order - an administrative nightmare I am sure.

Ugh.. Getting Super jealous Waiting for my First VapeMail ever.. hahaha DAM U COURIERS HURRY UP!!!!!
My first Ever VapeMail has arrived. yay me.
By the Way Kudos to JuicyJoes for the Awesome Packaging Job.

My first Ever VapeMail has arrived. yay me.
By the Way Kudos to JuicyJoes for the Awesome Packaging Job.

This guys excitement is contagious! Not only that, but I think we can all relate to exactly what he has had to go through today!
@Stosta I only been vaping 2 Weeks or so.. Only had 1 Flavour Rocket Sheep Cloudsat.. NOn vaping friend Bought me some juices for Xmas but they where terrible. so yay.. Gonna home.. Switch on some freshly downloaded anime.. Scrub that tank clean and fill it with one of those new flavas.. :p
@Stosta I only been vaping 2 Weeks or so.. Only had 1 Flavour Rocket Sheep Cloudsat.. NOn vaping friend Bought me some juices for Xmas but they where terrible. so yay.. Gonna home.. Switch on some freshly downloaded anime.. Scrub that tank clean and fill it with one of those new flavas.. :p
Haha! I only been vaping for 4 weeks but am just getting out of the stage that I think you're going through! I went from 0 to 100 on the vaping scale in about 2 days. A month ago I was trying to figure out what a coil really was, and bought an EVOD anyway, now I'm building coils, and making my own juices, and spending an INSANE amount of money on all these wonderful things!

Best. Hobby. Ever.