Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

@Silver ........... make a point of remembering that feeling when you mix your first juice and it puts a smile on your face when you take that first vape.
I actually envy you for that excitement factor you are experiencing now. DIY can be loads of fun.
Feel free to ask anytime if there is a hickup. :)
@Silver ........... make a point of remembering that feeling when you mix your first juice and it puts a smile on your face when you take that first vape.
I actually envy you for that excitement factor you are experiencing now. DIY can be loads of fun.
Feel free to ask anytime if there is a hickup. :)

Thanks @KZOR
Will do!!!

Just got this little baby! Fantastic little set-up. All the features from the regular RX range - just at half the size!


Thanks to the guys at JJ's emporium

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No way - that is just too cute @Rude Rudi
Let us know how it performs and the battery life once youve used it for a while
Had two great DIY Vape mail days, yesterday Blckvapour and Carlos sent me some great parcels


Then today got my parcel from the flavourmill, needed that sugar cookie in my life


Also got the good boy from wiener Vape :)

man we have some amazing vendors in this country

Now I need hardware vapemail :banana:
@Stosta you are a legend sir!
Not only do i feel like I scored majorly on this tank exchange program, he added in tons of samples. Class act man, thanks!
Ok here we go again @Rob Fisher
Who is Vapeaways and what is that you are ordering!!??