Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

@Christos - this is seriously something we need to look into
Setting that thing up with a tame restricted fruity menthol
Im actually quite excited, lol
This Sounds interesting! Would like to see more on this one

I have had my eye on a Corona for a while now and when I saw the rhodium plated beauty with gold plated steel wick rope the fomo was too great to resist. Can’t wait to give it a test drive. Maybe when I’m setting on the boat I will give it a go.
@Silver this is definitely a desk mod. Titan on top of the Laisimo F4 quad batt. Setup weighs the same as a small moon.

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@Christos - this is seriously something we need to look into
Setting that thing up with a tame restricted fruity menthol
Im actually quite excited, lol
Ive been putting this purchase off because Of the mod.
I would need a 41mm mod to house it like the lassimo but I really wanted the lassimo to come with the pre release features it had i.e. a power bank for 4x 18650's.
If i can find a mod that will house it and is also a powerbank i may be trigger happy!
Ive been putting this purchase off because Of the mod.
I would need a 41mm mod to house it like the lassimo but I really wanted the lassimo to come with the pre release features it had i.e. a power bank for 4x 18650's.
If i can find a mod that will house it and is also a powerbank i may be trigger happy!

Please let me know because i may also be tempted
If i may ask, which/what coils are you running in that beast..
Titan coil.jpg

Jokes aside though, at the moment I'm running a dual alien build, 6 wraps 3.5mm ID ni80. 100-120w and it's still not that warm. Before that was dual fused claptons, 7 wraps 4mm ID that came to 0.4 total which was a bit tamer and vaped nicely at 75w.
View attachment 131231

Jokes aside though, at the moment I'm running a dual alien build, 6 wraps 3.5mm ID ni80. 100-120w and it's still not that warm. Before that was dual fused claptons, 7 wraps 4mm ID that came to 0.4 total which was a bit tamer and vaped nicely at 75w.

HAHAHA thanks man.. Very much interested in that setup...
Vape Pickup from Juicy Joes.

First time trying any cotton bacon product and I must say this stuff is impressive.
Will be making some fused superfine Claptons later.

I just love the packet that the juice arrives in, from the Drip Society @Cruzz_33

And many thanks to @daniel craig for telling me about Barista Brew S'mores Mocha Breeze - another one for my coffee collection!
I had intended buying only that one, but two others just jumped into my shopping cart behind my back! Cheeky little buggers!

20180508_142620.jpg 20180508_Juice.jpg
Bling delivered, around the 20 - 40 days they promised. Ordered 27 March 2018. Some NET tobaccos and batteries.
