Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Ooooh you got the Dvarw!! Nice one @Room Fogger :D Let us know what you think once you have a moment to test it. Also been curious about the Splash juices, so if you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts on it I’d appreciate it. :)
I am working tomorrow, have to open for contractors, so may have some time to build and mix, can’t wait to test the juices as well, so will give a verdict by end of the weekend.
As a heads up I tasted two juices that’s coming onto the market soon, it is bloody marvelous to say the least. Can’t wait to get my grubby paws on that.:D
I am working tomorrow, have to open for contractors, so may have some time to build and mix, can’t wait to test the juices as well, so will give a verdict by end of the weekend.
As a heads up I tasted two juices that’s coming onto the market soon, it is bloody marvelous to say the least. Can’t wait to get my grubby paws on that.:D

Great, no rush, and may good flavours be on your side for work tomorrow! ;)

Now you have me curious, will keep my eyes peeled for these new juices you mention..

A wonderful new tip for the BB from @akhalz:

and some flat head post screws for the Dvarw from @Moey_Ismail:
Vape Mail Baby! The doorbell rang (Sunday) and it's DHL! It's the Njord RDA after all this time... I ordered it right in the beginning and then the crap hit the fan and they held back shipping... I see they have added an ultem goodie so maybe this RDA may have some flavour now... we'll see...
Njord1.jpg Njord2.jpg Njord3.jpg Njord4.jpg
Vape Mail Baby! The doorbell rang (Sunday) and it's DHL! It's the Njord RDA after all this time... I ordered it right in the beginning and then the crap hit the fan and they held back shipping... I see they have added an ultem goodie so maybe this RDA may have some flavour now... we'll see...
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@Rob Fisher , this is great to see
Am very interested to hear your views with the normal cap - ie the one that Daniel overseas said had very little flavour....

Incidentally, I wonder what juices he was vaping in his rda. I cant remember if he mentioned what juices he vaped. I think he vaped a few. Maybe fruity menthols will work great in it?
I am working tomorrow, have to open for contractors, so may have some time to build and mix, can’t wait to test the juices as well, so will give a verdict by end of the weekend.
As a heads up I tasted two juices that’s coming onto the market soon, it is bloody marvelous to say the least. Can’t wait to get my grubby paws on that.:D

@Room Fogger New juices from Bumblebee?
@Room Fogger New juices from Bumblebee?
Yeas @Hooked I got the Splash- Virginia tobacco and a Caramel tobacco. Haven’t had a chance to try them yet, life happened, but will hopefully get a chance during the week. I have been buying the odd bottle of juice as I am still waiting to improve while not being able to mix to full potential yet.
Yeas @Hooked I got the Splash- Virginia tobacco and a Caramel tobacco. Haven’t had a chance to try them yet, life happened, but will hopefully get a chance during the week. I have been buying the odd bottle of juice as I am still waiting to improve while not being able to mix to full potential yet.

Oh... so sorry about that @Room Fogger
Every delivery i get from the courier guy is exactly at 8 in the morning. sometimes feel that the delivery boy from courier guy stands outside my gate and rings the doorbell exactly at 8am, awesome service and thanks @Vape Republic , can't wait to try these